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2020 RGMA PI Meeting

Event Date
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 2:00am - Friday, October 16, 2020 at 11:00am
Funding Program Area(s)

The Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) program area Principal Investigator (PI) meeting will be held virtually from October 13 to 16. The focus of this meeting is “Predictability of the Earth System." 

Tuesday, October 13

Welcome, Introductions and Expectations
Welcome Sharlene Weatherwax ; Gary Geernaert
Renu Joseph, Program Manager for Regional and Global Model Analysis Renu Joseph (Presentation)
Cristiana Stan, IPA for Earth and Environmental System Modeling Cristiana Stan (Agenda)
Breakout Group 1.1: Convection and Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
A Whitepaper Synthesizing Current and Future Earth System Science Research Travis A. O’Brien ; Ruby Leung ; Cristiana Stan Stan ; Renu Joseph (Presentation)
Whitepaper overview Ruby Leung ; Gabriel Kooperman (Presentation)
Convection and Surface-Atmosphere Interactions Breakout (Presentation)
Global Mesoscale Convective System Latent Heating Characteristics from GPM and IMERG Retrievals Nana Liu (Presentation)
Toward an Improved Estimate of Climate Sensitivity Robert Junod (Presentation)
Different Rainfall Characteristics in MCS and Non-MCS Events Lead to Different Hydroclimate Impacts and Roles in Land-Atmosphere Interactions Huancui Hu (Presentation)
Diagnosing the August 2020 Midwest Derecho Binod Pokharel (Presentation)
The Globally Coherent Pattern of Autumn Monsoon Precipitation Nandini Ramesh (Presentation)
The Association Between Extreme Rainfall Events and Forest Dynamics in the Amazon Robinson Negron-Juarez (Presentation)
Discussion Notes (Notes)
Discussion (Presentation)
Conservation of Dry Air, Water, and Energy in CAM and its Impact on Tropical Rainfall Bryce Harrop (Presentation)
Resolution-Sensitivity of the Hydrological Cycle over North Koichi Sakaguchi (Presentation)
WRF Modelling of Deep Convection and Hail Rebecca Barthelmie (Presentation)
A Framework for Dynamical Downscaling of CMIP6 Simulations in the Western US Stefan Rahimi (Presentation)
Summertime Convection and Surface Climate Over the Central U.S. in a Regional Convection-Permitting Simulation Hongchen Qin (Presentation)
Evaluation of Precipitation Characteristics in Global Convection Permitting Models Hsi-Yen Ma (Presentation)
Evaluation of Mesoscale Convective Systems in Climate Zhe Feng (Presentation)
A Relationship Between the Vertical Structure of Convection and Tropical Precipitation Climatology in CMIP6 Simulations Samson M Hagos (Presentation)
SSP-Based Land Use Change Scenarios: a Critical Uncertainty in Future Regional Climate Change Projection Melissa Bukovsky (Presentation)
Breakout Group 1.2: Ecosystem responses and feedbacks
Introduction and Charge Forrest Hoffman ; Dave Lawrence ; Charlie Koven
Non-Growing Season Plant Nutrient Uptake Controls Arctic Tundra William Riley (Presentation)
Biophysical Climate Impacts of Deforestation Accelerate Tropical Vegetation Carbon Loss Yue Li (Presentation)
Quantifying the Drivers and Predictability of Seasonal Changes in African Fire Jiafu Mao (Presentation)
The Age Distribution of Global Soil Carbon Inferred from Radiocarbon Measurements Zheng Shi (Presentation)
Deriving Functional Relationships Between Environmental Factors and Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Umakant Mishra (Presentation)
Detection and Attribution of Climate-Driven Extremes in Net Bharat Sharma (Presentation)
Climate Sensitivity and Biogeochemical Feedback Min Xu (Presentation)
Carbon and Climate Dynamics of CMIP6 Models in SSP Charlie Koven (Presentation)
Country-Level Land Carbon Sink and its Causing Components by the Middle of the 21st Century Lifen Jiang (Presentation)
Benchmarking Large-Scale Carbon Fluxes in the CMIP6 Ensemble Using Novel CO2 Observations Gretchen Keppel-Aleks (Presentation)
Plant Physiology Increases the Magnitude and Spread of the TCR in CMIP6 ESMs Claire Zarakas (Presentation)
Short-Term Favorable Weather Conditions Affect Long-Term Trends Kuang-Yu Chang (Presentation)
The Impact of a Changing Environment on Arctic Marine Georgiana Gibson (Presentation)
Evaluation of CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models with the IOMB System: Ocean Anthropogenic Carbon Uptake has a Low Bias from Weak Transport to the Ocean Interior Weiwei Fu (Presentation)
Variability in the Biophysical Environment of the Pacific Arctic Jaclyn Clement Kinney (Presentation)
Reducing Uncertainty in CMIP6 Model Projections Qing Zhu (Presentation)
Treatment of Observational Uncertainty in ILAMB Nathan Collier (Presentation)
Different Numerical Implementations Imply Uncertain Model Parameterization and Model Responses Jinyun Tang (Presentation)
Prospectus for a Workshop on CO2 Fertilization Feedbacks Nate McDowell (Presentation)
Proposed Changes to White Paper, Common Simulation Interests Forrest M Hoffman ; Dave Lawrence ; Charlie Koven (Presentation)
Breakout Group 1.3: Coastal system land-atmosphere-ocean interactions
Breakout Introduction and Overview Joel Rowland (Presentation)
Landfalling Tropical Cyclones and Their Coastal Impacts Shuyi S Chen (Presentation)
Summer Extreme Precipitation Over the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Region and Contributions from Different Precipitation Types Yun Qian (Presentation)
Quantifying Changes in Extreme Precipitation Associated with Future Tropical Cyclones Kevin Reed (Presentation)
Increasing near-coastal Tropical Cyclone activity along the U.S. East Coast in the Satellite Era Karthik Balaguru (Presentation)
Hydrological Extremes and Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns Associated with Coastal Cyclones Over the Eastern United States Colin Zarzycki (Presentation)
Changing Seasonality in North American High Latitude Rivers Katrina E Bennett (Presentation)
Reduced Model for the Functional Behavior of Arctic Riverine Amadini Mendis Jayasinghe (Presentation)
Arctic Aquatic Carbon Cycling: Model Component Scott Elliott (Presentation)
An Integrated Hydro-Physiographic Metadata Archive for Pan-Arctic Rivers (IHPGM-Arctic) Kurt Solander (Presentation)
Future Changes in the Relationship Between Tropical Cyclones and ENSO Christina Patricola (Presentation)
Classifying coastal environments on Alaska’s North Slope Anastasia Piliouras (Presentation)
Leveraging Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) Model Results at Drew Diana Bull (Presentation)
The Impact of Flooding on Permafrost Elchin Jafarov (Presentation)
Coastal Dynamics Discussion of Challenges and Gaps (Presentation)
Atmospheric Discussion of Challenges and Gaps (Presentation), (Presentation)
Terrestrial Fluxes to Coast Discussion of Challenges Anastasia Piliouras (Presentation)
Ocean Subgroup Breakout Notes (Notes)
Whole Group Reports Joel Rowland ; Karthik Balaguru ; Yun Qian ; Anastasia Piliouras (Presentation)
Breakout Group 1.4: Synoptic to intraseasonal-scale interactions
Whitepaper overview William Boos ; Jian Lu (Presentation)
Amplified Madden–Julian Oscillation Impacts in the Pacific–North America Region in a Warmer Climate Da Yang (Presentation)
Madden-Julian Oscillation in E3SMv1 Daehyun Kang (Presentation)
MJO modulation of tropical cyclogenesis in the DOE E3SMv1 Yumin Moon (Presentation)
QBO – MJO Connection in CMIP6 Models Julie M Caron (Presentation)
Evidence for Coupling Between the Subseasonal Oscillations Jian Lu (Presentation)
Tropical Cyclones: Controls on TC Seeds and Role of Radiative Interactions in Tropical Cyclone Gabriel Vecchi (Presentation)
Windstorms in the Northeastern United States Sarah Pryor (Presentation)
Meteorological Environments Associated with California Wildfires and their Roles in Wildfire Changes During 1984-2017 Lu Dong (Presentation)
Applying Machine Learning to Associate Precipitation Extremes Katie Dagon (Presentation)
Emergence of Seasonal Delay of Tropical Rainfall During 1979-2019 Fengfei Song (Presentation)
Sources of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Predictability of Atmospheric Rivers and Precipitation in the Western U.S. Huanping Huang (Presentation)
Seasonal streamflow forecast using Long Short-Term Memory Chaopeng Shen (Presentation)
System Identification Techniques for Detection of Teleconnections Ben Kravitz
Precipitation Variability Across Time Scales in CMIP 5 and 6 Models Min-Seop Ahn (Presentation)
Uncertainties in Atmospheric River Life Cycles by Detection Yang Zhou (Presentation)

Project Overviews 1.1
Modeling Arctic Storms and Impacts on Diminishing Sea Ice John Walsh (Presentation)
Breakout Group 1.4: Synoptic to intraseasonal-scale interactions
Why did the MJO improve in the Met Office Unified Model? Nicholas Klingaman (Presentation)
Project Overviews 3.2
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Wei Cheng (Presentation)

Wednesday, October 14

Breakout Group 2.3: Multi-Year Earth System Variability Predictability and Prediction
Whitepaper overview Benjamin Kirtman ; Gerald Meehl ; Christina Patricola (Presentation)
Rapporteur Notes Haiyan Teng (Notes)
Session Notes (Notes)
Surface Climate Decadal Predictability in a Multi-Model Collection of Large Ensembles Haiyan Teng (Presentation)
Mining Large Climate Model Datasets to Make Multi-Year Initialized Global SST Forecasts Matt Newman (Presentation)
Machine Learning as a Tool for Climate Predictability Studies Balu Nadiga (Presentation)
Deep Learning for Creating Surrogate Models of Precipitation Ben Kravitz
Are Newer Climate Models better in Simulating Extratropical Modes of Variability than Older Ones? Jiwoo Lee ()
Role of AMOC in Transient Climate Response to Greenhouse Gas Forcing in Two Coupled Models Aixue Hu (Presentation)
The Impacts of Tropical-Extratropical Coupling on Pacific Climate Yingying Zhao (Presentation)
Enhanced interactions of Kuroshio Extension Youngji Joh
Colorado River Water Supply is Predictable on Multi-Year Timescales Owing to Long-Term Ocean Memory Simon Wang (Presentation)
Connection Between Seasonal and Future Precipitation Sensitivity Di Chen (Presentation)
Rapporteur Notes Lu Dong (Notes)
Correcting the Double-ITCZ Bias Dials Down Future Precipitation Over Mediterranean Climate Regions in North Hemisphere Lu Dong (Presentation)
Assessing Hydrologic Sensitivity in CMIP6: Internal Variability Versus Anthropogenic Forcing Jesse Norris (Presentation)
Can We Disentangle the Impact of Changes in Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols on Recent Decadal Changes in Hydroclimate? Celine J Bonfils (Presentation)
Anthropogenic Influences on African Easterly Waves Emily Bercos-Hickey (Presentation)
Multi-Frequency Analysis of Modeled-Versus-Observed Variability in Tropospheric Temperature Giuliana Pallotta (Presentation)
Rapporteur Notes Stephen Po-Chedley (Notes)
Natural Variability Can Explain Model-Satellite Differences in Tropical Tropospheric Warming Stephen Po-Chedley (Presentation)
Multi-year Predictions of Snow Water Equivalent over North America in Global and Regional Climate Models Rachel R McCrary (Presentation)
Visualizing Drivers Associated with West Coast Atmospheric Rivers using a Deep Learning Framework Naomi Goldenson (Presentation)
Deep Learning Forecasting of High-Latitude Climate Variability Tarun Verma (Presentation)
Rapporteur Notes Tarun Verma (Notes)
Partitioning Climate Projection Uncertainty With Multiple Large Ensembles and CMIP5/6 Flavio Lehner (Presentation)
Causes of Recent Changes in Extreme Wildfire in California’s South Coast Yen-Heng Lin (Presentation)
Whitepaper overview and discussion Benjamin Kirtman ; Gerald Meehl ; Christina Patricola (Presentation)
Breakout Group 2.1: Extremes and Impacts
Introduction and White Paper Overview Kevin Reed ; Angeline Pendergrass (Presentation)
Quantitiative Precipitation Estimation of Extremes Over the the Continental United States with Radar Data Edward M Molter (Presentation)
Evaluation of Extreme Subdaily Precipitation in High-Resolution Global Climate Model Simulations Michael Wehner (Presentation)
Quantifying the Influence of Natural Climate Variability on in SITU Measurements of Seasonal Total and Extreme Daily Precipitation Mark Risser (Presentation)
Anthropogenic Influence on Historical Extreme Precipitation Over Global Land Areas Detected Using an ‘Explainable’ Artificial Neural Network Gavin D Madakumbura (Presentation)
Linking Hails and Tornadoes to Mesoscale Convective Systems Jingyu Wang (Presentation)
Impact of Tropical Cyclones on the Climate Hui Li (Presentation)
Identification, Predictability and Future Projections of Large-Scale Abhishekh Srivastava (Presentation)
Precipitation Morphology in the Western United States: Its Relationship to Ambient Atmospheric Conditions and Future Changes Xiaodong Chen (Presentation)
The Shifting Scales of Western US Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers Under Climate Change Alan Rhoades (Presentation)
Examination of Miracle Spring Precipitation Under the Warmer Climate in Colorado River Basin Binod Pokharel (Presentation)
Revolutionizing Large-Scale Parameter Calibration for Land Surface Hydrologic Models Using Deep Learning Chaopeng Shen (Presentation)
Quantifying the Coherence of Deficit (Droughts) and Excess Naresh Devineni (Presentation)
Increased Floods and Droughts in the US Midwest From Warming Wenyu Zhou (Presentation)
Using Object-Based Methods to Evaluate 36-Month Drought Brandon J Fisel (Presentation)
How Important are Large-Scale Climate Influences for the Predictability of Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwaves? Antonietta Capotondi (Presentation)
The Continuum of Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwaves and Their Relationship to the Tropical Pacific Tongtong Xu (Presentation)
Breakout Group 2.2: Cloud and Cloud-Aerosol Interactions and Feedbacks
Welcome Steve Klein ; Hui Su ; Jiwen Fan
Introduction to the Whitepaper Stephen Klein ; Jiwen Fan ; Brian Medeiros ; Hui Su (Presentation)
Clouds feedbacks in the WCRP Assessment Stephen Klein (Presentation)
Validation of CMIP5 Tropical Fast Feedback Processes and Comparison to Temperature Trends Roy W Spencer (Presentation)
Cloud Feedbacks Cause Higher Climate Sensitivity in CMIP6 Mark Zelinka (Presentation)
Observational Constraints on Decadal Low Cloud Feedbacks Timothy Myers (Presentation)
Spurious Late Historical-Era Warming in CESM2 John Fasullo (Presentation)
Cloud Feedbacks in E3SM: Do Atmosphere-Only Experiments Reproduce Fully-Coupled Results? Yi Qin (Presentation)
The Impact of Cloud Radiative Effects on the Distribution of Tropical Precipitation Brian Medeiros (Presentation)
Precipitation-Radiation-Circulation Feedback Processes William Lau (Presentation)
Roles of Aerosol, Cloud and Associated Radiative Feedbacks in the Recent Arctic Warming Hailong Wang (Presentation)
A Modeling Examination of Cloud Seeding Conditions Under the Warmer Climate in Utah, USA Binod Pokharel (Presentation)
Anthropogenic Aerosol Impacts on Deep Convective Clouds and Precipitation Over Houston Yuwei Zhang (Presentation)
The Tug-of-War Between Regional Warming and Anthropogenic Aerosol Effects Simon Wang (Presentation)
Using CESM-RESFire to Understand Climate-Fire-Ecosystem Yufei Zou (Presentation)
Notes From the Clouds and Aerosols Breakout Brian Medeiros (Notes)
Breakout Group 2.4: High Latitude Processes and Feedbacks
Introduction and breakout overview Wilbert Weijer (Presentation)
Breakout notes: White Paper Discussion Theresa Morrison (Notes)
Breakout notes: High/Low-Latitude Linkages Yannick Peings (Notes)
High-Latitude Processes and Feedbacks Breakout (Notes)
Breakout Notes: High-latitude processes Anastasia Piliouras (Notes)
High-Latitude Processes and Feedbacks Breakout (Report-Out) (Notes)
Unraveling Driving Forces for the Arctic Surface Albedo Reduction Since the 1980s Rudong Zhang (Presentation)
Assessing Prior Emergent Constraints on Surface Albedo Feedback in CMIP6 Chad Thackeray (Presentation)
Are 100 Ensemble Members Enough to Capture the Remote Atmospheric Response to +2°C Arctic Sea Ice Loss ? Yannick Peings (Presentation)
An Assessment of Pan-Arctic Sea Ice and Regional Limitations in CMIP6 Historical Simulations Matthew Watts (Presentation)
Understanding Ocean Effects on the Response of the Atmosphere to Arctic Sea-Ice Loss Using a Hierarchy of Ocean Models Tien-Yiao Hsu (Presentation)
Opposite Responses of the Dry and Moist Eddy Heat Transport Into the Arctic in the PAMIP Experiments Alexandre Audette (Presentation)
Evaluating the Sea Ice Volume Solution in a High-Resolution Climate Models Detelina Ivanova (Presentation)
The Role of Sea Ice Physics in Modeling and Prediction of Arctic Climate Change Wieslaw Maslowski (Presentation)
Latent Heating and Large Scale Transport Cause Arctic Amplification in a Model Without Sea Ice Robert Fajber (Presentation)
Regional Arctic System Model: An Approach for Dynamical Downscaling of Global Climate Reanalysesand Projections at Seasonal to Decadal Timescales Wieslaw Maslowski (Presentation)
Transport of Heat Across the Greenland Continental Shelf by Winds and Eddies in High-Resolution Ocean-Sea Ice Simulations Theresa Morrison (Presentation)
Modeling Studies on Blowing Snow Processes Associated with Extreme Arctic Weather Jing Zhang (Presentation)
CMIP6 Models Predict Significant 21st Century Decline Wilbert Weijer (Presentation)
An Arctic Summer Intense Storm and its Role in Accelerating Sea Ice Decrease Xiangdong Zhang (Presentation)
Understanding the Evolution of Summer and Winter Polynyas Along Northern Greenland Younjoo Lee (Presentation)
Labrador Sea Freshening Linked to Beaufort Gyre Freshwater Release Jiaxu Zhang (Presentation)
Arctic Deltas Modify Riverine Fluxes Anastasia Piliouras (Presentation)
Using Machine Learning to Explore Teleconnections from Lower Balu Nadiga (Presentation)
Water Balance Response of Permafrost-Affected Watersheds to Changes in Air Temperature Vladimir Alexeev (Presentation)

Thursday, October 15

Breakout Group 1 Reports
Convection and Surface-Atmosphere Interactions Ruby Leung ; Gabriel Kooperman (Presentation)
Coastal System Land-Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions Joel Rowland ; Karthik Balaguru ; Yun Qian ; Anastasia Piliouras (Presentation)
Synoptic to Intraseasonal-Scale Interactions (Presentation)
Updates from Working Groups Model Intercomparison Projects and Collaborative Activities
CMIP6 Hackathon and Follow-on Activities Wilbert Weijer (Presentation)
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project Christine Shields (Presentation)
RUBISCO Soil Carbon Dynamics Working Group Umakant Mishra (Presentation)
RUBISCO-AmeriFlux Working Group Trevor Keenan (Presentation)
Precipitation Metrics Workshop & Working Group Peter Gleckler ; Ruby Leung (Presentation), (Presentation)
Coordinated Model Evaluation Capabilities (CMEC) Paul Ullrich ; Forrest M Hoffman (Presentation)

Friday, October 16

Breakout Group 2 Reports
Extremes and Impacts Breakout Notes (Notes)
Extremes and impacts Angeline Pendergrass ; Jesse Norris ; Kevin Reed (Presentation)
Cloud and Cloud-Aerosol Interactions and Feedbacks Stephen Klein ; Jiwen Fan ; Brian Medeiros ; Hui Su (Presentation)
Multi-Year Earth System Variability, Predictability, and Prediction Christina Patricola ; Ben Kirtman ; Gerald Meehl (Presentation)
High Latitude Processes and Feedbacks Wieslaw Maslowski (Presentation)
Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Panel
ML/AI Poll, and Questions for the Panel Katie Dagon (Presentation)
AI for Science Town Hall Forrest M Hoffman ; Rao Kotamarthi ; Haruko Wainwright (Presentation)
Notes From Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Panel Bill Collins ; Balu Nadiga ; Alex Hall (Notes)