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Monday, May 12

Day 1: Impacts, Adaptation, and Complex Dynamics
Developing a Predictive Model to Identify Potential Electric Grid Stress Events Due to Climate and Weather Factors Jennie Rice (Presentation)
Comparing Alternative Modeling Approaches for the Assessment of Energy Infrastructure Vulnerability to Coastal Storm Surge Benjamin Preston (Poster)
Evaluation of GCAM Agricultural Land Use Modeling: A Hindcasting Experiment Comparing Model Behavior to History Marshall Wise (Poster)
ClimatePipes: Analysis and Visualization of Climate and Geospatial Datasets for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Aashish Chaudhary
Climate Impacts, Food Security and Land-Based Mitigation Benefits of R&D-Based Agricultural Adaptation Thomas Hertel
Regional Integrated Assessment Modeling: Supply, Transmission and Demand in a Rapidly Evolving U.S. Energy System Steven J Fernandez
Leveraging Emulators for Integrated Assessment Modeling of Climate Impacts Ian Sue Wing
Climate Change, Water Resources and Irrigated Crop Yields: A Modeling Framework for Integrated Assessment of the US Elodie Blanc
Climate Vulnerability of Water Sector Infrastructure Vincent Tidwell (Presentation)
Sensitivities of Electricity Generation to Climate Change Related Temperature Increases: A Regional Experiment Thomas Wilbanks (Presentation), (Presentation), (Presentation)
Energy Consumption and the Unexplained Winter Warming over Northern Asia and North America Ming Cai (Poster)
Climate Impacts on New Connected Infrastructure Vulnerabilities Steven J Fernandez (Presentation)
A River Temperature Model for Assessing Climate Impacts on the U.S. Energy System Adam Schlosser
Day 1: Toward a Hierarchy of Integrated Models - Complexity, Scales, and Coupling Strategies
CAM5 at Global High-Resolution and Regionally Refined High-Resolution Mark Taylor (Poster)
3-D Radiative Transfer Impact on Surface Hydrology Over Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains in WRF and CCSM4 Kuo-Nan Liou
Application of POD Mapping Method in Land Surface Models George Shu Heng Pau (Poster)
An Object-Oriented, Open-Source Model for Scientific and Policy Analyses of the Global Carbon Cycle - Hector Ben Bond-Lamberty (Presentation)
Regional Earth System Model for U.S. Northeast Corridor - Complexity, Scales, and the Intersection of Climate, Biogeophysical and Energy Modeling Domains Vatsal Bhatt (Poster)
Quantifying the effects of climate change impacts on future hydropower generation Mohamad Hejazi
Dynamics and Impacts of Fine-Scale Change Noah Diffenbaugh
One-way coupling of the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) and the Community Land Model: An outlook of future water deficits in the U.S. Mohamad Hejazi (Poster)
Understanding the Importance of Scale in an Integrated Assessment Model: Insights from Multi-Scale Agricultural Simulations with GCAM Allison Thomson (Poster)
Potential Impacts of Heat Waves and Coincident Drought on Electric Reliability, Cost, and CO2 Emissions in the Eastern U.S. Grid Jennie Rice (Poster)
Coastal Downscaling Experiments: Can CESM Fields Successfully Force Regional Coastal Ocean Simulations with Strong Freshwater Forcing? Parker MacCready (Poster)
A Systematic Deficiency of Climate Models that Compromises Regional Climate Projections and Integrated Assessments Prashant Sardeshmukh
A New High-Resolution Global Climate Simulation Using Community Atmosphere Model Version 5 and an Eddy-Resolving Ocean Model Justin Small
Software Engineering for Broad Scientific Communities around the Community Land Model Dali Wang
Assessing Skill in a Low-Resolution CESM Ensemble Ryan Sriver (Poster)
Developing a Large Scale Stream Temperature Model within the CESM Framework Hong-Yi Li (Poster)
Analysis of Climatic Impacts to Connected Infrastructure Dynamics: Technology Insertion Loren Toole
Towards Parameterization of Root-Rock Hydrologic Interactions in the Earth System Model Inez Y Fung (Poster)
Investigating Soil Moisture Spatial Scaling using Reduced Order Models and Analysis of Fractal Temporal Evolution Patterns Chaopeng Shen (Presentation)
Implications of Constant Land Unit Boundaries for Land Use Projection in a Changing Climate Alan Di Vittorio (Poster)
The South Pacific Meridional Mode: A Mechanism for ENSO-like Variability and a Precursor for ENSO Amy Clement

Tuesday, May 13

Day 2: Biogeochemical Feedbacks
Soil Organic Carbon Response to Cultivation in the Community Land Model Beth Drewniak (Poster)
Linking Marine Biogeochemistry and Primary Organic Marine Aerosol Susannah Burrows (Poster)
Constraining the Community Land Model Using Biogeochemical Observations: Carbon Exchange on Multiple Timescales David Moore
Implementation, Optimization, and Science Tests of Photolysis in CAM5 Michael Prather (Poster)
Variable C:N:P Stoichiometry of Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling in the Community Earth System Model J. Keith Moore
Impacts of Incorporating Root Hydraulic Redistribution on Global Evapotranspiration Predictions using CLM4.5 William Riley (Poster)
Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variability in Wetland Methane Emissions Simulated by CLM4Me and CAM-Chem and Comparisons to Observations Natalie Mahowald (Poster)
An Offline Implicit Solver for Simulating Ocean Tracers Francois Primeau
Influence of Phosphorus Cycle Coupling on Biogeochemistry Feedbacks Peter Thornton
Impacts of a Mushy-Layer Thermodynamic Approach in Global Sea-Ice Simulations using the CICE Sea-Ice Model Adrian Turner
The Impact of Methane Clathrate Emissions on the Earth System Philip Cameron-Smith
Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in Earth System Models Forrest Hoffman (Poster), (Poster)
The Role of the Arctic Permafrost and Biogeochemistry in the Global Climate System Qianlai Zhuang (Presentation)
Explicit Representation of Microbial-enzyme Functions in Terrestrial Ecosystem Models Gangsheng Wang
Synthesis of Long-Term Remote Sensing LAI for Applications in Land Surface and Earth System Models: Homogenization and Intercomparison Jiafu Mao (Poster)
Day 2: Climate Variability and Global Change
Variability Change and Anthropogenic Signal Emergence in Greenland Surface Mass Balance Jeremy Fyke
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Modes of Variability and Climate Impacts Alexey Fedorov (Poster)
PCMDI-Led Community Benchmarking of Climate Models Peter Gleckler
Centennial Trend and Decadal-to-Interdecadal Variability of Atmospheric Angular Momentum in Climate Model Simulations Huei-Ping Huang (Poster)
How the AMOC Affects Climate: The North Atlantic Versus an Interhemispheric Seesaw Les Muir (Poster)
Understanding the Diurnal Cycle of Wind and Convection over the Tropical Pacific Ocean using Hindcasts in the Community Atmosphere Model Brian Medeiros
Anthropogenic Footprints on ENSO and its Precursor: Are Greenhouse Gases Changing ENSO Precursors in the Western North Pacific? Jin-Ho Yoon (Poster)
Forced and Free 20th Century Changes in Atmospheric Circulation and Storminess Associated with Global Warming Prashant Sardeshmukh
An Assessment of Radiative Forcing, Radiative Adjustments, and Radiative Feedbacks in Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Models Brian Soden
The Influence of Tropical Air-Sea Interaction on the Climate Impact of Aerosols: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach Ramalingam Saravanan
A Sensitivity Study on Modeling Black Carbon in Snow and its Radiative Forcing over the Arctic and Northern China Yun Qian (Poster)
The Strength of the Tropical Inversion and its Response to Climate Change in 18 CMIP5 Models Xin Qu (Poster)
Progress on Understanding Cloud-Radiation Interactions Mark Zelinka (Poster)
Is AMOC More Predictable Than North Atlantic Heat Content? Grant Branstator (Poster)
Drying of the Mediterranean and the Role of the Atlantic Storm Tracks: Responses to Greenhouse Gases and the North Atlantic Oscillation Mingfang Ting
Why Do CMIP5 Underestimate Variability and Change of the Dry Season Length Over Amazonia Rong Fu
TECA at 750,000 Cores: Lessons Learned from a Hero Run on Mira Mr Prabhat (Poster)
The Atmospheric Response to Weak SST Fronts Niklas Schneider
Assessment of Climate Model Simulated Clouds through Satellite Simulators Yuying Zhang
Understanding Intermodel Variability in the Response of Global-Mean Precipitation to CO2 Forcing Anthony DeAngelis (Poster)
Global Simulations of Atmospheric Rivers and Extreme Precipitation Events Jeffrey Kiehl (Poster)
External Influences on Precipitation Mean State and Variability Celine Bonfils (Poster)
Tropical Warming and Hurricane Trends Sensitive to Subtle Differences in Observational Sea Surface Temperature Data Stephan Fueglistaler
Radiative Forcings of Wild Fire Aerosol and Impacts on North American Climate Xiaohong Liu (Poster)
Modeling Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions over East Asia Wei-Chyung Wang (Poster)
Could the Early-2000s Hiatus of Global Warming have been Predicted in the 1990s? Gerald Meehl
Uncertainty Quantification of Regional Climate Change Based on Structural Uncertainty in Atmospheric GCMs Chris Forest (Poster)
Comparison Between Climate Projections with Parameterized and Super-Parameterized Convection Cristiana Stan (Presentation), (Presentation)
The Use of Fractional Accumulated Precipitation for the Evaluation of the Annual Cycle of Monsoons in CMIP5 Historical and RCP8.5 Simulations Kenneth Sperber (Poster)
A New Measure of Model Performance Karl Taylor
Drivers of Wetter South Asian Summer Monsoon in the 21st Century Moetasim Ashfaq (Poster)
Radiative and Dynamical forcing of El Nino-Related Global Temperature Anomalies in the Observations and in CMIP5 Models Taewon Park (Poster)
The Asian Summer Monsoon: An Intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 Simulations of the Late 20th Century Kenneth Sperber (Poster)
Development of the Unified Z-Grid Icosahedral Model (UZIM) at CSU Celal Konor (Poster)
Changes in Ocean Heat Content from the 20th to 21st Centuries Susan Bates (Presentation)
How Different is too Different? How Different is Different Enough? Claudia Tebaldi
Diagnostics of Interannual-to-Interdecadal Climate and Streamflow Variability: Applications to Reservoir Management over NW India Andrew Robertson (Poster)
Bio-Availability of Iron Inputs to the Ocean Driven by Aerosol Chemistry in Dust Yan Feng (Poster)
Understanding Monsoon Variability in a Changing Climate H Annamalai
Scrutinizing Forced and Unforced Variability in CMIP5 Timothy DelSole (Poster)
Local Fidelity and Remote Teleconnection Influences on Atmospheric Blocking in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) Rich Neale (Poster)
Feedback Attribution of the Land/Sea Warming Contrast in NCAR CCSM4 Global Warming Simulations Oriene Albert (Poster)
Is the Pacific Walker Circulation Changing in Response to Global Warming? Gilbert Compo
CMIP Global Ocean Diagnostics Paul Durack (Poster)
Progresses in Understanding ENSO in Climate Models and Observation Fei-Fei Jin
Pacific Decadal Variability in CCSM3 Wilbert Weijer (Poster)
Impacts of Model Biases in Aerosol Distribution on Climate Simulation of the Western Pacific Warm Pool Region Salil Mahajan
Day 2: High Impact/Low Probability events
Oceanic Influence on Seasonal Atlantic Tropical Cyclone (TC) Activity: Pacific vs. Atlantic Ping Chang (Poster)
Global Warming Changes and Parameter Sensitivity in Deep Convective Statistics in CESM J David Neelin
Tropical Cyclone Modeling with the DOE/NCAR Variable-Resolution General Circulation Model CAM-SE Christiane Jablonowski (Presentation)
Resolution Dependence of Future Tropical Cyclone Projections of CAM5.1 in the US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group Idealized Configurations Michael Wehner (Poster)
Simulated and Observed Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Extreme Temperature Days over North America Anthony Broccoli (Presentation)
21st Century Changes in Precipitation Extremes Over the United States: Can Climate Analogues Help or Hinder? Xiang Gao
Hierarchy of Models for Studying the Climatology and Strucutre of Tropical Storms Isaac Held (Presentation)
Modern Statistical Techniques for Characterization of Extreme Precipitation During Atmospheric River Events Soyoung Jeon (Poster)
The Robust Dynamical Contribution to Precipitation Extremes in Idealized Warming Simulations across Model Resolutions (Presentation)
Using the Resolution Dependence of Modeled Extreme Event Fidelity to Drive Model Development: Model Devaluation within the CASCADE SFA Travis O'Brien (Presentation)
The Impact of Mesoscale Resolution on the Simulation of Warm Season Precipitation over the Continental US Joe Tribbia
Anatomy of a Climate Science-centric Unified Workflow Hari Krishnan (Poster)
The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project Dáithí Stone (Poster)
Resolution and Dycore Dependence of the Atmospheric River Statistics in Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) Samson Hagos (Poster)
Probability of U.S. Heat Waves Affected by a Subseasonal Planetary Wave Pattern Haiyan Teng (Poster)
The Weather-Climate Nexus: Large-Scale Organization of Extreme Events Robert Black (Presentation)
Dynamical Simulations in North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity using Observed Low Frequency SSTs Oscillation Imposed on CMIP5 Model SSTs Tim LaRow (Poster)

Wednesday, May 14

Day 3: Diagnosing the Climate System
Diagnosis of High-Time-Frequency CMIP Output Curt Covey (Poster)
Validation and Verification Software for a Robust Evaluation of Continental-scale Ice Sheet Models Katherine Evans (Poster)
Network Connectivity in Climate Simulations from the Recent Past to the Twenty-Third Century Annalisa Bracco
Developing an Automatic Metric and Diagnostic Package for CAPT Simulations Yuying Zhang
Evaluating CMIP Simulations of Historical Continental Climate using Koeppen Bioclimatic Metrics Thomas Phillips (Poster)
Development of an Isotope-Enabled CESM for Testing Abrupt Climate Changes Zhengyu Liu ; Bette L. Ott-Bliesner (Presentation), (Presentation)
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Precipitation at Global and Local Scales in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 Yun Qian (Poster)
Identifying the Anthropogenic Footprints using both Observation and Coupled Climate Model Jin-Ho Yoon (Poster)
Diagnosing and Improving the Characteristics of Atmospheric Model Dynamical Cores via Idealized Test Cases Christiane Jablonowski (Presentation)
A Dissection of the Surface Temperature Biases in the Community Earth System Model Yi Deng (Poster)
Detection of Historical Precipitation Trends Over the Continental United States Bruce Anderson
Understanding CMIP5 Systematic Model Biases in Surface Temperature, Cloud, Precipitation and Radiation through the Hindcast Approach Hsi-Yen Ma (Presentation)
Fully Resolved Whole-Continent Antarctica Simulations using the BISICLES AMR Ice Sheet Model Coupled with the POP2x Ocean Model Daneil Martin (Poster)
An Alternative Initialization Strategy for Present-Day Transient Climate Simulations Julie McClean
Climate Workflow Automation and Optimization on DOE Resources John Harney
Web-based Visual Analytics for Extreme Scale Climate Science Chad Steed
Physical Mechanism Underlying Tropical Rainfall Biases from Transpose AMIP Simulation with CAM5 Jianhua Lu (Poster)
Diagnosing the Sensitivity of CAM5's MJO to Physical Parameters Christiane Jablonowski (Poster)
Nudging Strategies for the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) Julio Bacmeister (Poster)
Developing Fully Implicit CAM-SE for High Performance Hybrid Systems Rick Archibald (Poster)
An Efficient Method for Discerning Climate-Relevant Sensitivities in Atmospheric General Circulation Models Hui Wan (Poster)
Understanding Climate Model Biases in Tropical Atlantic Ping Chang (Presentation)
Day 3: From Field to Model, From Process Resolution to Parameterization
Impact of Ice-Nucleation and Cloud Macrophysics Parameterizations on CAM5 Simulated Arctic Clouds and Climate Shaocheng Xie
Developments in Multiscale Global Climate Modeling with Adaptive Mesh Refinement James Benedict (Poster)
Using Simplified Configurations to Diagnose Numerical Issues in CAM Cloud Physics Peter Caldwell
Physics-dynamics Coupling with CAM-SE (HOMME): Equal-area Physics Grid Peter Lauritzen (Poster)
Box Modeling Approach for Improving the Representation of Riverine Freshwater Inputs in Climate Models Michael Whitney
RACORO: Case Study Generation for Continental Boundary Layer Clouds Andrew Vogelmann (Poster)
Single-column Simulations of Stratocumulus, Shallow Cumulus, and Deep Cumulus Clouds using a Unified Parameterization Vincent Larson (Poster)
Use of Small-scale Parameterizations to Improve Stream Flow Simulations using a Regional-scale Hydrologic Model in a Sub-arctic, Boreal Forest Environment William Bolton
Multi-scale Modeling of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes in Arctic Ecosystems Jitendra Kumar (Poster)
Exploring the Resolution Dependence of Aerosol, Cloud, and Aerosol-cloud Interactions in SD-CAM5 Po-Lun Ma (Poster)
Long Residence Times of Deep and Rapidly Decomposable Soil Organic Matter are Consistent with Aqueous Transport and Mineral Sorption William Riley (Poster)
Uncertainty Quantification in the Community Land Model Daniel Ricciuto
A Novel Framework for Introducing Full Subgrid Variability into Physics Parameterizations in Climate Models Dong Huang
Thermodynamically Regulated Interactions Between Microbial Community Dynamics and Abiotic Minerals Control the Emergent Temperature Response of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition Jinyun Tang (Poster)
A Sensitivity Analysis of Cloud Properties to CLUBB Parameters in the Single Column Community Atmosphere Model (SCAM5) Minghuai Wang (Poster)
Enhancing Efficiency of the RRTMG Radiation Code with Graphics Processing Units in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model Michael Iacono (Poster)
A Lagrangian View of Midlatitude Air-sea Interaction Associated with Mesoscale Oceanic Eddies Ramalingam Saravanan
Using Direct Numerical Simulations for Understanding and Parameterizing Cloud-Related Processes in High-Resolution Climate Models Yangang Liu (Poster)
Using the CAM5 Physics in WRF to Better Understand Physics Behavior Across Scales William Gustafson (Poster)
Nonlinear Scale Interactions and Energy Pathways in the Ocean Matthew Hecht
Historical Evaluation of Hydrologic Components of CLM4: Surface Soil Moisture and Surface Runoff Enhao Du (Poster)
Diagnostics and Representation of Multi-scale Eddy-mean Flow Interactions in MPAS-O Juan Saenz
Spanning the Hydrostatic Limit with the CAM-SE Atmospheric Dynamical-Core David Hall
Development of Global 1 km Hybrid 3-D Hydrological Model and Associated Land Surface Data Sets for Regional and Global Climate Modeling Xubin Zeng (Poster)
Bridging Scales in Global Ocean Modeling with MPAS-O Todd Ringler
Multi-Year Simulation of Aerosol Indirect Effects using WRF-CAM5 with Improved Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Representations Yang Zhang
Application and Refinement of a Method to Achieve Uniform Convective Response on Variable-Resolution Meshes Robert Walko (Poster)
Analysis of the Impact of Simulated Channel Density on Hydrologic Responses with a Physically-based Hydrologic Model (PAWS+CLM) Chaopeng Shen (Poster)
Improving Land-Surface Modeling of Evapotranspiration Processes in Tropical Forests Gretchen R. Miller ; Anthony T. Cahill ; Georgianne W. Moore ; L. Ruby Leung (Poster)
Evaluating Global Streamflow Simulations by a Physically-based Routing Model Coupled with the Community Land Model Hong-Yi Li (Presentation)
Scalability of Grid- and Subbasin-based Land Surface Modeling Frameworks for Hydrologic Simulations (Poster)
Evolution in Cloud Population Statistics of the MJO: From AMIE Field Observations to Global Cloud-Permitting Models Chidong Zhang (Poster)
Progress Towards Development of a Variably Saturated Subsurface Model for CLM Gautam Bisht (Poster)
Dynamic Biogenic Emissions for the Marine Background Aerosol Scott Elliott (Poster)
Sufficient Resolution for Global Climate Models for Representing Changes in Extreme Weather Statistics Prashant Sardeshmukh
Implementation of Estuary-Shelf Freshwater Exchange Parameterizations in the Community Earth System Model Yu-heng Tseng (Presentation)
Parametric Sensitivity to Regional Mesh Refinement in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) Rich Neale (Poster)
Using Idealized Tests to Diagnose the Impact of Physical Parameterizations on Atmospheric Simulations Colin Zarzycki (Poster)
Ice Nucleation Parameterizations and Dust Effects on Clouds and Precipitation in WRF-CAM5 Jiwen Fan (Poster)
RACORO: Evaluation of the SCAM5 Shallow Cumulus Parameterization Wuyin Lin
RACORO: An Observationally-based LES Study of Continental Boundary Layer Cumulus Satoshi Endo
Subgrid Treatment of Surface Wind Speeds and Wind-driven Aerosol Emissions in CAM5 Kai Zhang (Poster)
Exploring Spatial Distributions, Radiative Forcing and Source-receptor Relationships of Black Carbon in CAM5 Philip Rasch (Presentation)
Dependence of Dust Radiative Forcing on Mineralogy in the Community Atmosphere Model Natalie Mahowald (Poster)
Modeling Antarctic Sea Ice Halodynamics and the Role of Snow Nicole Jeffery (Poster)
Evaluating Amazonian Forest Response to Increased Disturbance: Lessons From a Gap Model for Future Model Improvement Jennifer Holm (Poster)
Evaluation of Cloud Properties in Six SCMs at the SGP Site under Different Dynamical Regimes Hua Song (Poster)
Constraining Dust Mineral and Elemental Composition in Climate Models Carlos Perez Garcia-Pando (Poster)
A Testbed to Measure Spurious Mixing in MPAS-Ocean Mark Petersen
Parameterizing CAM's Deep Convection with the Stochastic Parcel Model John Harney
Efficient Intersection of Distributed Meshes for use in the Community Earth System Model Patrick Worley (Poster)
A Multi-model Analysis of Aerosol Effects on Clouds Simulated by Global Climate Models Steven Ghan (Presentation)