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The Role of Wind Speed in Prolonging Large Fire Durations in the Western US RGMA MSD -
38CVC Continental and Regional-Scale Urban Warming Signals are Detectable and Increasing with Urban Evolution ESMD RGMA MSD -
Characterizing the Influence of Urban Morphology on the Amplification of Heat Waves in Cities MSD -
Building the scientific foundation for climate solutions in cities RGMA MSD -
Dynamically Downscaling Future Regional and Urban Heat Stress Extremes over the Great Lakes Region Using Pseudo Global Warming Simulations ESMD RGMA MSD -
Kilometer-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric River Precipitation Using the Regionally Refined SCREAM Model ESMD RGMA MSD -
Attribution of 2024 Houston Derecho to Anthropogenic Climate Change and Urbanization RGMA MSD -
Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change and Urbanization on Derechos – Contrasting Results between Two Case Studies RGMA MSD -
US Western Physical Wildfire Risk Variability and Projections in Statistically Downscaled and Bias-corrected Climate Model Ensembles. MSD -
Projecting Storm Surge Flooding Risk in a Changing Climate with One Million Synthetic Hurricanes RGMA MSD -
Electric Power Outage Risk from Tropical Cyclones in a Changing Climate RGMA MSD -
Anticipating How Rain-on-Snow Events Will Change through the 21st Century: Lessons from the 1997 New Year's Flood Event RGMA MSD -
Cool City of Los Angeles in the Clean Energy Transition and a Changing Climate MSD -
Global Reservoir Expansion Pathways in Energy-Water-Land Systems: Modeling Future Scenarios under Climate and Socioeconomic Uncertainties MSD -
Reproducible Integrated Modeling: It Takes a Village...and a Mayor MSD -
Disagreements in estimates of urban land from global maps for the past, present, and future across scales ESMD RGMA MSD -
Agricultural land use dynamics in major river-basins under multiple stressors MSD -
Building the scientific foundation for climate solutions in cities MSD -
Groundwater Cost and Supply for Integrated Human-Earth System Analysis: Three Integrated Water Systems Studies from Global to National Scales MSD -
Converging on the Climate Driven Wildfire Risks of the Wildland Urban Interface RGMA MSD -
Irrigation-induced reductions in multiple metrics of heat stress for North American cities ESMD RGMA MSD -
Urban Heat Disparities: Drivers of Neighborhood-scale Microclimate Heterogeneity in Los Angeles MSD -
Using the MSD-LIVE Open Science Platform to Teach New Researchers to Use MSD Models MSD -
Unraveling the Levee Effect: Understanding the Interplay between Levee Construction and Household Behavior in Coastal Cities MSD -
Evaluating past and future contributions to compound flooding in the Duwamish River estuary, WA using a coupled atmospheric-hydrologic-ocean modelling framework ESMD RGMA MSD -
A Multi-Scale Framework for Urban Heat Island Analysis: Integrating Building Energy Modeling, Spatial Analytics, and Machine Learning in Maricopa County, Arizona MSD -
Changing Drought Propagation Probabilities Under a Warming Climate across the Contiguous United States MSD -
Structural uncertainty in the sensitivity of urban temperatures to anthropogenic heat flux MSD -
Impact of winter thermal and ice conditions on summer stratification and heat extremes in the Great Lakes ESMD RGMA MSD -
Modeling Agricultural Decisions and Watershed Impacts: Insights from the Portage River Basin MSD -

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