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Title Date
Influence of Urbanization on Deep Convection in Different Climates RGMA -
Potential impact of irrigation on Hurricane Isaias RGMA -
Sea Surface Salinity Provides Subseasonal Predictability for Forecasts of Opportunity of U.S. Summertime Precipitation RGMA -
Anticipating How Rain-on-Snow Events Will Change through the 21st Century: Lessons from the 1997 New Year's Flood Event RGMA MSD -
Dynamics and Predictability of Offshore MCS Initiation during the South Asian Summer Monsoon RGMA -
Differentiable physics-informed machine learning models for global flood extremes RGMA -
Linking water isotope ratios to water cycle changes using process-oriented numerical tracers ESMD RGMA -
Cool City of Los Angeles in the Clean Energy Transition and a Changing Climate MSD -
Global Reservoir Expansion Pathways in Energy-Water-Land Systems: Modeling Future Scenarios under Climate and Socioeconomic Uncertainties MSD -
Comparing S2S Prediction Skill in E3SM and CESM RGMA -
Improving the estimation of atmospheric water vapor pressure using interpretable long short-term memory networks ESMD -
Improving Representation of Carbonaceous Aerosol Light Absorption in the DOE's Earth System Model ESMD -
Investigating Different RegCM5 Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterizations to Simulate an Atmospheric River Case Study RGMA -
Eastern Colorado: Largely Overlooked, but Projected to Dry Sooner than the Western Slope RGMA -
Future changes in landfalling atmospheric rivers in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models RGMA -
Similarities in meteorological composites among different atmospheric river detection tools during landfall over western coastal North America RGMA -
Impact of Enhanced Horizontal Resolution on Modeling Intrinsic Variability and Predictability of Sea Level Variations on the Western European Shelf RGMA -
Influence of Atmospheric Rivers on Alaskan River Ice RGMA -
Statistical methods for identifying internal variability from observations RGMA -
Impact of Particulate Nitrate Photolysis on the Lifecycle and Radiative Forcing of Nitrate Aerosol and Tracer Gases in E3SM ESMD -
The MAM aerosol microphysics box model ESMD -
Direct and Indirect Radiative Forcing from Anthropogenic Sulfate Aerosols in the North Atlantic between 1970 and 2010 RGMA -
Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks to Develop a Derecho Climatology for the U.S. (2004-2021) RGMA -
Fast recovery of tropical cyclone-induced cold wakes in recent decades RGMA -
Air-Sea Momentum Exchange with Explicit Wind-Wave-Current Coupling and Effects on Hurricane Structure and Impacts RGMA -
MJO Diversity in E3SMv2 RGMA -
Uncovering the Interannual Predictability of the 2003 European Summer Heatwave Linked to the Tibetan Plateau RGMA -
Reproducible Integrated Modeling: It Takes a Village...and a Mayor MSD -
Madden-Julian Oscillation and Atmospheric Rivers: New Insights on Water Source and Transport for Extreme Rainfall Over the Western US RGMA -
Disagreements in estimates of urban land from global maps for the past, present, and future across scales ESMD RGMA MSD -

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