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The State of Polar Climate in E3SM

Presentation Date
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 2:10pm - Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 2:30pm

Lead Presenter



E3SM is undergoing rapid development to enhance high latitude features of the model critical for simulating polar amplification and predicting sea level rise in the 21st century and beyond. Version 3 of the model includes: i) Antarctic ice shelf cavities as standard in all ocean meshes; ii) advanced sea ice column physics including a floe size distribution; and iii) ice shelf and iceberg melt rate fluxes in the enhanced Cryospheric configuration of the model that is eddy permitting in the Southern Ocean. In the standard resolution version of E3SM version 3, work is underway to understand and mitigate biases in sea ice extent that emerge in the early 21st century of too little Arctic summer ice and too little winter sea ice in the Antarctic relative to observations. Under ice shelves, the role of ocean eddies has been shown to be critical in determining basal melt rates in our research, adding to the importance of eddies already established in maintaining the sea ice edge using a previous high resolution version of E3SM. We are now engaging in studies focused on teleconnections of polar regions with the Earth system as a whole, via atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic feedbacks, which we will share in this plenary. We will also share our ongoing work tackling critical issues of spinning up and integrating a coupled MALI Greenland ice sheet in E3SM version 4, and we will share results from his development work illustrating the outstanding performance of the MPAS-Albany in the lead up to running E3SM coupled to Greenland land ice.

Presentation File(s)
High Latitude
Funding Program Area(s)
Additional Resources:
NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center)