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Agricultural land use dynamics in major river-basins under multiple stressors MSD -
Volcanic Aerosol Effects on Cirrus through Ice Nucleation RGMA -
Regional and Temporal Variability of Atmospheric River Seasonality: Influences of Detection Algorithms and Moisture Transport Dynamics RGMA -
Building the scientific foundation for climate solutions in cities MSD -
Emergent constraints of temperature sensitivity on projected wetland methane emissions RGMA -
The Vertical Extent of Convection in the Community Earth System Model (CESM): A Simplified Total Energy Approach to Plume Properties RGMA -
Atmospheric River Detection Under Changing Seasonality and Mean-State Climate: ARTMIP Tier 2 Paleoclimate Experiments RGMA -
Groundwater Cost and Supply for Integrated Human-Earth System Analysis: Three Integrated Water Systems Studies from Global to National Scales MSD -
A revision for the global net photosynthesis with testing different acclimation approaches to the environment and learning from a multi-source dataset using hybrid physics informed machine learning (differentiable) ecosystem model RGMA -
Emerging ML solutions to advance the monitoring and modeling of global wetland CH4 emission RGMA -
Converging on the Climate Driven Wildfire Risks of the Wildland Urban Interface RGMA MSD -
Formation, growth, and activation of natural secondary aerosols significantly impact aerosol effective radiative forcing ESMD RGMA -
Exploring the Relative Importance of the MJO and ENSO to North Pacific Subseasonal Predictability with an Interpretable Neural Network RGMA -
The Role of Atmospheric River Sequencing and Land Preconditions on US West Coast Runoff RGMA -
Multivariate flood prediction using explainable machine learning ESMD RGMA -
An open-source Earth System Model evaluation and benchmarking tool: PCMDI Metrics Package (PMP) RGMA -
The Atmosphere Model Working Group Diagnostics Framework (ADF) RGMA -
Results from an Updated Climate Variability Diagnostics Package for Large Ensembles Applied to a new Multi-Model Large Ensemble Archive RGMA -
Climate Model Benchmarking for CMIP7 – A CMIP Task Team RGMA -
Understanding the biases in global monsoon simulations from the perspective of atmospheric energy transport RGMA -
Object-based evaluation of downscaled precipitation products over CONUS RGMA -
Biogenic Emissions Modulate the Tropospheric Hydroxyl Radical (OH) Response to Climate Warming RGMA -
Large-scale and Near-storm Environments Associated with Derecho Initiation RGMA -
Contrasting Future Changes of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Individual Deep Convection over the Inland and Coastal US RGMA -
Improving Biogeochemical Modeling of Coastal Regions in a Land Surface Model by Representing Mangrove Hydrology and Ecosystem Functions ESMD -
Using ERA5 Data to Examine Mesoscale Convective System Characteristics on Decadal Time Scales RGMA -
Global land hotspots of clustered MCSs and their precipitation significance RGMA -
Exceptional Windthrow under a Warming Climate RGMA -
Increased Flash Drought in a Greening Future RGMA -
Assessing DOE's global storm-resolving model simulations of deep convection over Houston RGMA -

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