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The System for Classification of Low-Pressure Systems (SyCLoPS): An All-in-One Objective Framework for Large-scale Datasets RGMA -
Influence of Tropical Inter-Basin Interaction on Late-Spring Precipitation Variability in the Southern Great Plains RGMA -
The Influence of African Easterly Waves on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Tracks and Landfall in Large Ensembles RGMA -
The Effect of African Easterly Wave Suppression by Periodicity on Atlantic Tropical Cyclones RGMA -
The Relationship Between Global Climate Model Biases and Future Projections of Temperature and Precipitation over the Central U.S. RGMA -
Unraveling the Complexity of Global Climate Dynamics: ENSO, AMOC, and Tropical Basin Interactions RGMA -
Attribution of 2024 Houston Derecho to Anthropogenic Climate Change and Urbanization RGMA MSD -
Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change and Urbanization on Derechos – Contrasting Results between Two Case Studies RGMA MSD -
Enhanced Hydrological Impact of Cross-Equatorial Surges over the Maritime Continent in a Warmer Climate RGMA -
US Western Physical Wildfire Risk Variability and Projections in Statistically Downscaled and Bias-corrected Climate Model Ensembles. MSD -
Changes in Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Efficiency RGMA -
The Atmospheric Effect of Aerosols on Future Tropical Cyclone Frequency and Precipitation in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model RGMA -
Extremes, Multi-model Ensembles and ScenarioMIP: Recent Work along Jerry’s Trailblazing Directions. RGMA -
Drivers of Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenesis: African Easterly Waves and the Environment RGMA -
Global Eddy-Covariance Flux Networks and the Science They Enable (Invited Presentation) RGMA -
A Phased-Approach to Model-Based Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation RGMA -
Key Meteorological Challenges in Estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation RGMA -
Comparing S2S Prediction Skill in E3SM and CESM RGMA -
Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation: Definition, Probabilities, Storm Rainfall, and Models RGMA -
Modulation of the Precipitation over the Indo-Pacific Maritime Continent region by the warming of the Congo Basin RGMA -
Projecting Storm Surge Flooding Risk in a Changing Climate with One Million Synthetic Hurricanes RGMA MSD -
Origins of the Negative Correlation between Cloud Droplet Number and Liquid Water Path Observed from the North Atlantic ESMD RGMA -
Characterizing ENSO Impacts on Gross Primary Productivity in CMIP6 Earth System Models RGMA -
In-cloud Variability of Droplet Number Concentration and its Implications for Microphysics Parameterizations ESMD -
Relative roles of different atmospheric waves in the initiation and propagation of MJO over the Indian Ocean RGMA -
Huge Ensembles (HENS) of Hindcasts for Tropical Cyclones and Atmospheric RIvers using Spherical Fourier Neural Operators (SFNOs) RGMA -
Electric Power Outage Risk from Tropical Cyclones in a Changing Climate RGMA MSD -
Constraining aerosol-cloud interactions in an E3SMv3 perturbed parameter ensemble using ARM observations ESMD RGMA -
MEEHL External Forcing Modulates the Internal Variability of Tropospheric Temperature RGMA -
17AEROSOL How well does the SCREAM simulate deep convection during the TRACER? RGMA -

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