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Evaluating hydrodynamic influence on lateral carbon discharge and sediment greenhouse gas emissions for a Louisiana delta salt marsh ESMD -
The California megaflood: Bias correction and model choices matter ESMD -
Evaluation of a Convection-Permitted, 3D Hydrodynamic Lake Process-Enabled Regional Climate Dataset over the Great Lakes Region ESMD RGMA MSD -
Exploring Climate Risks of Historic Rain-on-Snow Flood Extreme Events in a Warmer World ESMD -
Interactions between climate mean and variability drive future agroecosystem vulnerability ESMD -
Assessing Compound Flooding Risks caused by Harvey-like Hurricane under Warmer Climate ESMD -
Relative impacts of different sources of land surface heterogeneity on land surface processes ESMD -
Uncertainty Quantification and Calibration of the E3SM Land Model using an Embedded Model Error Approach ESMD -
Advancing Uncertainty Quantification in Environmental Modeling Using AI/ML ESMD RGMA -
The Contribution of Benthic Macrofauna to Carbon Cycling in the Chesapeake Bay ESMD RGMA MSD -
Development and Testing of a Coupled Greenland Ice Sheet Component in E3SM ESMD -
Toward hyper-resolution land surface modeling: Representing fine-scale topography effects on surface radiation balance in E3SM land model ESMD -
Simulating grounding zone ice-shelf and ocean interactions in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model ESMD -
Rapid 21st Century Sea Ice Depletion in E3SM ESMD -
Southwest U.S. drought storyline: an investigation into the potential influence of climate change using thermodynamic global warming simulations. ESMD MSD -
Global Lateral Carbon Fluxes Since the 1800s ESMD -
Projections of Antarctic sub-ice-shelf melting through 2100 with the Energy Exascale Earth System Model ESMD -
Interannual Variability of Benthic Biomass in a Large, Coastal Plain Estuary ESMD RGMA MSD -
Antarctic Ice Sheet response to modeled and parameterized ice-shelf melt rates from an Earth system model with ice-shelf cavities ESMD -
Analyzing Surface Mass Balance from E3SM Against RACMO and Observational Data ESMD -
Subglacial discharge effects on ice-shelf basal melting in Antarctica ESMD -
Restructuring roots in ecosystems to improve Earth System Model prognostics ESMD RGMA -
Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss projection uncertainty arising from ocean forcing parameterizations ESMD -
Machine learning of modal aerosol microphysics in E3SM: establishing a baseline ESMD -
New observational constraints for aerosol and aerosol-cloud interactions in E3SM ESMD Presentation -
Adaptive Mesh Refinement in the age of Exascale Computing ESMD Presentation -
xCDAT (Xarray Climate Data Analysis Tools): A Python Package for Simple and Robust Analysis of Climate Data ESMD RGMA Presentation -
Introduction to the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model ESMD Presentation -
Mapping the sensitivity of AMOC in a hierarchy of configurations ESMD Poster -
Improving process representations of Clouds and Aerosols in Earth System Models Using AI/ML: Current and future opportunities with E3SM ESMD Presentation -

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