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Title Date
Scenario storyline discovery for complex multi-actor human-natural systems MSD -
Exploratory Modeling to Better Understand How Climate and Socio-economic Changes in the Colorado’s West Slope Basins Shape Multi-sectoral Water Shortages MSD -
Exploring Energy-Water-Land System Dynamics Under Climate and Socioeconomic Uncertainties with GCAM-USA MSD -
Joint Management of Water Supply Risk and Financial Risk MSD -
Spatial Heterogeneities in Buildings Attributes within and across US Metropolitan Areas MSD -
Identifying the Drivers of Future Groundwater Depletion in the United States: An Exploratory Farm-Groundwater Modeling Analysis. MSD -
A Multi-site Hidden Markov Model-Based Synthetic Streamflow Generator to Evaluate Multisectoral Drought Vulnerability in Colorado’s West Slope Basins MSD -
Sensitivity of Mesoscale Modeling to Urban Morphological Feature Inputs: Implications for Characterizing Neighborhood Vulnerability to Heat Waves MSD -
Exploring Water Supply and Demand Uncertainties Driving Water Provider-Level Vulnerability to Water Shortages in Los Angeles County MSD -
Extreme flood return levels in a U.S. mid-Atlantic estuary using continuous 40-year fluvial-coastal model simulations MSD -
Uncertainty Characterization in Integrated Modeling: Challenges and Some Solutions MSD -
Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Northeastern United States Short-Duration Dry Spells as Simulated by CMIP6 Models ESMD RGMA MSD -
Evaluating Grid Stress and Reliability under a Range of Future Climate, Emissions, and Socioeconomic Scenarios in the U.S. Western Interconnection MSD -
Emulating the Global Change Analysis Model with Deep Learning MSD -
Machine Learning for Water Allocation Amid Hydrologic Extremes: Case Study of the Colorado River Basin in Texas MSD -
Regional Earth System Modeling in the Great Lakes Region ESMD RGMA MSD -
Exploring the Frontier of AI Opportunities within MultiSector Dynamics: Perspectives from a Systematic Review MSD -
Modeling the Future Prospects for Arctic Shipping of Fossil Resources Under Global Change MSD -
Linking High-Resolution Climate Models and Statistical-Dynamical Downscaling to Assess Tropical Cyclone Hazards RGMA MSD -
Evaluation of a Convection-Permitted, 3D Hydrodynamic Lake Process-Enabled Regional Climate Dataset over the Great Lakes Region ESMD RGMA MSD -
Co-producing guidance on the use of climate data for scientific and decision applications RGMA MSD -
Advancing Multi-sectoral Stress Testing in Integrated Hydro-Terrestrial Modeling: An Example for Colorado's West Slope River Basins MSD -
Omitting Labor Response Underestimates Future Climate Impact on Agriculture MSD -
Flood Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructure through Integrated Coastal Flood Modeling MSD -
Hydroclimate Variability and Snowpack in California's Sierra Nevada under +1.5°C, +2.0°C, and +3.0°C Warming Levels RGMA MSD -
Detecting flash drought events to inform adaptive water management MSD -
The Contribution of Benthic Macrofauna to Carbon Cycling in the Chesapeake Bay ESMD RGMA MSD -
Southwest U.S. drought storyline: an investigation into the potential influence of climate change using thermodynamic global warming simulations. ESMD MSD -
Complementing Dynamical Downscaling with Artificial Intelligence: A Proof-of-Concept RGMA MSD -
Interannual Variability of Benthic Biomass in a Large, Coastal Plain Estuary ESMD RGMA MSD -

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