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AGU Fall Meeting 2022

Event Date
Monday, December 12, 2022 at 8:00am - Friday, December 16, 2022 at 5:00pm
Funding Program Area(s)

The AGU Fall Meeting is the most influential event in the world dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space sciences. Every year, the AGU Fall Meeting unites the Earth and space science community to share findings, connect like-minded scientists from around the world, and advance our profession and shared passion for the impact of science.

This year's AGU Fall Meeting will be held in Chicago and online everywhere from December 12 to 16, 2022. More than 25,000 attendees from more than 100 countries will convene to explore how Science Leads the Future. We will welcome a diverse community of scientists, students, journalists, policymakers, educators, and organizations who are working toward a world where scientific discovery leads to scientific solutions, and where our global collaborations and partnerships can carry us into a sustainable future.

Be sure to attend the following EESM-related AGU town hall:

To showcase your presentation, go to the 2022 AGU Fall Meeting Abstract Lookup page. 

Monday, December 12

Monday, December 12 Poster Multi-sector Dynamics: Environmental Change, Resilience, and Society in Urban Areas Under a Changing Climate I Online Poster Discussion 8:00am - 9:00am; Online Only
Monday, December 12 Workshop Comprehensive Evaluation of Earth System Models: Coordinated Model Evaluations Capabilities 8:00am - 11:00am; Online Only
Monday, December 12 Poster Emerging Machine Learning Approaches for Process Understanding in Ecosystem Sciences I Poster 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3)
Monday, December 12 Poster Emerging Machine Learning Approaches for Process Understanding in Ecosystem Sciences II Online Poster Discussion 1:45pm - 2:45pm; Online Only
Monday, December 12 Oral Multi-sector Dynamics: Environmental Change, Resilience, and Society in Urban Areas Under a Changing Climate II Oral 2:45pm - 4:15pm; McCormick Place - S504abc (South, Level 5)
Monday, December 12 Oral Multi-sector Dynamics: Environmental Change, Resilience, and Society in Urban Areas Under a Changing Climate III Oral 4:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - S504abc (South, Level 5)
Monday, December 12 Oral Emerging Machine Learning Approaches for Process Understanding in Ecosystem Sciences III Oral 4:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - S403b
B11B. Advances in Upscaling Networked Observations to Regions and the Globe Using Machine Learning and Modeling I Online Poster Discussion
Monday, December 12 Poster B11B-03. Using Auto Machine Learning to Improve Gross Primary Production Upscaling Guy Schurgers ; Yanghui Kang ; Max Gaber ; Trevor F Keenan 8:20am - 8:30am; Online Only
A12J. Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability Today and into the Future I Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral, Invited A12J-01. Tropical Cyclone Frequency: The Role of Seeds and the Large-Scale Environment (Invited) Christina M Patricola ; Emily Bercos-Hickey ; Derrick Kwadwo Danso ; Philip Klotzbach ; Daniel J. Cassidy ; William Drew Collins ; Burlen Loring 9:00am - 9:10am; McCormick Place - E354a
Monday, December 12 Oral A12J-04. The Influence of ENSO on Future Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity Teryn Mueller ; Christina M Patricola ; Emily Bercos-Hickey 9:30am - 9:40am; McCormick Place - E354a
Monday, December 12 Oral A12J-05. Subseasonal Tropical Cyclone Prediction and Modulations by MJO and ENSO in CESM2 Hui Li ; Jadwiga Richter ; Chia-Ying Lee ; Hyemi Kim 9:40am - 9:50am; McCormick Place - E354a
Monday, December 12 Oral A12J-07. Contrasting Responses of Atlantic and Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability Huanping Huang ; William Drew Collins ; Christina M Patricola ; Yohan Ruprich-Robert ; Paul Aaron Ullrich 10:00am - 10:10am; McCormick Place - E354a
B12K. Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change II Poster
Monday, December 12 Poster B12K-1177. Machine learning models inaccurately predict current and future high-latitude C balances Ian Shirley ; Zelalem A Mekonnen ; Robert F Grant ; Baptiste Dafflon ; William J Riley 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
C12C. Observations and Models of Interactions Between Ice Sheets, Solid Earth, and Sea Level Toward Constraining Modern and Future Sea-Level Changes I Poster
Monday, December 12 Poster C12C-0585. Impact of Low Mantle Viscosity and Thin Lithosphere on Retreat of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, Over the Next 500 Years Matthew J Hoffman ; Cameron Book ; Samuel Benjamin Kachuck ; Trevor Hillebrand ; Stephen F Price ; Mauro Perego ; Jeremy N Bassis 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
Monday, December 12 Poster C12C-0586. Impact on Projections of the Antarctic Ice Sheet due to Regional Sea Level Interactions with Ice Flux and Ice-Shelf Basal Melt: Coupled Ice Sheet-Sea Level Model Results following the New ISMIP6-2300 Experimental Protocol Holly Kyeore Han ; Matthew J Hoffman ; Xylar Asay-Davis ; Trevor Hillebrand ; Mauro Perego 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
H12I. Advances in Subgrid Parameterization of Physical Processes in Earth System Models II Poster
Monday, December 12 Poster H12I-0797. Representing sub-grid heterogeneity in E3SM land model Dalei Hao ; Gautam Bisht ; Maruti K. Mudunuru ; Meng Huang ; Po-Lun Ma ; Teklu K Tesfa ; Wei-Liang Lee ; Yu Gu ; L. Ruby Leung 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Monday, December 12 Poster H12I-0800. Relative Importance of Subgrid Scale Heterogeneity of Land Surface Properties and Atmospheric Forcing to Improve Earth System Model Simulations Teklu K Tesfa ; L. Ruby Leung ; Peter E Thornton ; Michael Brunke ; Zhuoran Duan 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
NH12E. The Future of Multi-hazards: Physical and Social Interactions in a Changing Climate II Poster
Monday, December 12 Presentation NH12E-0324. Rising Waters, Compounding Impacts Kris May ; Michael MAK ; Abigal Mohan ; James Neher ; Daisy Ramirez Lopez ; Juliette Finzi Hart ; Ellen Plane ; Tony Hale ; Michael F Wehner ; Kristina Hill 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3)
A43E. Observation and Model Studies of Cloud Properties and Associated Processes I Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral A12H-02. Linking atmospheric rivers to cloud feedback through precipitation and radiative efficiency Daniel McCoy ; Chuyan Tan ; Paul Field ; Gregory Elsaesser ; Mark Zelinka ; Andrew Gettelman ; Trude Eidhammer 9:10am - 9:20am; McCormick Place - E271ab
Monday, December 12 Oral, Invited A12H-03. Improved treatment of clouds and convection for the DOE Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) atmospheric model version 3 Shaocheng Xie ; Christopher Terai 9:20am - 9:30am; McCormick Place - E271ab
B21C. Coastal Wetland Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles: Recent Advances in Measurements, Modeling, and Syntheses I Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral B12B-02. Simulating Coastal Wetland Hydro-Biogeochemistry in a Land Surface Model: Tidal Flows, Redox Dynamics, and Vegetation Interactions Benjamin N Sulman ; Sophia LaFond-Hudson ; Jiaze Wang 9:12am - 9:24am; McCormick Place - S501a
Monday, December 12 Oral B12B-07. Greenhouse Gas Fluxes and Long-Term Nutrient Sequestration in a Temperate Lake-Coastal Wetland Are Determined by Long- and Short-Term Hydrological Changes and Vegetation Patch Types Gil Bohrer ; Jorge Villa ; Justine E.C. Missik ; Lauren E Kinsman-Costello ; Yang Ju ; Yvette Onyango ; Theresia Yazbeck ; Kelly Wrighton ; William J Riley 10:12am - 10:24am; McCormick Place - S501a
GC12B. Multi-sector Dynamics: Adapting Energy Systems to a Changing Climate by Overcoming Disconnects Between Energy System and Climate Modeling I Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral GC12B-03. A Scalable Approach to Develop Electricity Grid Models for Stress Testing to Diverse and Compounded Hydrometeorological Extremes and Climate Change: U.S. Western Interconnection Case Kerem Ziya Akdemir ; Konstantinos Oikonomou ; Jordan D Kern ; Nathalie Voisin 9:24am - 9:35am; McCormick Place - S504abc
A12D. Atmospheric Convection: Processes, Dynamics, and Links to Weather and Climate I Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral A12D-04. Relationships Between Surface Fluxes, Convection, Ocean Heat Uptake, and the ITCZ Charlotte A DeMott ; Carol Anne Clayson ; Mark Branson ; Chia-Wei Hsu ; Jeremiah Brown 9:30am - 9:40am; McCormick Place - E353ab
Monday, December 12 Oral A12D-08. Observed Links Between Mesoscale Organization of Deep Convection and Variations in Tropical Clouds and the Related Radiative Heating Ni Dai ; Hui Su ; J David Neelin ; Mengxi Wu ; Yi-Hung Kuo 10:10am - 10:20am; McCormick Place - E353ab
A12F. Dynamical Processes from the Surface to the Edge of Space: A Joint Session on Atmospheric Gravity Waves and the QBO II Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral A12F-06. Captured QBO-MJO Connection in a Subseasonal Prediction System Kai Huang ; Jadwiga Richter ; Kathleen Pegion 9:55am - 10:06am; McCormick Place - E350
H12D. Advances in Quantifying Impacts and Extents of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change on Hydrology and Climate Change I Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral, Invited H12D-08. Recent Changes in Streamflow Seasonality across Permafrost Basins of North America Katrina E Bennett ; Jonathon P Schwenk ; Eve I. Gasarch ; Jemma Stachelek ; Robert W. Bolton ; Joel C Rowland 10:10am - 10:20am; McCormick Place - E352
H13E. Advancing Multiscale Integrated Modeling for Prediction and Assessment of Water Availability II Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral H13E-02. Tethys 2.0: A Tool to Explore Global Monthly Sectoral Water Withdrawals and Consumption at 1/8<sup>th</sup> Degree Resolution in Response to Human and Earth System Dynamics Across Alternative Futures Isaac Thompson ; Evan Margiotta ; Zarrar Khan ; Chris R Vernon ; Neal T Graham 11:10am - 11:20am; McCormick Place - E270
GC13C. Multi-sector Dynamics: Energy-Water-Land Interactions at Multiple Scales I Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral GC13C-03. The Future Global Water Savings Potential of Agricultural Market Integration Neal T Graham ; Gokul Iyer ; Thomas Bernard Wild ; Flannery Dolan ; Jonathan Lamontagne 11:24am - 11:35am; McCormick Place - S504abc
Monday, December 12 Oral GC13C-06. Evaluating the Propagation of Climate Vulnerability Through the Western US Water System and Interdependent Electricity System Julia Szinai ; David N Yates ; Andrew D Jones 11:57am - 12:08pm; McCormick Place - S504abc
NH44B. Climate-Informed Risk Assessment for Extreme Events I Online Poster Discussion
Monday, December 12 Poster NH44B. Climate-Informed Risk Assessment for Extreme Events Chia-Ying Lee, Primary Convener 11:45am - 12:45pm; Online Only
A13F. Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability Today and into the Future II Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral A13F-06. Exploring the Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Precipitation and Sea Surface Temperature on Different Time Scales Alyssa M Stansfield ; Kevin A Reed 11:50am - 12:00pm; McCormick Place - E353ab
H13B. Advancements in Watershed Modeling to Support Water Management II Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral H13B-07. Implementing Reservoir Operations in ParFlow, a Fully Integrated Physical Hydrology Model Benjamin West ; Reed M Maxwell ; Laura Condon 12:00pm - 12:10pm; McCormick Place - E451b
GC14C. Multi-sector Dynamics: Adapting Energy Systems to a Changing Climate by Overcoming Disconnects Between Energy System and Climate Modeling II Online Poster Discussion
Monday, December 12 Poster GC14C-01. Future of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas as Sea Ice Thins under Climate Change Ying Zhang ; Siwa Msangi ; Stephanie Waldhoff ; James Edmonds 1:45pm - 1:55pm; Online Only
Monday, December 12 Poster GC14C-02. Climate Extremes and the Future of the Power Sector in the U.S. Heartland: A Multi-Sector Dynamics Perspective Angelo Gurgel ; C Adam Schlosser ; Mei Yuan ; Xiang Gao ; Karen Tapia-Ahumada ; Jennifer F Morris ; John M Reilly 1:55pm - 2:05pm; Online Only
A15N. The Spectral Dimension of Shortwave and Longwave Radiation in the Earth System II Poster
Monday, December 12 Poster A15N-1429. Sensitivity of Atmospheric Heating to Solar Spectral Albedo Over Cryospheric Surfaces Juan Tolento ; Charles S Zender ; Chloe Whicker ; Mark Flanner 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
C15F. Understanding Surface Mass Balance and the Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves II Poster
Monday, December 12 Poster C15F-0643. Incorporating Physically Based Bare Ice Albedo over Greenland within the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Chloe Whicker ; Raf Antwerpen ; Mark Flanner ; Adam Schneider ; Charles S Zender ; Marco Tedesco ; Cheng Dang 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
U15A. Fifth National Climate Assessment: Updates and Opportunities for the AGU Community
Monday, December 12 Oral, Invited U15A-01. Physical Science in the Fifth National Climate Assessment Kate Marvel ; L Ruby Leung ; Wenying Su ; Adam J Terando 2:55pm - 3:05pm; McCormick Place - N427A-D
H15H. Scientific Machine Learning for Flow, Transport, and Coupled Processes III Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral H15H-03. Local and Global Mass Balance of Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) Md Lal Mamud ; Bulbul Ahmmed ; Satish Karra ; Maruti K. Mudunuru 3:05pm - 3:15pm; McCormick Place - E451a
GC15C. Advances in Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) Research I Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral GC15C-03. Compound effects of SAI and CDR on terrestrial carbon sink strength Min Xu ; Forrest M. Hoffman ; Wei Zhang ; Salil Mahajan ; Xiaojuan Yang ; Cheng-En Yang ; David L. McCollum ; Simone Tilmes ; Michael J Mills ; Hailong Wang 3:15pm - 3:30pm; McCormick Place - S502ab
H15F. Diagnostics, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Analysis of Earth and Environmental Models III Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral H15F-09. Dominant source of uncertainty in CLM simulations of hydrological signatures: a CONUS-scale comparison between forcing and parametric uncertainty Hisham Eldardiry ; Ning Sun ; Hongxiang Yan ; Patrick M Reed ; Rohini Gupta ; Andrew D Jones ; Deeksha Rastogi 4:05pm - 4:15pm; McCormick Place - E353c
INV14A. Artificial Intelligence Meets Earth and Space Science: Convergence to Address Grand Challenges I
Monday, December 12 Oral, Invited INV14A-02. Artificial Intelligence for Exploring Climate Change Mitigation Strategies and Advancing Earth System Prediction Forrest M. Hoffman 4:35pm; McCormick Place - S406a
B16D. Emerging Machine Learning Approaches for Process Understanding in Ecosystem Sciences III Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral, Invited B16D-01. Exploiting Artificial Intelligence for Advancing Earth and Environmental System Science Forrest M. Hoffman ; Jitendra Kumar ; Zheng Shi ; Elias Charbel Massoud ; Nathan Collier ; Min Xu 4:45pm - 4:55pm; McCormick Place - S403b
GC16D. Multi-sector Dynamics: Environmental Change, Resilience, and Society in Urban Areas Under a Changing Climate III Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral, Invited GC16D-01. How does co-production improve the actionability of complex urban systems research? Kripa Akila Jagannathan ; Julia Szinai ; Andrew D Jones ; Smitha Buddhavarapu 4:50pm - 5:00pm; McCormick Place - S504abc
GC42A. Deep Learning for Climate Science and Weather Prediction I Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral, Invited GC16C-03. Defying Chaos Theory: Using Machine Learning to Extend Earth System Prediction Maria J Molina ; Jadwiga Richter ; Anne Sasha Glanville ; Katherine Dagon ; Judith Berner ; Aixue Hu ; Gerald Meehl 5:09pm - 5:20pm; McCormick Place - S503ab
H16D. Advancing Land Surface Models for Hydrological and Environmental Applications II Oral
Monday, December 12 Oral H16D-04. The Impact of Crop Rotation and Spatially Varying Crop Parameters in the E3SM Land Model (ELMv2) Eva Sinha ; Ben P Bond-Lamberty ; Katherine V Calvin ; Beth Drewniak ; Gautam Bisht ; Carl Bernacchi ; Bethany Blakely ; Caitlin Moore 5:15pm - 5:25pm; McCormick Place - E265

Tuesday, December 13

H21D. Advancing Land Surface Models for Hydrological and Environmental Applications III Online Poster Discussion
Tuesday, December 13 Poster H21D-04. Tracking the effect of Lateral Flow on Transit Times using a water tracer model in WRF-Hydro Huancui Hu ; L. Ruby Leung ; Francina Dominguez ; David Gochis ; Xingyuan Chen ; Stephen P Good ; Aubrey L Dugger ; Laurel Larsen ; Michael J Barlage 8:30am - 8:40am; Online Only
A22G. Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability Today and into the Future VI Poster
Tuesday, December 13 Poster A22G-1756. Influence of African Easterly Wave Suppression on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity in a Convection-Permitting Model Derrick Kwadwo Danso ; Christina M Patricola ; Emily Bercos-Hickey 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
C22F. Observations and Modeling of Snowpack and Firn: From Physical Processes to Air Pollution Impacts II Poster
Tuesday, December 13 Poster C22F-0817. Brown Carbon Fuel and Emission Source Attributions to Global Snow Darkening Effect Hunter Brown ; Hailong Wang ; Mark Flanner ; Xiaohong Liu ; Balwinder Singh ; Rudong Zhang ; Yang Yang ; Mingxuan Wu 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Tuesday, December 13 Poster C22F-0819. Impacts of snow grain shape and mixing state of light-absorbing particles-snow on surface fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau Dalei Hao ; Gautam Bisht ; Karl Rittger ; Ned Bair ; Hailong Wang ; Cenlin He ; Huilin Huang ; Cheng Dang ; Timbo Stillinger ; Yu Gu ; Yun Qian ; L. Ruby Leung 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC22E. Advances in Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) Research III Poster
Tuesday, December 13 Poster GC22E-0645. Impacts of Climate Intervention on Sulfur Deposition with CMIP6 Model Outputs Hannah Rubin ; Cheng-En Yang ; Forrest M. Hoffman ; Joshua S Fu 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Tuesday, December 13 Poster GC22E-0650. Evolution of Fire Activities in a Geoengineered Climate Cheng-En Yang ; Forrest M. Hoffman ; Joshua S Fu 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC22K. Renewable Energy: Wind, Solar, Marine, Hydrokinetic, and Integration III Poster
Tuesday, December 13 Poster GC22K-0717. Wind Resources and Operating Conditions in the New York Bight Offshore Lease Areas Rebecca Foody ; Jeanie Aird ; Rebecca J Barthelmie ; Jacob Jimmie Coburn ; Sara C. C Pryor 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
H22Q. Advancing Land Surface Models for Hydrological and Environmental Applications IV Poster
Tuesday, December 13 Poster H22Q-1071. The role of spatial heterogeneity on land surface modeling of water and energy simulations Hongyi Li ; Lingcheng Li ; Gautam Bisht ; L. Ruby Leung ; Donghui Xu ; Dongyu Feng ; Dalei Hao ; Chang Liao ; Darren Engwirda ; Zeli Tan ; Tian Zhou 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC22D. Multi-sector Dynamics: Extreme Weather, Society, and Uncertainty Characterization I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral, Invited GC22D-01. A new scenario framework for the Multi-Sector Dynamics and related communities Brian C O'Neill ; Jennifer F Morris ; Jonathan Lamontagne ; Karen Fisher-Vanden ; Marshall A Wise 9:02am - 9:13am; McCormick Place - S504abc
Tuesday, December 13 Oral GC22D-06. Uncertainty in the Representation of Climate Extremes Across Downscaled and Bias-Corrected CMIP Model Ensembles David Conway Lafferty ; Ryan L Sriver 9:57am - 10:08am; McCormick Place - S504abc
H22F. Atmosphere-Through-Bedrock Observations, Modeling, and Science in the Upper Colorado River Basin I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral H22F-04. How do dust and marine aerosols impact snow precipitation over the western US mountainous region? Jiwen Fan ; Yun Lin ; Pengfei Li ; L. Ruby Leung ; Paul J DeMott 9:30am - 9:40am; McCormick Place - E253cd
Tuesday, December 13 Oral H22F-08. Quantifying Uncertainties in an Atmosphere-through-Bedrock Integrated Process Model in the Upper Colorado River Basin Zexuan Xu ; Erica R Siirila-Woodburn ; Alan Rhoades ; Daniel Feldman 10:10am - 10:20am; McCormick Place - E253cd
Tuesday, December 13 Oral, Invited H22F-09. From Snowflake to Snowpack: Examining the Consequences of Cloud Microphysical Representations for Hydrologic Uncertainty Alejandro N Flores ; William J Rudisill ; Rosemary W H Carroll ; Daniel Feldman ; Hans-Peter Marshall ; Jim P McNamara ; Annareli Morales ; Alan Rhoades ; Allison Nicole Vincent ; Erica R Siirila-Woodburn ; Zexuan Xu 10:20am - 10:30am; McCormick Place - E253cd
H22J. Precipitation Through the Eyes of Machine Learning and Advanced Statistics: Remote Sensing, Uncertainties, and Variability I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral H22J-08. Framework for Quantifying Simulated Precipitation Distributions at Regional Scales Min-Seop Ahn ; Paul Aaron Ullrich ; Peter J Gleckler ; Jiwoo Lee ; Ana Cristina Ordonez 10:12am - 10:22am; McCormick Place - E353ab
GC23C. Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change: A World Climate Research Program Call to Action – Coupling of Observations and Models; Integrated Attribution, Prediction and Projection; Assessment of Current and Future Hazards II Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral GC23C-03. Persistent Threat to Coastal Ecosystems from Marine Heatwaves Xiuwen Guo ; Yang Gao ; Shaoqing Zhang ; Lixin Wu ; Ping Chang ; Wenju Cai ; Jakob Zscheischler ; L. Ruby Leung ; Justin Small ; Gokhan Danabasoglu ; LuAnne Thompson ; Huiwang Gao 11:24am - 11:35am; McCormick Place - S406b
Tuesday, December 13 Oral GC23C-08. Advancing Arctic Climate Prediction Capability from Sub-seasonal to Decadal Time Scales Wieslaw Maslowski ; Younjoo Lee ; Anthony Craig ; Mark W Seefeldt ; Robert Osinski ; John J Cassano ; Jaclyn L Clement Kinney 12:19pm - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - S406b
C23B. The Changing Arctic Seas: Weather System Amplifiers? II Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral C23B-04. Diminishing Winter Sea Ice in the Pacific Arctic Promotes Extreme Cyclones Stephen J Vavrus ; Rudradutt Thaker ; Christine A Shields ; Alice K DuVivier ; Laura Landrum ; Marika M Holland 11:42am - 11:54am; McCormick Place - S504d
Tuesday, December 13 Oral C23B-06. Continuing Intensification of Arctic Cyclone Activity Xiangdong Zhang ; Han Tang ; Jing Zhang ; John E. Walsh ; Erika Louise Roesler ; Benjamin R Hillman ; Thomas Ballinger 12:06pm - 12:18pm; McCormick Place - S504d
A23A. Advances in Wildland Fire - Atmosphere Interactions I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral A23A-05. Impact of wildfires and new particle formation on the convective clouds over the Amazon rainforest Yuwei Zhang ; Jiwen Fan ; ManishKumar Shrivastava ; Quazi Rasool 11:50am - 12:00pm; McCormick Place - E271ab
GC23D. Multi-sector Dynamics: Multi-sector Impacts of Energy Transitions I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral GC23D-08. The Future Evolution of Global Natural Gas Trade Brinda Yarlagadda ; Gokul Iyer ; Matthew Binsted ; Pralit L Patel ; Marshall A Wise 12:19pm - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - S504abc
B25A. Atmospheric Exchange with Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems II Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral, Invited B25A-01. Comparing the impact of African dust, biomass burning, and volcanic ash on marine and terrestrial biogeochemical cycles Cassandra Gaston ; Anne Barkley ; Haley Royer ; Hope Elliott ; Joseph M Prospero ; Kathy Panechou ; Arash Sharifi ; Ali Pourmand ; Amanda M Oehlert ; Natalie M Mahowald ; Kimberly J. Popendorf ; Ravi K Kukkadapu ; Swarup China ; Nurun Nahar Lata ; Mark E Bowden ; Zezhen Cheng ; Andrew P Ault ; Esteban Gazel ; Adrian Hornby ; Douglas Hamilton ; Kyle Dayton 12:45pm - 12:55pm; McCormick Place - S405b
GC25F. Dynamic Coastlines: Advancements in Understanding of Coastal Hazards and Climate Change Impacts IV Poster
Tuesday, December 13 Poster GC25F-0734. Future sea level rise uncertainty: what impacts on coastal areas ? Melanie Becker ; Mikhail Karpytchev ; Aixue Hu 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC25H. Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change: A World Climate Research Program Call to Action – Coupling of Observations and Models; Integrated Attribution, Prediction and Projection; Assessment of Current and Future Hazards IV Poster
Tuesday, December 13 Poster GC25H-0774. Improving Southern Ocean Climate and Ice-shelf Basal Melt Rates in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) v2 with Regional Mesh Refinement Carolyn Branecky Begeman ; Xylar Asay-Davis ; Alice Barthel ; Darin Scott Comeau ; Matthew J Hoffman ; Wuyin Lin ; Mark R Petersen ; Stephen F Price ; Andrew Roberts ; Milena Veneziani ; Luke Van Roekel ; Jonathan D Wolfe 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC25E. Multi-sector Dynamics: Science & Modeling for Societal Transformation I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral, Invited GC25E-01. MultiSector Urban Dynamics are a Critical Part of Climate Solutions Christa Brelsford ; Melissa R Allen ; Brett Bass 2:47pm - 2:58pm; McCormick Place - S504abc
Tuesday, December 13 Oral, Invited GC25E-03. Challenges and Opportunities for Uncertainty Analysis in Multi-Sector Systems Vivek Srikrishnan 3:09pm - 3:20pm; McCormick Place - S504abc
Tuesday, December 13 Oral GC25E-04. Exploring how MultiSector Dynamics Influence the Evolution of the U.S. Electricity System Power Plant Landscape Under a Range of Future Global Climate and Socioeconomic Scenarios Kendall Mongird ; Chris R Vernon ; Jennie Rice ; Zarrar Khan ; Konstantinos Oikonomou 3:20pm - 3:31pm; McCormick Place - S504abc
Tuesday, December 13 Oral GC25E-05. Quantifying the Compounding, Co-Existing Nature and Inequities of Physical and Transition Risks Across the United States C Adam Schlosser ; Cypress Frankenfeld ; Shelli Orzach ; Sebastian David Eastham ; Xiang Gao ; Angelo Gurgel ; Alyssa McCluskey ; Jennifer F Morris ; Sergey Paltsev ; John M Reilly ; Kilian Rouge 3:31pm - 3:42pm; McCormick Place - S504abc
A23D. Extreme Weather and Climate in Urban Areas, Their Social Impacts, and Mitigation I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral A25C-02. Attribution of extreme heat heterogeneity in urban areas: An Analysis of neighborhood-scale thermal profiles in Los Angeles Pouya Vahmani ; Andrew D Jones ; Yujie Xu ; Tianzhen Hong ; Anamika Shreevastava ; Ulysse Pasquier 2:55pm - 3:05pm; McCormick Place - E450a
H25G. Water and Society: Water Resources Management and Policy in a Changing World I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral H25G-02. Discovering Human and Earth System Drivers of Global Peak Water Limits Hassan Niazi ; Thomas Bernard Wild ; Siwa Msangi ; Neal T Graham ; Jonathan Lamontagne ; Mengqi Zhao 2:55pm - 3:05pm; McCormick Place - E352
GC25D. Land Biogeochemical Cycling Under Global Environmental Change: Patterns, Drivers, and Mechanisms I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral GC25D-06. Incorporating CO2 Fertilization in the Global Upscaling of Eddy Covariance Photosynthesis Measurements Yanghui Kang ; Max Gaber ; Maoya Bassiouni ; Xinchen Lu ; Trevor F Keenan 3:42pm - 3:53pm; McCormick Place - S501bcd
H26A. Advances in Machine Learning for Earth Science: Observation, Modeling, and Applications II Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral H26A-01. The hitchhiker’s guide to differentiable modeling in hydrology. Chaopeng Shen 4:45pm - 4:55pm; McCormick Place - E450b
GC26A. Cross-Disciplinary Systems Modeling Advances for Sustainability Science I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral, Invited GC26A-01. Cohering insights on coupled human-water interactions across diverse human systems modeling approaches Jim Yoon ; Christian J. A. Klassert ; Nathalie Voisin ; Heng Wan ; Vivek Srikrishnan ; Brent Daniel ; Dave Judi 4:50pm - 5:00pm; McCormick Place - S504abc
GC26G. The Flows of Energy Through the Climate System I Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral GC26G-03. CERESMIP: An updated protocol for understanding the changes in the Earth Energy Imbalance Susanne Bauer ; Gavin A Schmidt ; Norman G Loeb ; Timothy Andrews ; Paul James Durack ; V Ramaswamy 5:08pm - 5:18pm; McCormick Place - S406b
A43C. Extreme Weather and Climate in Urban Areas, Their Social Impacts, and Mitigation II Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral A26B-07. Urban Impacts on Deep Convection in the Southern Great Plains Xin Zhou ; Fred Letson ; Paola Crippa ; Sara C. C Pryor 5:45pm - 5:55pm; McCormick Place - E450a
H26D. Frontiers in Ecohydrology III Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral H26D-07. A simple ecohydrological model for simulating global vegetation carbon uptake Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu ; Hong-Yi Li ; L. Ruby Leung 5:45pm - 5:55pm; McCormick Place - E265
OS26A. Advances in Understanding Global Meridional Overturning Circulation from Past to Future: Insights from Multiple Approaches IV Oral
Tuesday, December 13 Oral OS26A-08. Uncertainty in projecting regional sea level change due to the internal climate variability Aixue Hu ; Gerald Meehl ; Nan A Rosenbloom ; Gary Strand 5:48pm - 5:57pm; McCormick Place - S105d

Wednesday, December 14

Wednesday, December 14 Poster Decision-Relevant Understanding of Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes and Their Impacts II Online Poster Discussion 8:00am - 9:00am; Online Only
Wednesday, December 14 Poster Causal Inference in Hydrology: Inter-comparisons, Applications, and Future Avenues I Online Poster Discussion 8:00am - 9:00am; Online Only
Wednesday, December 14 Poster Causal Inference in Hydrology: Inter-comparisons, Applications, and Future Avenues II Poster 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3)
Wednesday, December 14 Poster Science and Society: Social and Behavioral Sciences I Poster 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3)
Wednesday, December 14 Poster Decision-Relevant Understanding of Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes and Their Impacts III Poster 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3)
Wednesday, December 14 Poster Science and Society: Social and Behavioral Sciences II Online Poster Discussion 1:45pm - 2:45pm; Online Only
Wednesday, December 14 Oral Decision-Relevant Understanding of Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes and Their Impacts I Oral 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - E253cd (Lakeside, Level 2)
GC31E. Making Climate Models & Data Actionable: Evaluating and Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate Models and Emulators II Online Poster Discussion
Wednesday, December 14 Poster GC31E-01. Conditional Emulation of Global Precipitation with Generative Adversarial Networks Brian Hutchinson ; Alexis Ayala ; Chris Drazic ; Seth Bassetti ; Eric Slyman ; Brenna Nieva ; Piper Wolters ; Kyle Bittner ; Claudia Tebaldi ; Ben Kravitz 8:00am - 8:10am; Online Only
SY31A. Community Modeling and Open Innovation to Advance Earth Prediction Systems I Online Poster Discussion
Wednesday, December 14 Poster SY31A-01. CICE Consortium: Advancing Sea Ice Modeling Elizabeth Clare Hunke 8:00am - 8:10am; Online Only
NH31A. Multi-hazard Flood Modeling: From Inland to Coast I Online Poster Discussion
Wednesday, December 14 Poster NH31A-04. The role of interacting watershed-coastal processes in modulating compound flood in a convergent estuary Mithun Deb ; Ning Sun ; Zhaoqing Yang ; Taiping Wang ; Dave Judi ; Mark S Wigmosta 8:37am - 8:49am; Online Only
A32C. Advancing Understanding of the Hydrological Cycle and Its Extremes Through Objective Tracking of Weather Phenomena II Poster
Wednesday, December 14 Poster A32C-1419. Analyzing the Effect of Tropical Cyclones on Atmospheric River Statistics and Dynamics Mohammad Rubaiat Islam ; Travis Allen O'Brien ; Kwesi Twentwewa Quagraine ; Diya Kamnani 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
Wednesday, December 14 Poster A32C-1421. Constraining Future Projections of Atmospheric Rivers using Poleward Latent Energy Transport Ankur Mahesh ; Travis Allen O'Brien ; Burlen Loring ; William Drew Collins 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
Wednesday, December 14 Poster A32C-1425. Relationship of Central North American Atmospheric Rivers to Mesoscale Convection and Extratropical Cyclones Travis Allen O'Brien ; Burlen Loring ; Amanda Dufek ; Mohammad Rubaiat Islam ; Diya Kamnani ; Kwesi Quagraine ; Cody Kirkpatrick 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
Wednesday, December 14 Poster A32C-1428. The evaluation of fronts and frontal precipitation in high-resolution climate models John Landy ; Kevin A Reed 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
A32G. Decision-Relevant Understanding of Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes and Their Impacts III Poster
Wednesday, December 14 Poster A32G-1483. Projected Changes in Extreme River-flow in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Olivia McCauley ; William J Gutowski ; Philip W Gassman ; Ian Williams 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC32L. Making Climate Models & Data Actionable: Evaluating and Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate Models and Emulators III Poster
Wednesday, December 14 Poster GC32L-0747. STITCHES: Emulating ESM Output for Impact and Risk Modeling Claudia Tebaldi ; Kalyn Dorheim ; Abigail Snyder 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Wednesday, December 14 Poster GC32L-0749. New features, broader accessibility, and improved performance of the Hector v3 simple carbon/climate model Kalyn Dorheim ; Ben P Bond-Lamberty 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
Wednesday, December 14 Poster GC32L-0751. Analyzing Airborne Fraction Trends and the Ultimate Fate of Anthropogenic CO2 by Tracking Carbon Flows in a Simple Climate Model Leeya Pressburger ; Kalyn Dorheim ; Trevor F Keenan ; Haewon C McJeon ; Steven Smith ; Ben P Bond-Lamberty 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Wednesday, December 14 Poster GC32L-0752. Methane Parametric Sensitivity of Simple Climate Model Hector Natalie Crowe ; Bond-Lamberty Benjamin ; Leeya Pressburger 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
H32P. Lakes and Inland Water Bodies V Poster
Wednesday, December 14 Poster H32P-1127. Representing Lakes in the Global Hydrological Model Xanthos Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu ; Hong-Yi Li ; Thomas Bernard Wild ; Mengqi Zhao 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
H32Q. Panta Rhei: Hydrology, Society, and Environmental Change II Poster
Wednesday, December 14 Poster H32Q-1133. Representing Reservoir Water Storage in an Integrated Model of Global Energy-Water-Land Dynamics Mengqi Zhao ; Thomas Bernard Wild ; Son H Kim ; Neal T Graham ; A.F.M. Kamal Chowdhury 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC32A. Advances in Modeling the Effects on Land Surface Characteristics Due to Land Use/Land Cover Changes I Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral, Invited GC32A-01. Advancing our understanding of the impacts of historic and projected land use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) David M Lawrence ; George C Hurtt 9:05am - 9:15am; McCormick Place - S504abc
Wednesday, December 14 Oral GC32A-06. Investigating the biogeophysical and biogeochemical impact logging as forced by global forest harvest carbon and harvest area in a vegetation demographic model Shijie Shu ; Jennifer Holm ; Alan V Di Vittorio ; Charles Koven ; Ryan Knox ; Gregory Lemieux 9:55am - 10:05am; McCormick Place - S504abc
H32F. Recent Advances in Large-Scale High-Resolution Hydrologic and Flood Modeling and Hydroclimatic Extremes Assessment I Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral H32F-07. Future floods and changing flood-producing mechanisms across the Delaware River Basin Ning Sun ; Mark S Wigmosta ; Zhaoqing Yang ; Hisham Eldardiry ; Mithun Deb ; Taiping Wang ; Dave Judi 10:00am - 10:10am; McCormick Place - E450a
A43D. High-Resolution Earth System Modeling on Large Supercomputers I Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral, Invited A33E-01. Kilometer-scale extreme weather storylines in variable-resolution global climate models Colin M. Zarzycki ; Alan Rhoades ; Corrine DeCiampa ; Kevin A Reed 11:00am - 11:15am; McCormick Place - E252
Wednesday, December 14 Oral A33E-08. Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS at the watershed scale for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) across resolutions Bryce E Harrop ; Karthik Balaguru ; Jean-Christophe Golaz ; L. Ruby Leung ; Salil Mahajan ; Alan Rhoades ; Paul Aaron Ullrich ; Chengzhu Zhang ; Xue Zheng ; Tian Zhou ; Peter Martin Caldwell ; Noel D Keen ; Azamat Mametjanov 12:20pm - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - E252
U33A. Co-creating and Sharing Knowledge in Partnership with Earth and Space Scientists I Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral, Invited U33A-04. Reflections from the practice and theory of coproduction of knowledge Kripa Akila Jagannathan 11:04am - 11:05am; McCormick Place - N427A-D
H32I. Hydrometeorologic Extremes: Prediction, Simulation, and Change II Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral H33D-02. The Seasonality and Climate Predictability of Extreme Flood Events in The United States Ololade Alonge ; Naresh Devineni 11:10am - 11:20am; McCormick Place - E352
C33A. Observing and Modeling of Earth Surface Cryogenic Processes and the State of Permafrost I Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral C33A-03. Exploring a Novel Model Conceptualization for Watershed-scale Permafrost Simulation Bo Gao ; Ethan Coon ; Jonathon P Schwenk ; Tian Zhou ; Matthew G Cooper 11:20am - 11:30am; McCormick Place - S504d
GC33E. Urban Areas and Global Change I Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral, Invited GC33E-04. Overview of Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather Yun Qian ; TC Chakraborty ; Jiali Wang ; Haochen Tan ; Jianfeng Li ; Dan Li ; Cenlin He ; Chandan Sarangi ; Fei Chen ; L. Ruby Leung 11:35am - 11:46am; McCormick Place - S502ab
A33B. Aerosol Chemistry, Air Pollution Mitigation, and Carbon Neutrality in Megacities and Gigacities II Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral A33B-11. Impacts of global dust and sea salt on the formation of coarse mode nitrate aerosols Mingxuan Wu ; Hailong Wang ; Zheng Lu ; Xiaohong Liu ; Yan Feng 12:25pm - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - E351
A34F. Extreme Weather and Climate in Urban Areas, Their Social Impacts, and Mitigation III Online Poster Discussion
Wednesday, December 14 Poster A34F-01. Assessing Anthropogenic Heat from Buildings in Los Angeles County during a Heat Wave Yujie Xu ; Pouya Vahmani ; Tianzhen Hong ; Andrew D Jones 1:45pm - 1:55pm; Online Only
A34H. Numerical Coupling of Atmospheric Processes in Current and Future Models: Challenges and Paths Forward I Online Poster Discussion
Wednesday, December 14 Poster A34H-01. Exploring Time-step Sensitivities Related to High Clouds and Process Coupling in the E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAM) Hui Wan ; Kai Zhang ; Sean Patrick Santos ; Christopher Vogl ; Carol S Woodward ; Philip J Rasch 1:47pm - 1:57pm; Online Only
Wednesday, December 14 Poster A34H-02. Removing Numerical Pathologies in a Turbulence Parameterization through Convergence Testing Shixuan Zhang ; Christopher Vogl ; Vincent E Larson ; Quan Bui ; Hui Wan ; Phil Rasch ; Carol S Woodward 2:02pm - 2:12pm; Online Only
A25N. Numerical Coupling of Atmospheric Processes in Current and Future Models: Challenges and Paths Forward II Poster
Wednesday, December 14 Poster A35O-1668. How to select from multiple coupling approaches using theoretical error analysis, with application to aerosol lifecycle in EAM Christopher Vogl ; Hui Wan ; Carol S Woodward ; Steven B Roberts 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
C35E. Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Variability of Snow and Snow Processes III Poster
Wednesday, December 14 Poster C35E-0931. LSTM-based Integration of Recent Observations to Dramatically Improve One-month-ahead Point-based Snow Water Equivalent Forecast and Separate Error Sources Yalan Song ; Wen-Ping Tsai ; Chaopeng Shen 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC35J. Implications of Ongoing Mountain Hydrologic Changes on Water Resources II Poster
Wednesday, December 14 Poster GC35J-0805. Asymmetric hemispheric decline of American Cordillera snowpack with future warming Alan Rhoades ; Benjamin Hatchett ; Mark Daniel Risser ; William Drew Collins ; Nicolas E Bambach ; Laurie Huning ; Rachel Rose McCrary ; Erica R Siirila-Woodburn ; Paul Aaron Ullrich ; Michael F Wehner ; Colin M. Zarzycki ; Andrew D Jones 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
A35D. Decision-Relevant Understanding of Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes and Their Impacts I Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral, Invited A35D-01. Decision-Relevant Climate Storylines from Object-Oriented Analysis William J Gutowski ; Linda S Shenk ; Brandon J Fisel 2:47pm - 2:55pm; McCormick Place - E253cd
Wednesday, December 14 Oral A35D-05. Increasing Duration of Long Dry Periods in CMIP6 21st Century SSP5-8.5 Projections Gabriel J Kooperman 3:19pm - 3:27pm; McCormick Place - E253cd
Wednesday, December 14 Oral A35D-07. Surviving the Storm: Evolution of San Francisco Bay Area Extreme Precipitation from Past to Future Climates and Updated Intensity Duration Frequency Curves for Actionable Science James Neher ; Michael MAK ; Christine May ; Michael F Wehner ; Christina M Patricola ; Anna Roche 3:35pm - 3:43pm; McCormick Place - E253cd
A35G. Subseasonal to Seasonal Climate Prediction, Processes, and Applications V Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral A35G-03. Attribution of North American Subseasonal Precipitation Prediction Skill Lantao Sun ; Martin P Hoerling ; Jadwiga Richter ; Andrew Hoell ; Arun Kumar ; James W Hurrell 3:05pm - 3:15pm; McCormick Place - E353ab
Wednesday, December 14 Oral A35G-04. Subseasonal predictability from atmospheric, land, and ocean initial states Jadwiga Richter ; Anne Sasha Glanville ; Sanjiv Kumar 3:15pm - 3:25pm; McCormick Place - E353ab
H35B. Hydrometeorologic Extremes: Prediction, Simulation, and Change III Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral H35B-05. Short- and Long-term Precipitation Events Influencing Missouri River Flooding in Contemporary and Scenario Climate Brandon J Fisel ; Nathan Erickson ; Colin Young ; William J Gutowski 3:25pm - 3:35pm; McCormick Place - E352
A36B. Advancing Understanding of the Hydrological Cycle and Its Extremes Through Objective Tracking of Weather Phenomena III Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral, Invited A36B-01. Advances in MCS research enabled by MCS tracking in observations and model simulations L. Ruby Leung 4:45pm - 4:55pm; McCormick Place - E258
Wednesday, December 14 Oral A36B-05. Evaluating the simulation of precipitation by storm type in Energy Exascale Earth System Model Kevin A Reed ; Alyssa M Stansfield ; Wei-Ching Hsu ; Gabriel J Kooperman ; Akintomide A Akinsanola ; Walter M Hannah ; Angeline G Pendergrass ; Brian Medeiros 5:25pm - 5:35pm; McCormick Place - E258
Wednesday, December 14 Oral A36B-07. Machine Learning-Based Detection of Weather Fronts and Associated Extreme Precipitation in Historical and Future Climates Katherine Dagon ; John E Truesdale ; Gerald Meehl ; Maria J Molina ; James Clark Biard ; Kenneth Kunkel 5:45pm - 5:55pm; McCormick Place - E258
A36F. Subseasonal to Seasonal Climate Prediction, Processes, and Applications VI Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral A36F-04. Land Initializations Contribute Most to the Sub-seasonal Soil Moisture Forecast Skill in the Agricultural Regions of the United States Yanan Duan ; Sanjiv Kumar ; Jadwiga Richter 5:15pm - 5:25pm; McCormick Place - E353ab
OS36A. AI for Ocean and Climate Change III Oral
Wednesday, December 14 Oral OS36A-04. Physical Insights from the Prediction of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability using Explainable Deep Neural Networks Glenn Liu ; Peidong Wang ; Young-Oh Kwon 5:20pm - 5:30pm; McCormick Place - S105d

Thursday, December 15

Thursday, December 15 Poster New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Predicting Global Biogeochemical Cycles Under Climate Change and Intervention I Online Poster Discussion 8:00am - 9:00am; Online Only
Thursday, December 15 Poster Practical Strategies to Operationalize Interdisciplinary Work I Online Poster Discussion 8:00am - 9:00am; Online Only
Thursday, December 15 Poster Vegetation Canopies: Physiology, Structure, Function I Online Poster Discussion 8:00am - 9:00am; Online Only
Thursday, December 15 Poster New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Predicting Global Biogeochemical Cycles Under Climate Change and Intervention II Poster 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A (South, Level 3)
Thursday, December 15 Poster Multi-sector Dynamics: Environmental Change, Resilience, and Society in Urban Areas Under a Changing Climate IV Poster 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3)
Thursday, December 15 Oral Science and Society: Social and Behavioral Sciences III Oral 9:00am - 10:30am; McCormick Place - N426c (North, Level 4)
Thursday, December 15 Oral Vegetation Canopies: Physiology, Structure, Function II Oral 11:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - S501a (South, Level 5)
Thursday, December 15 Poster Climate-Informed Risk Assessment for Extreme Events II Poster 12:45pm - 4:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
Thursday, December 15 Oral New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Predicting Global Biogeochemical Cycles Under Climate Change and Intervention III Oral 2:45pm - 4:15pm; McCormick Place - S501bcd (South, Level 5)
Thursday, December 15 Poster Vegetation Canopies: Physiology, Structure, Function III Poster 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3)
Thursday, December 15 Poster Practical Strategies to Operationalize Interdisciplinary Work II Poster 2:45pm - 6:15pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3)
EP41A. Advances in River Morphology Science, Tools, and Data Sets: Improving Our Understanding of Rivers IV Online Poster Discussion
Thursday, December 15 Poster EP41A-01. Particle Size Distribution Functions for River Bed Material Sediments in the United States Kseniia Gerasimova ; Hong-Yi Li ; Zhenduo Zhu ; Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu ; L. Ruby Leung 8:00am - 8:10am; Online Only
GC41B. Connecting Cause and Effect in Analyses of Coupled Human and Geophysical Systems: The Early to Modern Anthropocene II Online Poster Discussion
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC41B-01. Implementing Human-Environment Feedbacks in a Global Model Alan V Di Vittorio ; Timothy Shippert ; Bond-Lamberty Benjamin 8:00am - 8:10am; Online Only
H41J. Water and Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Hydroclimatic Forecasting for Water Resources Decision-Making I Online Poster Discussion
Thursday, December 15 Poster H41J-01. A Semi-distributed modeling framework for coupled surface-subsurface urban runoff routing: concepts, parameterization, and validation Hong-Yi Li ; Taher Chegini ; L. Ruby Leung ; Zeli Tan ; Tian Zhou 8:00am - 8:10am; Online Only
B41C. New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Predicting Global Biogeochemical Cycles Under Climate Change and Intervention I Online Poster Discussion
Thursday, December 15 Poster B41C-01. Proposed changes to the ILAMB Scoring Methodology Nathan Collier ; Forrest M. Hoffman ; David M Lawrence 8:01am - 8:11am; Online Only
Thursday, December 15 Poster B41C-02. Machine learning–based observation-constrained global wildfire projections Jiafu Mao ; Yan Yu ; Stan Wullschleger ; Anping Chen ; Xiaoying Shi ; Yaoping Wang ; Forrest M. Hoffman ; Yulong Zhang ; Eric M Pierce 8:11am - 8:21am; Online Only
B42H. New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Predicting Global Biogeochemical Cycles Under Climate Change and Intervention II Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster B42H-1724. A Differentiable Ecosystem Modeling Framework for Highly Efficient Forward and Inverse Problems Doaa Aboelyazeed ; Chaopeng Shen ; Chonggang Xu ; Forrest M Hoffman 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Thursday, December 15 Poster B42H-1729. Using causal analysis and machine learning to evaluate the CO2 fertilization of global photosynthesis Yanghui Kang ; Maoya Bassiouni ; Maoya Bassiouni ; Xinchen Lu ; Trevor F Keenan 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Thursday, December 15 Poster B42H-1731. Using Statistical Learning Methods to Accelerate Model Parameter Sensitivity Experiments Shamik Bhattacharya ; Forrest M. Hoffman ; Bharat Sharma ; Gaurab Kc ; Nathan Collier 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Thursday, December 15 Poster B42H-1732. Quantifying Extremes in Net Biospheric Production and Attribution to Compound Climate Drivers Bharat Sharma ; Jitendra Kumar ; Auroop Ganguly ; Forrest M. Hoffman 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
C42C. Arctic Coastal Dynamics: Rates, Impacts, Hazards, and Implications for the Future III Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster C42C-1032. Calibration of the Arctic Coastal Erosion Model at Drew Point, AK, Over a Permafrost Bluff Block Collapse Event in Summer 2018 Jennifer Mary Frederick ; Diana L Bull ; Alejandro Mota ; Irina Tezaur ; Benjamin M Jones ; Emily M Bristol ; R Choens ; Chris Flanary ; Craig Alexander Jones ; Melissa Ward Jones 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Thursday, December 15 Poster C42C-1039. The Thermal Response of Permafrost to Coastal Flooding Yu Zhang ; Elchin Jafarov ; Anastasia Piliouras ; Benjamin M Jones ; Joel C Rowland ; John D Moulton 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
C42E. Observing and Modeling of Earth Surface Cryogenic Processes and the State of Permafrost III Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster C42E-1074. Correcting Regional Climate Bias in Reanalysis Forcing Products for The Warming Permafrost Model Intercomparison Project Jon Wells ; Christina Schaedel ; William J Riley ; Jing Tao ; Edward Schuur ; Deborah N Huntzinger ; Jeralyn M Poe 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
Thursday, December 15 Poster C42E-1079. Regionalized Permafrost Active Layer Thickness Change From Nonlinear Baseflow Recession Matthew G Cooper ; Tian Zhou ; Katrina E Bennett ; Robert W. Bolton ; Ethan Coon ; Sean Fleming ; Joel C Rowland ; Jonathon P Schwenk 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
ED42B. Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists IX Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster ED42B-0596. Quantification of Environmental Drivers Underlying the Changes in Urban Vegetation Using Machine Learning Ridhima Singh ; Jiafu Mao ; Yaoping Wang 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
EP42A. Changing Permafrost Landscapes II Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster EP42A-48. Consistent Timing of Arctic Permafrost Loss Across the CESM1 Large Ensemble Killian McSweeney ; Gabriel J Kooperman 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Digital Poster Monitor Zone 3
GC42I. Implications of Climate Change, Extreme Events, and Adaptation Potentials for Global Agriculture II Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42I-0798. Osiris: An R package to process climate impacts on agricultural yields for the Global Change Analysis Model Hamza Ahsan ; Abigail Snyder ; Zarrar Khan ; Page Kyle ; Chris R Vernon 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC42K. Linkages Across Climate, Hydrologic, and Agricultural Systems III Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42K-0840. The implications of climate change on Sierra Nevada snow hydrology and its impacts on California’s water-food-energy nexus. Areidy Aracely Beltran-Peña ; Alan Rhoades ; Manuela Girotto ; Paolo D'Odorico 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC42M. Mult-sector Dynamics: Extreme Weather, Society, and Uncertainty Characterization II Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42M-0877. The Dual Impacts of Space Heating Electrification and Climate Change on Seasonal Peaking and Reliability of the Texas Power Grid. Henry Ssembatya ; Jordan D Kern ; Konstantinos Oikonomou ; Nathalie Voisin 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC42N. Multi-sector Dynamics: Adapting Energy Systems to a Changing Climate by Overcoming Disconnects Between Energy System and Climate Modeling III Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42N-0882. Coevolution of future water, energy and land systems across the United States in response to national and global socioeconomic, climate, and energy policy drivers. Zarrar Khan ; Mengqi Zhao ; Hamza Ahsan ; Paul Wolfram ; Chris R Vernon ; Jennie Rice ; Gokul Iyer ; Matthew Binsted ; Abigail Snyder ; Page Kyle ; Pralit Patel 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42N-0883. Helios: An R Package to Process Heating and Cooling Degrees for an Integrated Model of Global Energy-Water-Land Dynamics Mengqi Zhao ; Zarrar Khan ; Chris R Vernon ; Jennie Rice 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC42P. Multi-sector Dynamics: Environmental Change, Resilience, and Society in Urban Areas Under a Changing Climate IV Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42P-0903. Investigating the Impacts of Anthropogenic Heat on the Climate of Los Angeles Joseph Ko ; Hannah Schlaerth ; Yun Li ; Pouya Vahmani ; George A Ban-Weiss ; Kelly Sanders 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42P-0908. Sensitivity of urban air warming to anthropogenic heat within a forcing-feedback framework Linying Wang ; Dan Li 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC42Q. Multi-sector Dynamics: Multi-sector Impacts of Energy Transitions II Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42Q-0926. Role of hydropower, wind, and solar in the evolution of global energy under different demand and technological growth scenarios A.F.M. Kamal Chowdhury ; Thomas Bernard Wild ; Ying Zhang ; Mengqi Zhao ; Matthew Binsted ; Jonathan Lamontagne 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42Q-0928. When Do Different Scenarios of Future Electricity Demand Start to Meaningfully Diverge? Misha Kulshresta ; Casey D. Burleyson ; Jennie Rice 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC42R. Multi-sector Dynamics: Science & Modeling for Societal Transformation III Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42R-0936. Risk Information Contamination from Levees as an Explanation of the Levee Effect Parin Bhaduri ; James Yoon ; Heng Wan ; Brent Daniel ; Dave Judi ; Vivek Srikrishnan 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42R-0937. Exploring the co-evolution of cropping choices and groundwater depletion using an agent base crop modeling - groundwater cost curve approach Stephen Ferencz ; James Yoon 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
GC42S. Pathways to Provision of More Robust Regional Information for Society II Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster GC42S-0948. The Future of Extreme Winter Windstorms in the US Northeast Xin Zhou ; Rebecca J Barthelmie ; Melissa S Bukovsky ; Fred Letson ; Jacob Jimmie Coburn ; Sara C. C Pryor 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
H42E. Hydrometeorologic Extremes: Prediction, Simulation, and Change VI Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster H42E-1330. Long-Term Simulations using Coupled Models to Characterize Pluvial, Fluvial, and Coastal Flooding in the Delaware River Basin in a Changing Climate Dave Judi ; Ning Sun ; Mark S Wigmosta ; Zhaoqing Yang ; Hisham Eldardiry ; Mithun Deb ; Taiping Wang 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall A
NG42B. When We Don't Know Everything: Stochastic Approaches to Predicting and Understanding the Earth System III Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster NG42B-0403. Predictable and unpredictable sea level changes in observations and models Mikhail Karpytchev ; Melanie Becker ; Aixue Hu 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
OS42C. Convergent Research in the Arctic: Addressing Complex Societal Challenges Through Action-Oriented Coastal and Ocean Science I Poster
Thursday, December 15 Poster OS42C-1202. Microplastics in the Arctic Ocean - Modeling the Pathways and Relative Contributions from Oceanic and Riverine Sources Hailey Greenleaf ; Wieslaw Maslowski ; Younjoo Lee ; Robert Osinski ; Jaclyn L Clement Kinney 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
Thursday, December 15 Poster OS42C-1203. Mobility in the Changing Arctic: Quantitative Methods to Assess Climate and Socioeconomic Impacts on Arctic Transportation Systems Taryn Waite ; Meredydd Evans ; Nazar Kholod ; Joel C Rowland ; Nina Blahut 9:00am - 12:30pm; McCormick Place - Poster Hall, Hall - A
A43D. Bridging the Gap from Climate to Extreme Weather: Observations, Theory, and Modeling II Oral
Thursday, December 15 Oral, Invited A43D-01. Forced trends in the tropical Pacific and global tropical cyclones: An investigation using a statistical-dynamical downscaling model Chia-Ying Lee ; Adam H Sobel ; Suzana Camargo ; Richard Seager ; Boniface Fosu ; Kevin A Reed 9:02am - 9:12am; McCormick Place - E351
Thursday, December 15 Oral A43D-04. Impact of tropical cyclone winds on ENSO Hui Li ; Aixue Hu ; Gerald Meehl 11:32am - 11:42am; McCormick Place - E351
Thursday, December 15 Oral A43D-05. Present-day Evaluation of Extreme Precipitation over the United States: An Inter-comparison of Three Configurations of E3SMv1 Akintomide A Akinsanola ; Gabriel J Kooperman ; Walter M Hannah ; Kevin A Reed ; Angeline G Pendergrass ; Wei-Ching Hsu 11:42am - 11:52am; McCormick Place - E351
Thursday, December 15 Oral A43D-08. Tying Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns to Northeastern U.S. Winter Storm Precipitation with Self-Organizing Maps Michelle Gore ; Colin M. Zarzycki ; Melissa Gervais 12:12pm - 12:22pm; McCormick Place - E351
A12D. Bridging the Gap From Climate to Extreme Weather: Observations, Theory, and Modeling I Oral
Thursday, December 15 Oral A42F-03. Emergence of multiple feedbacks in the extreme and persistent warmth over Siberia in 2020 Flavio Lehner ; Erich M Fischer ; Matthias Rothlisberger ; Isla Simpson ; Clara Deser ; John Fasullo ; Peter Hitchcock ; Zachary Michael Labe ; Sebastian Milinski ; Sebastian Sippel ; Jakob Zscheischler 9:22am - 9:32am; McCormick Place - E351
Thursday, December 15 Oral A42F-07. Potential impact of future warming on the June 2012 North American derecho Jianfeng Li ; Yun Qian ; L. Ruby Leung ; Xiaodong Chen ; Zhao Yang ; Zhe Feng 10:02am - 10:12am; McCormick Place - E351
Thursday, December 15 Oral A42F-08. A Storm-Resolving Data Set for Development of Next-Generation Atmospheric Models William Drew Collins ; Edward Mischel Molter ; Ankur Mahesh 10:12am - 10:22am; McCormick Place - E351
A43B. Atmospheric Aerosols and Their Interactions with Clouds, Radiation, and Climate IV Oral
Thursday, December 15 Oral, Invited A43B-01. Notable Impact of Wildfires in the Western US on Weather Hazards in the Central US Jiwen Fan ; Yuwei Zhang ; ManishKumar Shrivastava ; Cameron R Homeyer ; Yuan Wang ; John Seinfeld 11:00am - 11:10am; McCormick Place - E350
Thursday, December 15 Oral A43B-08. Examining the Impacts of an Interactive Fire Plume-Rise Model in E3SM on Aerosol Radiative Effects Zheng Lu ; Xiaohong Liu ; Ziming Ke ; Jiwen Fan ; Kai Zhang ; Po-Lun Ma 12:10pm - 12:20pm; McCormick Place - E350
A43E. General Session: Atmospheric Dynamics &amp; Climate I Oral
Thursday, December 15 Oral A43E-03. Assumptions and advantages of diagnosing climate change at global warming levels Mark D Zelinka ; Thea Moellerstedt 11:25am - 11:35am; McCormick Place - E450a
H44A. Advancing Hydrologic Modeling and Prediction in the U.S. Through New Observations and Scalable Observing Networks II Online Poster Discussion
Thursday, December 15 Poster H44A-01. Quantifying the Predictability of Coastal Hydroclimate Conditions from Large-scale Climate Drivers Xiaodong Chen ; L. Ruby Leung ; Ning Sun 1:45pm - 2:00pm; Online Only
SY44A. Climate Change Attribution for Societies: Growing Opportunities in Practices, Public Communication, and Operational Deployment
Thursday, December 15 Poster SY44A-04. The Influence of Climate Change on the Severe Flooding from Remnants of Hurricane Ida 2021 Xue Li ; Michael F Wehner ;