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Global Warming Amplifies Heatwaves over Land and Lake Differently ESMD -
MJO and Related Mode of Tropical Convection Simulated By the Doe Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) with Improved Cloud and Convection Parameterizations ESMD -
Assessing the Use of a Global Climate Model with a Regionally-Refined Mesh (RRM) As a Cost-Effective Tool to Simulate Extreme Precipitation ESMD -
Understanding Tropical Subseasonal Convection in E3SM Version 2 Using Process-Oriented Diagnostics ESMD -
Machine Learning of Key Factors Impacting Extreme Precipitation in Various Regions of the Contiguous United States RGMA -
Contrasting the Biophysical and Radiative Effects of Rising CO2 Concentrations on Ozone Dry Deposition Fluxes MSD -
Differentiable Modeling in Geosciences – Breaking Down the Imaginary Barrier between Machine Learning and Process-Based Modeling (Invited) RGMA -
Assessing the Effects of Giant Aerosols on Cloud and Precipitation Characteristics in E3SM ESMD -
Climate Trends and Earth System Processes ESMD -
In-Situ Analysis of Physical Pathways Activated By Aerosol Injection in E3SM ESMD -
Global Storm-Resolving modeling in E3SM (Invited Presentation) ESMD -
A Review of Recent Progress In Understanding Mechanisms And Trends Of Monsoon Depressions (Invited Presentation) RGMA -
Using Randomly Wired Neural Networks to Emulate Aerosol Optics ESMD -
Roles of external forcing and internal variability to precipitation changes and their uncertainty in the coastal U.S. on multi-decadal timescales RGMA -
Global Fire Response to Heat Waves RGMA -
Evaluation of Individual Cloud Feedbacks in CMIP6 Models Using CERES Observations RGMA -
Different Drivers of Low Cloud Radiative Feedbacks and their Uncertainty in Historical and Future Simulations RGMA -
Projected future warming in high climate sensitivity models is potentially overestimated based on an emergent constraint by seasonal evolution of extratropical low clouds RGMA -
Substantial contribution of internal variability to satellite-era tropospheric warming inferred from CMIP6 large ensembles RGMA -
Enhanced Sea Level Extremes in Coastal Indonesia during 2010-2017: Roles of Anthropogenic Forcing and Decadal Climate Variability RGMA -
Drought Sensitivity of Gross Primary Productivity for Water- vs. Energy-Limited Ecosystems RGMA -
Leveraging ecosystem-scale constraints to assess Nature-based Climate Solutions RGMA -
Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenic Climate Change and Extreme Weather and Climate Events III Oral RGMA -
Using Ecohydrological Optimality to Parameterize Plant Water Use Strategies RGMA -
A Multi-Year Tropical Pacific Cooling Response to Recent Australian Wildfires in CESM2 RGMA -
Analysis of snow droughts in land model simulations and ERA5-Land data in 1980-2014 ESMD -
Arctic Atmospheric Rivers and impacts on sea-ice: Past, Present, and Future. RGMA -
Permafrost and Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks From the Warming Arctic RGMA -
Tropical Cyclone Weather Extremes and Flooding Impacts in a Global Climate Model Large Ensemble Partnered with a High-resolution Hydrology Model ESMD RGMA MSD -
A Novel Emergent Constraint Reveals Systemic Underestimation of Drought Impacts by Earth System Models RGMA -

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