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Monday, November 2

ACME Fall Meeting Agenda - (Agenda)
Plenary Introduction - Koch Dorothy Koch - (Presentation)
Plenary Introduction - Bader David C Bader - (Presentation)
Reconcile Experiment Plans against ACME v1.0-alpha Code - Cryosphere Experiment Plan Todd Ringler ; Stephen Price - (Presentation)
Reconcile Experiment Plans against ACME v1.0-alpha Code - BGC Experiment Plan Peter Thornton ; Bill Riley - (Presentation)
ACME v1.0-alpha Testing David C Bader ; Mark Taylor - (Presentation)
ACME v1.0-beta Tuning Peter Thornton ; Bill Riley - (Presentation)

Tuesday, November 3

ACME v2 Science Driver Experiments Ruby Leung - (Presentation)
The Request Hub Process Jerry Potter ; Renata McCoy (Poster)
Coupling Implications of the Sensitivity to Turbulent Mountain Stress, Gustiness and Vertical Resolution Cecile Hannay ; Rich Neale ; Julio Bacmeister ; Po-Lun Ma ; Phil Rasch (Poster)
Process Oriented Diagnostics in Candidate ACME Atmosphere Configurations Rich Neale ; Wuyin Lin ; Cecile Hannay ; Po-Lun Ma ; Phil Rasch (Poster)
ACME Dashboard Matthew Harris ; Jonathan Beezly ; Sam Fries ; Sterling Baldwin (Poster)
Dynamic Roots in ALM Beth Drewniak (Poster)
Evaluation of the ACME Land Model using the ILAMB Prototype Forrest Hoffman ; Daniel Ricciuto ; Bill Riley ; Peter Thornton (Poster)
MOSART-inundation: Model Development and Application over the Amazon Hong-Yi Li ; Xiangyu Lou ; Ruby Leung ; Teklu Tesfa (Poster)
Reconciling Different Aerosol Effects in GCMs and Satellite Observations using Simulators Po-Lun Ma ; Hélène Chpfer ; David Winker ; Steve Ghan ; Phil Rasch (Poster)
Parametric Uncertainty Quantification Workflow for ALM P. Sargsyan ; D. Ricciuto ; P. Thornton (Poster)
Developing Topography-based Global Subgrid Datasets for the ACME Land Model Teklu Tesfa ; Ruby Leung (Poster)
Publication Service for ACME Rachana Anantharkrishnan ; Lukasz Lacinski (Poster)
Earth System Grid Federation Sasha Ames ; Dean Williams (Poster)
Biophysical Feedbacks of Vegetation to the Global Climate Change for the Past Three Decades Xiaoying Shi ; Jiafu Mao ; Zhenzhong Zeng ; Peter Thornton ; Forrest Hoffman ; Daniel Ricciuto (Poster)
Implementing BeTR in ACME-v1 Jinyun Tang ; Bill Riley (Poster)
Strategy for Testing Candidate Convection Schemes at High Resolution W. Lin ; S. Xie ; S. Klein ; Y. Zhang ; H.-Y. Ma ; Q. Tang ; E. Rosler ; M. Taylor ; R. Neal ; J.-H. Yoon ; R. Rasch ; V. Larson ; A. Gettelman ; P. Bogenschutz ; S. Park (Poster)
Parallel Ensemble Simulations for ACME Performance and Verification Abigail Gaddis ; Matthew Norman ; Katherine Evans ; Salil Mahajan ; Mark Taylor (Poster)
Variably Saturated Flow Modelin ALM Gautam Bisht ; Bill Riley (Poster)
Updates on Treatments of Aerosol, Cloud, and Light-Absorbing Particles in Snow/Ice Hailong Wang ; Richard Easter ; Kai Zhang ; Balwinder Singh ; Yun Qian ; Phil Rasch (Poster)
North American Precipitation and Convection: Application of the ACME Regionally-Refined Model Qi Tang ; Wuyin Lin ; Steve Klein ; Erika Roesler ; Mark Taylor (Poster)
Single-Column Evaluation of Convection Parameterizations Kai Zhang ; Hui Wan ; Phil Rasch ; Jin-Ho Yoon ; Balwinder Singh ; Wuyin Lin ; Shaocheng Xie ; Sungsu Park ; Vince Larson ; Andrew Gettelman ; Peter Bogenschutz (Poster)
Interactive Stratospheric Ozone for v1 Philip Cameron-Smith ; Jeremy Fyke (Poster)
Short Simulations for Efficient Model Evaluation and Turning Hui Wan ; Yun Qian ; Phil Rasch ; Wuyin Lin ; Kai Zhang ; Shaocheng Xie (Poster)
Data Infrastructure for ACME Benjamin Mayer (Poster)
Higher Vertical Resolution Po-Lun Ma ; Phil Rasch ; Julio Bacmeister ; Peter Bogenschutz ; Andrew Gettelman ; Wuyin Lin ; Rich Neale ; Sungsu Park ; Shaocheng Xie ; Jin-Ho Yoon (Poster)

Wednesday, November 4

Climatology Generation Hands-on Charlie Zender - (Presentation)