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Project: Integrated Coastal Modeling (ICoM)
Title Date
Disagreements in estimates of urban land from global maps for the past, present, and future across scales ESMD RGMA MSD -
Scaling Behavior of Flood Peaks under the Effects of Urban Imperviousness and Reservoir Regulations over the Mid-Atlantic Basins ESMD -
The past and future changes of river sediment in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic ESMD -
Irrigation-induced reductions in multiple metrics of heat stress for North American cities ESMD RGMA MSD -
Climate change will reduce North American inland wetland areas and disrupt their seasonal regimes ESMD -
Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Northeastern United States Short-Duration Dry Spells as Simulated by CMIP6 Models ESMD RGMA MSD -
Transfer-learning and meta-learning for hydrological signatures regionalization ESMD -
The Contribution of Benthic Macrofauna to Carbon Cycling in the Chesapeake Bay ESMD RGMA MSD -
Interannual Variability of Benthic Biomass in a Large, Coastal Plain Estuary ESMD RGMA MSD -
Simulation of Compound Flooding using River-Ocean Two-way Coupled E3SM Ensemble on Variable-resolution Meshes ESMD Poster -
Increasing hurricane outer size in the western North Atlantic ESMD RGMA MSD Presentation -
An overview of coastal modeling in E3SM ESMD Presentation -
Continental and Regional-Scale Urban Warming Signals are Detectable and Increasing with Urban Evolution: Implications and Uncertainties ESMD RGMA Presentation -
Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area DGGs-based Flow Routing Datasets for the Amazon Basin ESMD -
Understanding Wind-Wave-Current Coupling on Hurricane Intensity and Coastal Impacts ESMD RGMA MSD -
Impacts of Urbanization on Flood Behavior across the Mid-Atlantic Region ESMD -
Two Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns are Associated with Short-Duration Dry Spells in the Northeastern United States ESMD RGMA MSD -
Evaluation of river routing on an unstructured mesh for E3SM ESMD -
Simulation of Compound Flooding using River-Ocean Two-way Coupled E3SM Ensemble on Variable-resolution Meshes ESMD -
Modeling Inter-Basin Water Transfer in E3SM: A Delaware River Basin Case Study ESMD -
Development of Land-Ocean Hydrologic Coupling in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) ESMD -
A New National Dataset for Belowground Urban Stormwater Networks ESMD -
A New National Dataset for Belowground Urban Stormwater Networks ESMD -
Tropical Cyclone Weather Extremes and Flooding Impacts in a Global Climate Model Large Ensemble Partnered with a High-resolution Hydrology Model ESMD RGMA MSD -
A mesh independent flow direction model for flow routing ESMD -
Two Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns are Associated with Short-Duration Dry Spells in the Northeastern United States ESMD RGMA MSD -
Sensitivity of Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia to Physical Forcings: A Regional Earth System Modeling Perspective ESMD RGMA MSD -
Geographically-Aware Estimates of Remotely Sensed Water Properties for Chesapeake Bay ESMD RGMA MSD -
Flood Scaling Behavior Analysis: Effect of Urbanization on Mean Annual Flood ESMD -
A Semi-distributed modeling framework for coupled surface-subsurface urban runoff routing: concepts, parameterization, and validation ESMD -

Showing 1 - 30 of 46