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Title Date
Cloud Feedbacks in Year-long Cess Simulations with the Global 3-km SCREAM ESMD -
Physical Insights from the Multidecadal Prediction of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Variability Using Explainable Neural Networks RGMA -
Evaluating Efficient Experimental Designs for Estimating Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity in CESM. RGMA -
The relative role of ocean heat uptake efficiency and feedback parameter in modulating the rate of global warming RGMA -
Response of the surface climate to anthropogenic forcing in two coupled models RGMA -
Green with phenology: earlier spring green-up in warmer and brighter cities RGMA -
Future precipitation characteristic change and mechanisms over the Great Lakes Region through the Pseudo-global warming approach RGMA -
29) Linking Climate Change and Human Systems: A Case Study of Arctic Pipelines MSD Poster -
05) Rising Subsurface Water Storage in North American Arctic and Subarctic River Basins Inferred From Baseflow Recession RGMA Poster -
13) Mesh-independent River Modeling in the Sagavanirktok River Basin ESMD Poster -
22) Implementing Landfast Ice in E3SM ESMD Poster -
23) Impact of Arctic Mesh Refinement on Global Sea Ice State in E3SM ESMD Poster -
14) The Flooding Effect on Coastal Permafrost Thaw RGMA Poster -
01) InteRFACE Overview ESMD RGMA MSD Poster -
02) InteRFACE Data Management: Resources and Activities ESMD RGMA MSD Poster -
03) CMIP6 Streamflow Benchmarking Over the Arctic RGMA Poster -
04) Watershed Model Benchmarking and Analysis Within International Land Model Benchmarking System RGMA Poster -
06) Recent Streamflow Trends Across Permafrost Basins of North America RGMA Poster -
09) A deep-learning approach to predict river temperature in Alaska RGMA Poster -
10) Characterization of Arctic Hydrologic Dynamics Using Supervised Machine Learning RGMA Poster -
11) Scale-Dependent Influence of Permafrost on Riverbank Erosion Rates RGMA Poster -
12) Improving the Estimation of Discharge in Permafrost Simulations by Coupled ATS-MOSART ESMD Poster -
21) Simulating Arctic Benthic Organic Carbon in E3SM ESMD Poster -
24) Sea Ice Breakup and Freeze-up Indicators: Coastal User and ESM Perspectives ESMD RGMA Poster -
25) Wave-Sea Ice Coupling in E3SM ESMD Poster -
26) WAVEWATCHIII Performance Summary in E3SM ESMD Poster -
27) Limited Increases in Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Production with Climate Change and the Implications for Energy Markets MSD Poster -
28) Mobility in the Changing Arctic: Quantitative Methods to Assess Climate and Socioeconomic Impacts on Arctic Transportation Systems MSD Poster -
30) Impacts of Climate Change and Global Energy Transitions on Community Security in Arctic Alaska MSD Poster -
15) Calibration of the ACE (Arctic Coastal Erosion) Model RGMA Poster -

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