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Project: Sectoral Interactions, Compounding Influences and Stressors, and Compound Systems: Understanding Tipping Points and Non-Linear Dynamics
Title Date
Agricultural land use dynamics in major river-basins under multiple stressors MSD -
Identifying the Key Drivers of Global and Regional Food-Energy-Water Security Outcomes through Scenario Discovery MSD -
Scenario Discovery for Probabilistic Ensembles of a Coupled Human-Earth System Model MSD Presentation -
Future spatially explicit patterns of land transitions in the United States with multiple stressors MSD Presentation -
Application of Scenario Discovery Techniques to Probabilistic Ensembles in Exploration of Energy Futures MSD -
Future Patterns of US Agricultural Land Use under Multiple Stressors MSD -
Disentangling the Changing Nature of Water Quality, Availability, and Equity in the United States MSD -
Quantifying the Compounding, Co-Existing Nature and Inequities of Physical and Transition Risks Across the United States MSD -
Challenges and Opportunities for Uncertainty Analysis in Multi-Sector Systems MSD -
Climate Extremes and the Future of the Power Sector in the U.S. Heartland: A Multi-Sector Dynamics Perspective MSD -
Assessing Current, Compounding, and Co-Evolving Risks Across Multiple Systems and Sectors: A Triage-based Visualization Platform MSD -
Identifying hotspots of multi-sector vulnerability: A risk triage framework MSD
A Consistent Framework for Probabilistic Uncertainty Quantification in Coupled Human-Earth System Models MSD
Land Use Change in the Continental United States under a Multisystem Dynamics Approach: Are There Tipping Points? ESMD RGMA MSD
Prediction of Extreme Precipitation Occurrence with Machine Learning: Insights from Multiple Reanalysis Data MSD
Designing Resilience for Multi-System Dynamics of Future Transportation MSD

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