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AGU Fall Meeting 2017

Event Date
Monday, December 11, 2017 at 10:00am - Friday, December 15, 2017 at 10:00am
Funding Program Area(s)

Fall Meeting is the largest and preeminent Earth and space science meeting in the world. The 2017 Fall Meeting will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana, offering attendees the chance to discover a new location that features world-renowned cuisine, music, arts, and culture, and provides access to vital scientific ecosystems. The Crescent City provides attendees access to the world-famous French Quarter, Jackson Square, the Saint Louis Cathedral, and a ride on the historic St. Charles streetcar through the elegant Garden District.

Fall Meeting will offer a unique mix of more than 20,000 oral and poster presentations, a broad range of keynote lectures, various types of formal and informal networking and career advancement opportunities, scientific field trips around New Orleans, and an exhibit hall packed with hundreds of exhibitors.


Town Hall

TH23C: Coordinated Model Evaluation Capabilities (CMEC) for CMIP DECK and Historical Simulations
Presenters: Renu Joseph, Peter Gleckler, Forrest Hoffman, William Collins, Dean Williams, Gerald Geernaert
Tuesday, December 12, 12:30 – 1:30pm, Morial Convention Center - 211-213

Meeting of Interest

CICE Consortium Meeting
Wednesday, December 13, 12:30 – 1:30pm
Hampton Inn and Suites New Orleans – Convention Center Hotel, Riverside III room
Contact: David Bailey

Monday, December 11

C11C. Understanding the New Arctic: Meeting Societal Needs Through Observing Networks, Indigenous Knowledge, System Science, and Synthesis I Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster C11C-0918. Toward Process-resolving Synthesis and Prediction of Arctic Climate Change Using the Regional Arctic System Model Wieslaw Maslowski 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H11B. Applications of GRACE, Models, and Monitoring for Water Resources Assessment III Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster H11B-1180. Spatial and temporal variations of evapotranspiration, groundwater and precipitation in Amazonia Jie Niu ; William Riley ; Chaopeng Shen ; John Melack ; Han Qiu 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H11H. Pursuing Water Security in Socio-Hydrological Systems II Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster H11H-1299. The Role of Water Governance and Irrigation Technologies in Regional-Scale Water Use and Consumption in the US West Richard Lammers ; Danielle S Grogan ; Steve Frolking ; Alexander A Proussevitch ; Shantar Zuidema ; Lara Fowler ; Robert T Caccese ; Darrah L Peklak ; Karen Fisher-Vanden 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
IN11A. An Object-Oriented View of Atmospheric Science: Feature Detection and Characterization in Big Data Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster IN11A-0022. Deep Learning for Extreme Weather Detection (Invited) Mr Prabhat ; Evan Racah ; Jim Biard ; Yunjie Liu ; Mayur Mudigonda ; Karthik Kashinath ; Christopher Beckham ; Tegan Maharaj ; Samira Kahou ; Chris Pal ; Travis O'Brien ; Michael Wehner ; Kenneth Kunkel ; William Drew Collins 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Monday, December 11 Poster IN11A-0023. Diversity in Detection Algorithms for Atmospheric Rivers: A Community Effort to Understand the Consequences (Invited) Christine Shields ; Paul Ullrich ; Jonathan Rutz ; Michael Wehner ; Marty Ralph ; J Ruby Leung 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Monday, December 11 Poster IN11A-0025. Topological data analyses and machine learning for detection, classification and characterization of atmospheric rivers Karthik Kashinath ; Grzegorz Muszynski ; Michael Wehner ; Mr Prabhat ; Vitaliy Kurlin 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Monday, December 11 Poster IN11A-0027. Towards a Statistical Model of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Arturo Fernandez ; Karthik Kashinath ; Jon McAuliffe ; Mr Prabhat ; Philip B Stark ; Michael Wehner 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
IN11B. Compressing Scientific Data: Reducing Storage While Preserving Information Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster IN11B-0037. Bit-Grooming: Shave Your Bits with Razor-sharp Precision Charles Zender ; Jeremy Silver 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A11L. Atmospheric Ice-Nucleating Particles and Ice-Cloud Formation: Field, Laboratory, and Modeling Studies I
Monday, December 11 Oral, Invited A11L-04. Global simulation of ice-nucleating particles and implications for cloud radiative effects (Invited) Ken S Carslaw ; Jesus Vergara-Temprado ; Benjamin John Murray ; Paul Field ; Daniel O'Sullivan ; Jo Browse ; Kirsty Pringle ; Karin Ardon-Dryer ; Allan K Bertram ; Susannah M Burrows ; Darius Ceburnis ; Paul J DeMott ; Ryan Mason ; Colin D D O'Dowd ; Matteo Rinaldi ; Theodore W Wilson 8:45am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 392
A11S. Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability I
Monday, December 11 Oral A11S-04. Moist Thermodynamics of Tropical Cyclone Formation and Intensification in High-Resolution Climate Models Allison Wing ; Suzana J Camargo ; Adam H Sobel ; Daehyun Kim ; Yumin Moon ; Michael G Bosilovich ; Hiroyuki Murakami ; Kevin Reed ; Gabriel Vecchi ; Michael Wehner ; Colin Zarzycki ; Ming Zhao 8:45am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - E3
C11D. Polar Climate: Processes and Predictability I
Monday, December 11 Oral C11D-05. An Investigation of the Radiative Effects and Climate Feedbacks of Sea Ice Sources of Sea Salt Aerosol Hannah Marie Horowitz ; Becky Alexander ; Cecilia M Bitz ; Lyatt Jaegle ; Susannah M Burrows 9:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 278-279
IN11E. Recent Advances in Deep Learning and Data Analytics in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences II: Deep Learning to Solve Geoscience Challenges
Monday, December 11 Oral IN11E-06. Assessing Uncertainty in Deep Learning Techniques that Identify Atmospheric Rivers in Climate Simulations Ankur Mahesh ; Travis O'Brien ; Mr Prabhat ; William Drew Collins ; Yunjie Liu 9:15am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 228-230
C12B. Polar Climate: Processes and Predictability II
Monday, December 11 Oral C12B-06. Reducing the biases in simulated polar climate by incorporating realistic surface spectral emissivity into the global climate model Xianglei Huang ; Xiuhong Chen ; Mark Flanner ; Ping Yang ; Daniel Feldman ; Chaincy Kuo 11:35am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 278-279
A13E. Mesoscale Convective Systems: Observations and Modeling at Various Scales II Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster A13E-2126. A Novel Observation-Guided Approach for Evaluating Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated by the DOE ACME Model Zhe Feng ; Po-Lun Ma ; Joseph Hardin ; Robert Houze 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A13H. Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability IV Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster A13H-1250. A tropical cyclone genesis prediction method using machine learning Tao Zhang ; Wuyin Lin ; Yanluan Lin ; Wei Xue ; Xiaomeng Huang ; Minghua Zhang 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Monday, December 11 Poster A13H-2212. Process-Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Global Climate Models Yumin Moon ; Daehyun Kim ; Suzana J Camargo ; Allison Wing ; Adam H Sobel ; Michael G Bosilovich ; Hiroyuki Murakami ; Kevin Reed ; Gabriel Vecchi ; Michael Wehner ; Colin Zarzycki ; Ming Zhao 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
B12D. Understanding Plant and Ecosystem Function Across Scales Through the Lens of Plant Hydraulics II
Monday, December 11 Poster B12D-06. Consequences of hydraulic trait coordination and their associated uncertainties for tropical forest function Bradley O Christoffersen ; Chonggang Xu ; Charles Koven ; Rosie Fisher ; Ryan Knox ; Lara M Kueppers ; Jeffrey Q Chambers ; Nate McDowell 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
C13A. Diagnosis of Hydrological Change in Cold Regions I Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster C13A-0940. Improving Representations of Near-Surface Permafrost and Soil Temperature Profiles in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) Diana R Gergel ; Joseph Hamman ; Bart Nijssen 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC13B. Integrated Assessment Modeling, Coupled Human and Natural Systems, and Global Change Research II Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster GC13B-0772. Implications of various land use change scenarios on global water scarcity over the 21st century Yaling Liu ; Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Chris Vernon ; Xinya Li ; Yannick Le Page ; Katherine V Calvin 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Monday, December 11 Oral GC13B-1600. Regional Responses to Constrained Water Availability Yiyun Cui ; Katherine V Calvin ; Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Leon Clarke ; Son Kim ; Pralit Patel 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC13C. Integrated Human-Earth Systems Modeling for Vulnerability and Risk Assessment, Adaptation, and Resilience II Posters
Monday, December 11 Poster GC13C-0795. Representing Reservoir Stratification in Land Surface and Earth System Models Wondmagegn Yigzaw ; Hong-Yi Li ; L Ruby Leung ; Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Nathalie Voisin ; Robert Alden Payn ; Yonas Demissie 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Monday, December 11 Poster GC13C-0797. Simple Climate Model Evaluation Using Impulse Response Tests Adria Schwarber ; Corinne Hartin ; Steven Smith 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
IN13E. Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: Accelerating Discovery and Building Community I: Lightning
Monday, December 11 IN13E-01. ClimateNet: A Machine Learning dataset for Climate Science Research (Invited) Mr Prabhat ; Jim Biard ; Sangram Ganguly ; Sasha Ames ; Karthik Kashinath ; Soo Kyung Kim ; Samira Kahou ; Tegan Maharaj ; Christopher Beckham ; Travis O'Brien ; Michael Wehner ; Dean Williams ; Kenneth Kunkel ; William Drew Collins 1:43pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 228-230
A13O. Tropospheric Composition in Cold Environments: Sources, Processes, and Impacts I
Monday, December 11 Poster A13O-02. Black Carbon and Sulfate Aerosols in the Arctic: Long-term Trends, Radiative Impacts, and Source Attributions Hailong Wang ; Rudong Zhang ; Yang Yang ; Steven Smith ; Philip Rasch 1:55pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 393-394
B13L. Tropical Forests Under a Changing Climate I
Monday, December 11 Oral B13L-03. Vapor Pressure Deficit and Sap Velocity Dynamic Coupling in Canopy Dominant Trees in the Amazon basin Bruno Gimenaz ; Kolby Jardine ; Robinson I Negron Juarez ; Leticia Oliveira Cobello ; Clarissa Fontes ; Todd E Dawson ; Niro Higuchi ; Jeffrey Q Chambers 2:10pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 383-385
Monday, December 11 Oral B13L-08. Exploring tropical forest vegetation dynamics using the FATES model Charles Koven ; Rosie Fisher ; Ryan Knox ; Jeff Chambers ; Lara M Kueppers ; Bradley O Christoffersen ; Stuart J Davies ; Michael Dietze ; Jennifer Holm ; Elias Charbel Massoud ; Helene C Muller-Landau ; Tom Powell ; Shawn Serbin ; Jacquelyn K Shuman ; Anthony Walker ; S Joseph Wright ; Chonggang Xu 3:25pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 383-385
C14B. Visualizing the Dynamic Cryosphere
Monday, December 11 Oral C14B-02. Exploring the Validity of Modeled Surface Mass Balance Over Greenland With LIVVkit 2.1 Joseph Kennedy ; Mary Michael Forrester ; Katherine J Evans ; Dan Lu 4:06pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - eLightning Area
B14C. Tropical Forests Under a Changing Climate II
Monday, December 11 Oral B14C-06. Emergence of nutrient limitation in tropical dry forests: hypotheses from simulation models David Medvigy ; Bonnie Grace Waring ; Xiangtao Xu ; Annette Trierweiler ; Leland Kendall Werden ; Gangsheng Wang ; Qing Zhu ; Jennifer S Powers 5:15pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 383-385
GC14A. Carbon Feedbacks in Earth's Climate System: Using Ocean and Land Variability to Diagnose Critical Carbon Cycle Processes I
Monday, December 11 Oral GC14A-07. Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes Forrest M Hoffman ; James Tremper Randerson ; J Keith Moore ; Michael Goulden ; Weiwei Fu ; Charles Koven ; Abigail Swann ; Natalie Mahowald ; Keith T Lindsay ; Ernesto Munoz 5:30pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 260-262

Tuesday, December 12

A21K. The Underappreciated Aerosol Coarse Mode: Dust Sources and Coarse Mode Impacts on Climate and Biogeochemistry I Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster A21K-2299. COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols Christine Wiedinmyer ; Heikki Lihavainen ; Natalie Mahowald ; Andres Alastuey ; Samuel Albani ; Paulo Artaxo ; Gilles Bergametti ; Stuart Batterman ; Janice Brahney ; Robert A Duce ; Yan Feng ; Clifton Buck ; Paul Ginoux ; Ying Chen ; Cecile Guieu ; David Cohen ; Jenny L Hand ; Roy M Harrison ; Barak Herut ; Akinori Ito ; Remi Losno ; Dario Gomez ; Maria Kanakidou ; William M Landing ; Benoit Laurent ; Nikos Mihalopoulos ; Katherine Mackey ; Willy Maenhaut ; Christoph Hueglin ; Chad Milando ; Ron L Miller ; Stelios Myriokefaitakis ; Jason Caufield Neff ; Marco Pandolfi ; Adina Paytan ; Carlos Perez Garcia-Pando ; Marje Prank ; Joseph M Prospero ; Elisa Tamburo ; Daniela Varrica ; Michelle Wong ; Yan Zhang 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Tuesday, December 12 Poster A21K-2302. Identification of dust source regions and dust emission trends across North Africa and the Middle East using MISR satellite observations Yan Yu ; Olga V Kalashnikova ; Michael J Garay ; Michael Notaro 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
B21G. Tropical Forests Under a Changing Climate III Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster B21G-2040. Landsat Sensitivity To Recovery from Burning and Clearcuts in Amazonia Robinson I Negron Huarez ; Jennifer Holm ; Boris Faybishenko ; Daniel Marra ; Jacquelyn K Shuman ; Dar A Roberts ; Sami W Rifai ; Gabriel H P M Ribiero ; William Riley ; Jeffrey Q Chambers ; Niro Higuchi 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Tuesday, December 12 Poster B21G-2043. Coupled nutrient cycling determines tropical forest trajectory under Nicholas Bouskill ; Qing Zhu ; William Riley 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Tuesday, December 12 Poster B21G-2046. Tree Carbohydrate Dynamics Across a Rainfall Gradient in Panama During the 2016 ENSO Lee T Dickman ; Chonggang Xu ; Hannah Behar ; Nate McDowell 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
C21H. The Nye Lecture and Honored Member Presentations
Tuesday, December 12 Oral, Invited C21H-01. Ice sheet climate modeling: past achievements, ongoing challenges, and future endeavors (Invited) Jan Lenaerts 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - La Nouvelle C
GC21B. Advances in Monitoring and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks Across Land Use Categories II Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster GC21B-0949. The role of reforestation in carbon sequestration Lucas Nave ; Brian F Walters ; Kathryn Hofmeister ; Charles Hobart Perry ; Umakant Mishra ; Grant M Domke ; Chris Swanston 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC21E. Interpretation and Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations II Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster GC21E-0546. Exploring Land Use and Land Cover Change and Feedbacks in the Global Change Assessment Model Min Chen ; Chris Vernon ; Maoyi Huang ; Katherine V Calvin ; Yannick Le Page ; Ian Kraucunas 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Tuesday, December 12 Poster GC21E-0977. Multi-chain Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for computationally expensive models Jaideep Ray ; Maoyi Huang ; Huiying Ren ; Zhangshuan Hou ; Jie Bao 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Tuesday, December 12 Poster GC21E-0979. Parameter uncertainty in simulations of extreme precipitation and attribution studies. Ben Timmermans ; William Drew Collins ; Travis O'Brien ; Mark Risser 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Tuesday, December 12 Poster GC21E-0985. Uncertainty in Earth System Models: Benchmarks for Ocean Model Performance and Validation Oluwaseun Ogunro ; Scott Elliott ; Nathan Collier ; Oliver Wingenter ; Clara Deal ; Weiwei Fu ; Forrest M Hoffman 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H21D. Global Floods: Forecasting, Monitoring, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Response III Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Oral H21D-1483. Recent changes in flood damage in the United States from observations and ACME model Guoyong Leng ; L. Ruby Leung 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H21F. Hydroclimatic Extremes: Drought IV Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster H21F-1559. Drought impact on vegetation growth and mortality Chonggang Xu ; Minzi Wang ; Craig D Allen ; Nate McDowell ; Richard Stephen Middleton 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H21I. Science and Applications Results Based on NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Mission Measurements II Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster H21I-1603. Prolongation of SMAP to Spatio-temporally Seamless Coverage of Continental US Using a Deep Learning Neural Network Kuai Fang ; Chaopeng Shen ; Daniel Kifer ; Xiao Yang 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
IN21D. Advanced Information Systems for Earth System Data Access and Analysis I Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster IN21D-0068. Development of a Cloud Resolving Model for Heterogeneous Supercomputers Sarat Sreepathi ; Matthew R Norman ; Anikesh Pal ; Walter Hannah ; Carl Ponder 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A21O. Processes of (Sub) Cloud Scales: Modeling, Observation, and Parameterization for Larger-Scale Models I
Tuesday, December 12 Poster A21O-04. Exploring the potential of machine learning to break deadlock in convection parameterization Mike S Pritchard ; Pierre Gentine 8:50am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 398-399
Tuesday, December 12 Oral A21O-06. Continental Shallow Convection Cloud-Base Mass Flux from Doppler Lidar and LASSO Ensemble Large-Eddy Simulations Andrew Vogelmann ; Damao Zhang ; Pavlos Kollias ; Satoshi Endo ; Katia Lamer ; William I Gustafson ; David Romps 9:20am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 398-399
A21N. Mineral Dust Aerosols: From Small Scale Insights to Large Scale Understanding I
Tuesday, December 12 Oral A21N-07. Quantify the Impact of Increasing Model Resolution on Dust Direct Radiative Effects Yan Feng ; Hailong Wang ; Kai Zhang ; Wuyin Lin ; Po-Lun Ma ; Jasper F Kok ; Natalie Mahowald 9:30am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 393-394
A22C. Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer: Basic Research and Applications I
Tuesday, December 12 A22C-01. Balancing accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility in a radiative transfer parameterization for dynamical models (Invited) Robert Pincus ; Eli Mlawer 10:20am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 391
GC22A. Integrated Assessment Modeling, Coupled Human and Natural Systems, and Global Change Research I
Tuesday, December 12 Oral GC22A-01. The Evolution of Integrated Assessment and Emerging Challenges in the Assessment of Human and Natural System Interactions Leon Clarke 10:20am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 260-262
Tuesday, December 12 Oral GC22A-03. Teleconnections in Complex Human-Earth System Models (Invited) James Edmonds ; Katherine V Calvin 10:50am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 260-262
Tuesday, December 12 Oral GC22A-07. Building sector feedbacks lead to increased energy demands Corinne Hartin ; Robert P Link ; Pralit Patel ; Russell Horowitz ; Leon Clarke ; Anupriya Mundra 11:50am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 260-262
A22F. Regional Climate Modeling II
Tuesday, December 12 Oral A22F-03. More robust regional precipitation projection from selected CMIP5 models based on multiple-dimensional metrics Yun Qian ; Lei Wang ; L Ruby Leung ; Guangxing Lin ; Jian Liu ; Yang Gao ; Yaocun Zhang 10:50am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - E3
Tuesday, December 12 Oral A22F-04. From Descriptive to Explanatory: Using Metrics to Identify Candidate Phenomena for Process Evaluation in NA-CORDEX and NARCCAP Seth McGinnis ; Melissa S Bukovsky ; Linda Mearns 11:05am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - E3
H22D. Diagnostics, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Analysis of Earth and Environmental Models II
Tuesday, December 12 Oral H22D-07. Embedded Model Error Representation and Propagation in Climate Models Khachik Sargsyan ; Daniel Ricciuto ; Cosmin Safta ; Peter Thornton 11:50am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 283-285
A23D. Regional Climate Modeling III Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster A23D-2396. Causes of Cool-Season Precipitation Bias in the East South Central U.S. Melissa S Bukovsky ; Rachel Rose McCrary ; Tristan S Rendfrey ; Aaron D Schroeder ; Linda Mearns 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A23F. The Madden-Julian Oscillation: Observations, Theoretical Understanding, Modeling, and Prediction III Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster A23F-2438. Modulation of MJO-diurnal cycle interaction over the Maritime Continent Samson M Hagos ; Chidong Zhang ; Robert Joyce 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
C23A. Advances in Land Ice-Ocean Interactions: Mechanisms, Impacts, and Synthesis III Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster C23A-1207. Toward a new non-hydrostatic ice-sheet/ocean interaction model (NUMO) for Greenland fjords Michal A Kopera ; Wieslaw Maslowski ; Francis Giraldo 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Tuesday, December 12 Poster C23A-1214. Antarctic Submarine Melt and Southern Ocean Climate in Global, Coupled Simulations using the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME) Stephen Price ; Mark R Petersen ; Xylar Asay-Davis ; Jeremy Garmeson Fyke ; Matthew J Hoffman ; Adrian Turner ; Jon Wolfe ; Todd Ringler 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
C23B. Birth, Life, and Death of Icebergs II Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster C23B-1217. An iceberg model implementation in ACME Darin Comeau ; Adrian Turner ; Elizabeth Hunke 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
C23E. Integrating Observations and Models to Better Understand a Changing Arctic Sea Ice Cover II
Tuesday, December 12 Oral C23E-01. Variational Ridging in Sea Ice Models (Invited) Andrew Roberts ; Elizabeth Hunke ; William Lipscomb ; Wieslaw Maslowski ; Samy Kamal 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 278-279
NH23E. Late-Breaking Research Related to the 2017 Hurricane Season in the Americas (Harvey, Irma, Jose, Maria): Poster Contributions
Tuesday, December 12 Poster NH23E-2843. Estimating the human influence on Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria Michael Wehner ; Christina Patricola ; Mark Risser 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
OS23B. Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding III Posters
Tuesday, December 12 Poster OS23B-1398. Uncertainties in Future Regional Sea Level Trends: How to Deal with the Internal Climate Variability? Melanie Becker ; Mikhail Karpytchev ; Aixue Hu ; Clara Deser ; Sabine Lennartz-Sassinek 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC23F. Integrated Human-Earth Systems Modeling for Vulnerability and Risk Assessment, Adaptation, and Resilience I
Tuesday, December 12 Oral GC23F-04. Variance decomposition shows the importance of human-climate feedbacks in the Earth system Katherine V Calvin ; Ben P Bond-Lamberty ; Andrew Jones ; Xiaoying Shi ; Alan V Di Vittorio ; Peter Thornton 2:25pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 260-262
U23A. Climate Science Special Report: An Assessment of the Science Focusing on the United States
Tuesday, December 12 Oral U23A-05. The Climate Science Special Report: Detection and Attribution (Invited) Michael Wehner 2:35pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - E2
H23M. Advances in Watershed Modeling: Hydrologic/Nutrient Processes and Management II
Tuesday, December 12 Oral H23M-04. Modeling sediment yield in small catchments at event scale: Model comparison, development and evaluation Zeli Tan ; L Ruby Leung ; Hong-Yi Li ; Teklu Tesfa 2:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 295-296
PP23E. Past Climate Change in the Arctic and Subarctic: Lessons for the Future I
Tuesday, December 12 Oral PP23E-05. Western Arctic Temperature Sensitivity Varies under Different Mean States William Daniels ; James M Russell ; Carrie Morrill ; William M Longo ; Anne E Giblin ; Patrick Holland-Stergar ; Aixue Hu ; Yongsong Huang 2:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 343
GC23E. Climate Change Impacts on Human Health and the Environment I
Tuesday, December 12 Oral GC23E-06. The influence of current and future climate on the spatial distribution of coccidioidomycosis in the southwestern United States Morgan Gorris ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Charles Zender ; Kathleen K Treseder ; James Tremper Randerson 2:55pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 267-268
H23L. Advances in Characterizing Extreme Storms, Flood Risk, and Flood Risk Management III
Tuesday, December 12 Oral H23L-07. Anthropogenic Warming Impacts on Today's Sierra Nevada Snowpack and Flood Severity Xingying Huang ; Alexander D Hall ; Neil Berg 3:10pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 293-294
IN24A. Browser-Based Mapping, Space-Time Visualization, and Analysis of Big Earth Science Data II
Tuesday, December 12 Oral IN24A-01. Towards a Web-Enabled Geovisualization and Analytics Platform for the Energy and Water Nexus Jibonananda Sanyal ; Varun Chandola ; Alexandre Sorokine ; Melissa Allen ; Anne Berres ; Harrison Pang ; Rajasekar Karthik ; Phil Nugent ; Ryan McManamay ; Robert Stewart ; Budhenrdra L Bhaduri 4:00pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 231-232
GC24D. Interpretation and Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations I
Tuesday, December 12 Oral GC24D-03. Making decisions based on an imperfect ensemble of climate simulators: strategies and future directions Benjamin Sanderson 4:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 278-279
Tuesday, December 12 Oral GC24D-04. Scientific Uncertainties in Climate Change Detection and Attribution Studies (Invited) Benjamin Santer 5:00pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 278-279
B24D. Surface-Atmosphere Interactions: From Single Flux Measurements to Integrated Synthesis II
Tuesday, December 12 Oral B24D-05. Widespread inhibition of day-time ecosystem respiration and implications for eddy-covariance flux partitioning Trevor Keenan 5:00pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 356-357
GC24E. Quantifying and Attributing Climate Change Impacts: Indicators, Models, and Cross-Sectoral Approaches I
Tuesday, December 12 Oral GC24E-05. Energy-Water-Land Nexus: The relative contributions of climate and human systems on global water scarcity Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Min Chen ; Sean William Donald Turner ; Neal T Graham ; Chris Vernon ; Xinya Li ; Son Kim ; Robert P Link 5:00pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 260-262
A24F. Weather and Climate Modeling Across Scales: From Global to Convective-Permitting I
Tuesday, December 12 Oral A24F-07. Exploring the Nonhydrostatic Threshold with Multiscale Dynamical Core Tests in ACME David Matthew Hall ; Mark Taylor ; Andrew Steyer ; Oksana Guba ; Paul Ullrich 5:30pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 398-399
PP21E. Twenty-Five Years of Heinrich Events Research: What We Have Learned So Far About the Past Global Changes I
Tuesday, December 12 Oral PP21E-04. Asynchronous warming and δ18O evolution of deep Atlantic water masses during the last deglaciation Jiaxu Zhang ; Zhengyu Liu ; Esther Brady ; Delia Oppo ; Peter Clark ; Alexandra Jahn ; Shaun Marcott ; Keith Lindsay 8:45pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 344-345

Wednesday, December 13

A31D. Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer: Basic Research and Applications II Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31D-2201. The potential influence of multiple scattering on longwave flux and heating rate simulations with clouds Chia-Pang Kuo ; Ping Yang ; Xianglei Huang ; Daniel Feldman ; Mark Flanner ; Chaincy Kuo ; Eli Mlawer 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A31E. Processes of (Sub) Cloud Scales: Modeling, Observation, and Parameterization for Larger-Scale Models IV Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31E-2231. Is Convection Sensitive to Model Vertical Resolution and Why? Shaocheng Xie ; Wuyin Lin ; Guang Zhang 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31E-2239. Validation of ACME simulated clouds and their sensitivity to model resolution with satellite and ground-based simulators Yuying Zhang ; Shaocheng Xie ; Wuyin Lin ; Po-Lun Ma ; Stephen Klein ; Philip Rasch 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31E-2244. Investigation of tropical diurnal convection biases in a climate model using TWP-ICE observations and convection-permitting simulations Wuyin Lin ; Shaocheng Xie ; Robert Jackson ; Satoshi Endo ; Andrew Vogelmann ; Scott M Collis ; Jean-Cristophe Golaz 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A31J. Weather and Climate Modeling Across Scales: From Global to Convective-Permitting II Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31J-2309. Modeling Extreme Precipitation over East China with a Global Variable-Resolution Modeling Framework (MPAS) Chun Zhao ; Mingyue Xu ; Yu Wang ; Jianping Guo ; Zhiyuan Hu ; L Ruby Leung ; Michael Duda ; William Skamarock 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31J-2311. Microphysical Sensitivity of Precipitation Extremes in the Continental US Using a Super-Parameterized Community Atmosphere Model Alexander Charn ; William Drew Collins ; Hossein Parishani 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31J-2312. The Role of Divergent Flow in the Parameterized and Resolved Convective Precipitation over the Amazon Forest Koichi Sakaguchi ; Jihyeon Jang ; L. Ruby Leung ; Colin Zarzycki ; Samson M Hagos ; Chun Zhao ; Michael Duda ; William Skamarock 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31J-2317. Progress in the Development of a Global Quasi-3-D Multiscale Modeling Framework Joonhee Jung ; Celal S Konor ; David Randall 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31J-2318. Experiments with a Regional Vector-Vorticity Model, and Comparison with Other Models Celal S Konor ; Donald A Dazlich ; Joonhee Jung ; David Randall 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster A31J-2321. Capturing Multiscale Phenomena via Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) in 2D and 3D Atmospheric Flows Jared O Ferguson ; Christiane Jablonowski ; Hans Johansen ; Peter McCorquodale ; Paul Ullrich ; Wolfgang Langhans ; William Drew Collins 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
B31A. Advances in Uncertainty Assessment and Reduction for Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Diagnosis and Prediction I Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster B31A-1978. Scoring Methods in the International Land Benchmarking (ILAMB) Package Nathan Collier ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Gretchen Keppel-Aleks ; David M Lawrence ; Mingquan Mu ; William Riley ; James Tremper Randerson 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - - Poster Hall D-F
B31D. Remote Sensing in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Cross-Scale Approaches to Understanding Structure, Function, and Process IV Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster B31D-2028. Understanding patterns of vegetation structure and distribution across Great Smoky Mountains National Park using LiDAR and meteorology data Jitendra Kumar ; William Walter Hargrove ; Steven P Norman ; Forrest M Hoffman 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
C31A. Arctic Coastal Dynamics: Processes, Rates, and Spatial Variability
Wednesday, December 13 Poster C31A-1150. Morphologic variability of Arctic deltas: Implications for fluxes to the coast Anastasia Piliouras ; Joel Rowland 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC31C. Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Agriculture II Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster GC31C-1016. The Effects of Ecoregion Dynamics on Agroregions for Permanent Crops in the Continental US Under Future Climate Change Scenarios Damian Matthew Maddalena ; John L'Heureux ; Forrest M Hoffman 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC31D. Global and Regional Water-Food-Energy Security Under Changing Environments II Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster GC31D-1020. The safety of high-hazard water infrastructures in the U.S. Pacific Northwest in a changing climate Xiaodong Chen ; Faisal Hossain ; L. Ruby Leung 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster GC31D-1030. The Role of Model Fidelity in Understanding the Food-Energy-Water Nexus at the Asset Level Vincent Tidwell ; Thomas S Lowry ; Susan Behery ; Jordan Macknick ; Y C Ethan Yang 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H31A. Advances in Characterizing Extreme Storms, Flood Risk, and Flood Risk Management IV Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster H31A-1485. Reservoir-induced Alterations in Flood Seasonality: Patterns, Processes, and Implications Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu ; Hong-Yi Li ; Wondmagegn Yigzaw ; Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Jinyun Tang ; Yonas Demissie 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
IN31B. Exploiting Big Earth Data: GIS and Beyond I Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster IN31B-0078. Framework for Detection and Localization of Extreme Climate Event with Pixel Recursive Super Resolution Jiwoo Lee ; Chengzhu Zhang ; Soo Kyung Kim ; Sasha Ames ; Dean Williams 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H31L. Global Precipitation Measurement, Validation, and Applications I
Wednesday, December 13 Oral H31L-04. Near-global covariability of hourly precipitation in space and time. Kevin Trenberth ; Yongxin Zhang 8:45am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 283-285
B31J. Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change I
Wednesday, December 13 Oral B31J-06. Ice-Wedge Polygon Formation Impacts Permafrost Carbon Storage and Vulnerability to Top-Down Thaw in Arctic Coastal Plain Soils Julie D Jastrow ; Roser Matamala ; Chien-Lu Ping ; Timothy W Vugteveen ; Jeremy S Lederhouse ; Gary Michaelson ; Umakant Mishra 9:15am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 386-387
H31O. Water and Society: Water Resources Management and Policy in a Changing World I
Wednesday, December 13 Oral, Invited H31O-08. Dynamics and resilience in interdependent systems at the energy-water-land nexus (Invited) Richard Moss 9:45am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 293-294
IN32C. New Approaches to Analyze Big Geoscientific Data Sets
Wednesday, December 13 Oral, Invited IN32C-03. Building confidence and credibility amid growing model and computing complexity (Invited) Katherine J Evans ; Salil Mahajan ; Carmela Veneziani ; Joseph Kennedy 10:29am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - eLightning Area
A32B. Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks: Advances and New Paradigms I
Wednesday, December 13 Oral A32B-02. Mean Precipitation Change From Invariant Radiative Cooling Nadir Jeevanjee ; David Romps 10:35am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 392
Wednesday, December 13 Oral A32B-03. Climate Sensitivity and Natural Variability: Theoretical Frameworks and the Bounding of Radiative Feedback Estimates Hansi Singh ; L Ruby Leung ; Philip Rasch ; Jian Lu ; Oluwayemi Garuba 10:50am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 392
Wednesday, December 13 Oral A32B-07. SST Patterns, Atmospheric Variability, and Inferred Sensitivities in the CMIP5 Model Archive Kate Marvel ; Robert Pincus ; Gavin Schmidt 11:50am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 392
B33C. Extreme Weather Events and Ecosystem Function: Using Experiments and Modeling to Provide Ecological Foresight I Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster B33C-2098. Effects of ENSO-induced extremes on terrestrial ecosystems Min Xu ; Forrest M Hoffman 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H33B. Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Environment V Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster H33B-1663. Global Effects of SuperParameterization on Hydro-Thermal Land Hongchen Qin ; Mike S Pritchard ; Gabriel Kooperman ; Hossein Parishani 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster H33B-1652. Do state-of-the-art CMIP5 ESMs accurately represent observed vegetation-rainfall feedbacks? Focus on the Sahel Michael Notaro ; Fuyao Wang ; Yan Yu ; Jiafu Mao ; Xiaoying Shi ; Yaxing Wei 6:00pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H33H. Water and Society
Wednesday, December 13 Poster H33H-1807. Quantifying human behavior uncertainties in a coupled agent-based model for water resources management Jin-Young Hyun ; Y. C. Ethan Yang ; Vincent Tidwell ; Jordan Macknick 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center; Poster Hall D-F
H33N. Modeling Hydrological Processes and Changes Under a Changing Environment II
Wednesday, December 13 Oral H33N-01. The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models Fang Zhao ; Ted Veldkamp ; Katja Frieler ; Jacob Schewe ; Sebastian Ostberg ; Sven Norman Willner ; Bernhard Schauberger ; Simon Gosling ; Hannes Mueller Schmied ; Felix T Portmann ; Guoyong Leng ; Maoyi Huang ; Xingcai Liu ; Qiuhong Tang ; Naota Hanasaki ; Hester Biemans ; Dieter Gerten ; Yusuke Satoh ; Yadu N Pokhrel ; Tobias Stacke ; Philippe Ciais ; Jinfeng Chang ; Agnes Ducharne ; Matthieu Guimberteau ; Yoshihide Wada ; Hyungjun Kim ; Dai Yamakazi 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 280-282
Wednesday, December 13 Oral H33N-06. A Parallel, Multi-Scale Watershed-Hydrologic-Inundation Model with Adaptively Switching Mesh for Capturing Flooding and Lake Dynamics Xinye Ji ; Chaopeng Shen 2:55pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 280-282
NG33A. Applications of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Novel Statistical Approaches to the Study of Weather and Climate Using Large Data Sets II Posters
Wednesday, December 13 Poster NG33A-0181. Semi-supervised tracking of extreme weather events in global spatio-temporal climate datasets Soo Kyung Kim ; Mr Prabhat ; Dean Williams 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster NG33A-0188. Emulating RRTMG Radiation with Deep Neural Networks for the Accelerated Model for Climate and Energy Anikesh Pal ; Matthew R Norman 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Wednesday, December 13 Poster NG33A-0190. Machine Learning Techniques for Global Sensitivity Analysis in Climate Models Cosmin Safta ; Khachik Sargsyan ; Daniel Ricciuto 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A33N. Upper Tropospheric Clouds and Convection: Processes, Dynamics, and Feedbacks in Weather and Climate I
Wednesday, December 13 Oral A33N-06. On the existence of tropical anvil clouds Jacob Seeley ; Nadir Jeevanjee ; Wolfgang Langhans ; David Romps 2:55pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 392
EP33G. Sediment Dynamics Across Landscapes: Steep and Low-Relief Terrains
Wednesday, December 13 Oral EP33G-06. Reduced complexity modeling of Arctic delta dynamics Rebecca Lauzon ; Anastasia Piliouras ; Joel Rowland 2:55pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 353-355
B34B. Organo-Mineral-Microbe Interactions in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems I
Wednesday, December 13 Oral B34B-01. Modeling the hysteretic moisture and temperature responses of soil carbon decomposition resulting from organo-mineral interactions (Invited) Jinyun Tang ; William Riley 4:00pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 386-387
GC34A. Climate Variability and Change on Decadal to Multidecadal Timescales II
Wednesday, December 13 Oral GC34A-02. Contributions of internal climate variability to mitigation of projected future regional sea level rise Aixue Hu ; Susan C Bates 4:15pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 265-266
B34C. Vegetation Phenology as Forcing and Response Across Diverse Biomes: Detection, Attribution, Prediction, and Implications III
Wednesday, December 13 Oral B34C-07. Spatiotemporal Analysis of Corn Phenoregions in the Continental United States Venkata Shashank Konduri ; Jitendra Kumar ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Auroop R Ganguly ; William Walter Hargrove 5:30pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 383-385
Wednesday, December 13 Oral B34C-08. Using Linear and Non-Linear Temporal Adjustments to Align Multiple Phenology Curves, Making Vegetation Status and Health Directly Comparable William Walter Hargrove ; Steven P Norman ; Jitendra Kumar ; Forrest M Hoffman 5:45pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 383-385
B34A. Advances in Uncertainty Assessment and Reduction for Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Diagnosis and Prediction II
Wednesday, December 13 Oral B34A-08. Applying ILAMB to data from several generations of the Community Land Model to assess the relative contribution of model improvements and forcing uncertainty to model-data agreement David M Lawrence ; Rosemary Fisher ; Charles Koven ; Keith W Oleson ; Sean C Swenson ; Forrest M Hoffman ; James Tremper Randerson ; Nathan Collier ; Mingquan Mu 5:45pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 388-390
NG34A. Stochastic Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics I
Wednesday, December 13 Oral NG34A-08. Creation of Synthetic Surface Temperature and Precipitation Ensembles Through A Computationally Efficient, Mixed Method Approach Cary Lynch ; Corinne Hartin ; Ben Kravitz ; Robert P Link ; Ben P Bond-Lamberty 5:45pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 238-239

Thursday, December 14

A41B. Extratropical Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Variability II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster A41B-2266. Countervailing patterns in CESM-simulated regional Antarctic snowfall variability: spatial distribution and associated atmospheric circulation modes Jeremy Garmeson Fyke ; Jan Lenaerts ; Hailong Wang 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A41C. Extreme Precipitation in Past, Present, and Future Climates III Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster A41C-2277. Understanding the Role of Air-Sea Interaction on Extreme Rainfall in Aquaplanet and Earth-like CESM2 James J Benedict ; Amy Clement ; Brian Medeiros 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Thursday, December 14 Poster A41C-2295. Evaluating Extreme Precipitation in Gridded Datasets: A Case Study over California Daniel Walton ; Matthew Grieco 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A41H. Novel Methods for Combining Physical Simulation, Machine Learning, and Data-Driven Analysis in Climate Studies and Geophysical Sciences II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster A41H-2386. Tracing the source of numerical climate model uncertainties in precipitation simulations using a feature-oriented statistical model Yun Xu ; Andrew Jones ; Alan Rhoades 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A41K. Extreme Precipitation in Past, Present, and Future Climates I
Thursday, December 14 Oral A41K-01. The uneven nature of daily precipitation and its change (Invited) Angeline Pendergrass ; Reto Knutti 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 392
Thursday, December 14 Oral A41K-02. Increasing climate whiplash in 21st century California Daniel Swain ; Baird Langenbrunner ; J David Neelin ; Alexander D Hall 8:15am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 392
B24B. Microbial-Mineral Regulation of Soil Organic Matter: Mechanisms, Experimental Approaches, and Models I
Thursday, December 14 Poster B24B-05. The role of organo-mineral interactions on the capacity of soils to store carbon Katerina Georgiou ; Rose Z Abramoff ; William Riley ; Margaret S Torn 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
B41E. Soil Carbon Dynamics at Broad Scales: Linking Mechanistic Knowledge to Broad-Scale Applications II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster B41E-2010. Soil Bulk Density by Soil Type, Land Use and Data Source: Putting the Error in SOC Estimates Skye A Willis ; Ann Rossi ; Terry Loecke ; Amanda Maria Ramcharan ; Stephen Roecker ; Umakant Mishra ; Sharon Waltman ; Lucas Nave ; Eric T Sundquist ; Candiss O WIlliams ; Dylan Beaudette ; Zamir Libohova ; Lenore Vasilas 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
B43C. Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change III Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster B41I-2078. Towards a global harmonized permafrost soil organic carbon stock estimates. Umakant Mishra ; Gustaf Hugelius ; Yuanhe Yang 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Thursday, December 14 Poster B41I-2083. The influence of soil organic matter chemistry and site/soil properties in predicting the decomposability of tundra soils Roser Matamala ; Julie D Jastrow ; Zhaosheng Fan ; Chao Liang ; Francisco Calderon ; Gary Michaelson ; Umakant Mishra ; Chien-Lu Ping 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
C41C. Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets I Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster C41C-1226. Improved Discretization of Grounding Lines and Calving Fronts using an Embedded-Boundary Approach in BISICLES Daniel Martin ; Stephen L Cornford ; Peter Schwartz ; Amneet Bhalla ; Hans Johansen ; Esmond Ng 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Thursday, December 14 Poster C41C-1247. Sensitivity analysis for the coupling of a subglacial hydrology model with a 3D ice-sheet model Luca Bertagna ; Mauro Perego ; Max Gunzburger ; Matthew J Hoffman ; Stephen Price 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Thursday, December 14 Poster C41C-1249. Investigating an implicit thermo-mechanical model implemented in FELIX Mauro Perego ; Alessandro Barone ; Matthew J Hoffman 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC41C. Evolution of Catchment Hydrology-Society-Ecology System (ECHS) II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster GC41C-1023. Representing macropore flow at the catchment scale: a comparative modeling study Dengfeng Liu ; Hong-Yi Li ; Fuqiang Tian ; L Ruby Leung 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Thursday, December 14 Poster GC41C-1029. Meta-analysis on Macropore Flow Velocity in Soils Man Gao ; Hong-Yi Li ; Dengfeng Liu ; Xi Chen ; L Ruby Leung 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC41D. Improving the Simulation of Climate Impacts on Agriculture: AgMIP and Related Research II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster GC41D-1035. Agricultural response functions to changes in carbon, temperature, and water based on the C3MP data set Abigail Snyder ; Alexander C Ruane ; Meridel Phillips ; Katherine V Calbin ; Leon Clarke 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H41A. Advances in Hydrologic Prediction to Support Water and Energy Applications II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster H41A-1425. Sensitivity of power system operations to projected changes in water availability due to climate change: the Western U.S. case study Nathalie Voisin ; Jordan Macknick ; Tao Fu ; Matthew O'Connell ; Tian Zhou ; Gregory Brinkman 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Thursday, December 14 Poster H41A-1428. Non-stationary hydropower generation projection over the western United States Tian Zhou ; Tao Fu ; Nathalie Voisin 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H41M. Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Environment I
Thursday, December 14 Oral H41M-01. A New Metric for Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength: Applications on Observations and Modeling Qi Tang ; Shaocheng Xie ; Yunyan Zhang ; Thomas Phillips ; Joseph A Santanello ; David R Cook ; Laura Riihimaki ; Krista Gaustad 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 293-294
A41P. Science and Applications of Atmospheric River Research I
Thursday, December 14 Oral A41P-03. Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Science Goals and Preliminary Analysis (Invited) Christine Shields ; Jonathan Rutz ; Michael Wehner ; F Martin Ralph ; L Ruby Leung 8:30am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - E3
H41Q. Water and Society: Modeling Basin Storage and Human Interventions to the Terrestrial Water Cycle Across Scales I
Thursday, December 14 Oral, Invited H41Q-05. Understanding Water-Energy-Ecology Nexus from an Integrated Earth-Human System Perspective (Invited) Hong-Yi Li ; Xiao Zhang ; Wenhua Wan ; Yuan Zhuang ; Mohamad Issa Hejazi 9:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 280-282
NG42A. Applications of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Novel Statistical Approaches to the Study of Weather and Climate Using Large Data Sets I
Thursday, December 14 Oral NG42A-02. Deep Learning @15 Petaflops/second: Semi-supervised pattern detection for 15 Terabytes of climate data (Invited) William Drew Collins ; Michael Wehner 10:50am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 238-239
C42A. Antarctic Ice Shelves: Surface and Basal Processes, Instability, and Breakup II
Thursday, December 14 Oral C42A-06. Effects of ice shelf basal melt variability on evolution of Thwaites Glacier Matthew J Hoffman ; Jeremy Garmeson Fyke ; Stephen Price ; Xylar Asay-Davis ; Mauro Perego 11:35am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 275-277
H42B. Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Environment II
Thursday, December 14 Oral H42B-08. Remote SST Forcing and Local Land-Atmosphere Moisture Coupling as Drivers of Amazon Temperature and Carbon Cycle Variability Paul Alexander Levine ; Min Xu ; Yang Chen ; James Tremper Randerson ; Forrest M Hoffman 12:05pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 293-294
A43B. Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate Change II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster A43B-2445. Low Cloud Feedback to Surface Warming in the World's First Global Climate Model with Explicit Embedded Boundary Layer Turbulence Hossein Parishani ; Mike S Pritchard ; Christopher Stephen Bretherton ; Matthew C Wyant ; Marat Khairoutdinov ; Balwinder Singh 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A43I. The Dynamics of the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation in Present and Future Climates: Jet Streams, Storm Tracks, Stationary Waves, and Monsoons IV Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster A43I-2587. Coupled Land-Atmosphere Dynamics Govern Long Duration Floods: A Pilot Study in Missouri River Basin Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model Nasser Najibi ; Mengqian Lu ; Naresh Devineni 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC43C. Progress in Quantifying Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change in a Changing Climate Using Earth System Models II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster GC43C-1076. Multi-scale, multi-model assessment of projected land allocation Chris Vernon ; Maoyi Huang ; Min Chen ; Katherine V Calvin ; Yannick Le Page ; Ian Kraucunas 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Thursday, December 14 Poster GC43C-1080. Assessing the Impacts of forest degradation on water, energy, and carbon budgets in Amazon forest using the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator Maoyi Huang ; Yi Xu ; Marcos Longo ; Michael Keller ; Ryan Knox ; Charles Koven ; Rosie Fisher 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Thursday, December 14 Poster GC43C-1086. Representation of deforestation impacts on climate, water, and nutrient cycles in the ACME earth system model Xitian Cai ; William Riley ; Qing Zhu 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
GC43G. Climate Extremes Under Global Warming: Characterizing Impacts and Managing Risk in a Changing World II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster GC43G-1144. Simulations of forest mortality in Colorado River basin Liang Wei ; Chonggang Xu ; Daniel Johnson ; Hang Zhou ; Nate McDowell 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H43K. Water and Society: Modeling Basin Storage and Human Interventions to the Terrestrial Water Cycle Across Scales II Posters
Thursday, December 14 Poster H43K-1790. Open Source Tools for Assessment of Global Water Availability, Demands, and Scarcity Xinya Li ; Chris Vernon ; Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Robert P Link ; Yaling Liu ; Leyang Feng ; Zhongwei Huang ; Lu Liu 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
Thursday, December 14 Poster H43K-1794. Will building new reservoirs always help increase the water supply reliability? Yuan Zhuang ; Fuqiang Tian ; Wondmagegn Yigzaw ; Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Hong-Yi Li ; Sean William Donald Turner ; Chris Vernon 1:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
B43I. Advances and Opportunities in Forecasting and Data-Model Integration: Approaches for Reducing Complexity and Improving Predictive Understanding in Biogeochemical Models of the Earth System I
Thursday, December 14 Oral B43I-03. Initializing carbon cycle predictions from the Community Land Model by assimilating global biomass observations (Invited) Andrew M Fox ; Timothy J Hoar ; William Kolby Smith ; David Moore 2:10pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 356-357
Thursday, December 14 Oral B43I-04. A multi-model assessment of terrestrial biosphere model data needs Anthony Gardella ; Elizabeth Cowdery ; Martin Gerard De Kauwe ; Ankur R Desai ; Matthew Duveneck ; Istem Fer ; Rosie Fisher ; Ryan Knox ; Rob Kooper ; David LeBauer ; Tess McCabe ; Fancesco Minunno ; Ann Raiho ; Shawn Serbin ; Alexey N Shiklomanov ; Anne Thomas ; Anthony Walker ; Michael Dietze 2:25pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 356-357
A43K. Extreme Precipitation in Past, Present, and Future Climates II
Thursday, December 14 Oral A43K-04. Predictive Power of Extreme Precipitation Scaling Formulas Across Spatial and Temporal Scales Benjamin Fildier ; Hossein Parishani ; William Drew Collins 2:25pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 392
Thursday, December 14 Oral A43K-05. On the Threshold Behavior of Extreme Precipitation-Temperature Relationships and Potential Future Changes Guiling Wang ; Kevin Trenberth ; Dagang Wang ; Amer Erfanian 2:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 392
GC43L. The Role of Fire in the Earth System: Understanding Drivers, Feedbacks, and Interactions with the Land, Atmosphere, and Society I
Thursday, December 14 Oral GC43L-05. Coexistence of Trees and Grass: Importance of climate and fire within the tropics Jacquelyn K Shuman ; Rosemary Fisher ; Charles Koven ; Ryan Knox ; Benjamin Andre ; Erik Kluzek 2:40pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 265-266
PA43D. Science to Action: Toward More Effective Decision Maker-Scientist Partnerships I
Thursday, December 14 Oral, Invited PA43D-08. Scientist-Practitioner Engagement to Inform Regional Hydroclimate Model Evaluation (Invited) Andrew Jones ; Kripa Jagannathan ; Paul Ullrich 3:25pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 255-257
GC44A. Global and Regional Water-Food-Energy Security Under Changing Environments I
Thursday, December 14 Oral GC44A-02. Impacts of historic and projected land-cover, land-use, and land-management change on carbon and water fluxes: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) David M Lawrence ; Danica Lombardozzi ; Peter Lawrence ; George Hurtt 4:15pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 260-262
Thursday, December 14 Oral GC44A-06. Economic implications of climate-driven trends in global hydropower generation Sean William Donald Turner ; Stefano Galelli ; Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Leon Clarke ; James Edmonds ; Son Kim 5:15pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 260-262
GC44B. Indicators of processes and feedbacks contributing to Arctic change and their linkages to global change II
Thursday, December 14 Oral GC44B-02. Quantifying the ice-albedo feedback through decoupling Ben Kravitz ; Philip Rasch 4:15pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 267-268
GC44B. Indicators of Processes and Feedbacks Contributing to Arctic Change and Their Linkages to Global Change II
Thursday, December 14 Oral GC44B-07. Can Arctic Sea Ice Decline Weaken the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation? Alexey V Fedorov ; Florian Sevellec ; Wei Lu 5:30pm; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 267-268

Friday, December 15

A51E. Polar Atmospheric Processes and Their Interactions with the Land, Ice, and Ocean Surface I Posters
Friday, December 15 Poster A51E-2117. A Stabilizing Feedback Between Cloud Radiative Effects and Greenland Surface Melt: Verification From Multi-year Automatic Weather Station Measurements Wenshan Wang ; Charles Zender ; Dirk van As 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
A51F. Quantifying Tropospheric Ozone's Present-Day Distribution and Trends from the Perspective of Human Health, Climate, and Ecosystem Productivity II Posters
Friday, December 15 Poster A51F-2143. Leveraging Mechanism Simplicity and Strategic Averaging to Identify Signals from Highly Heterogeneous Spatial and Temporal Ozone Data Benjamin Brown-Steiner ; Noelle E Selin ; Ronald Prinn ; Erwan Monier ; Fernando Garcia-Menendez ; Simone Tilmes ; Louisa K Emmons ; J F Lamarque ; Philip J Cameron-Smith 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
B51F. Integrated Understanding of Climate, Carbon, Nutrient Cycles, Human Activities, and Their Interactions in Terrestrial Ecosystems I Posters
Friday, December 15 Poster B51F-1866. ALM-FATES: Using dynamic vegetation and demography to capture changes in forest carbon cycling and competition at the global scale Jennifer Holm ; Ryan Knox ; Charles Koven ; William Riley ; Gautam Bisht ; Rosie Fisher ; Bradley O Christoffersen ; Michael Dietze ; Jeffrey Q Chambers 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
C51B. Antarctic Ice Shelves: Surface and Basal Processes, Instability, and Breakup III Posters
Friday, December 15 Poster C51B-0982. Winter in Antarctica: dark, cold, windy, and .... wet?? Measurements and modeling of extensive wintertime surface melt Peter Kuipers Munneke ; Adrian J Luckman ; Suzanne Louise Bevan ; Ella Gilbert ; Paul Smeets ; Michiel van den Broeke ; Wenshan Wang ; Charles Zender ; David W Ashmore ; Bryn P Hubbard ; Andrew Orr ; John King 8:00am; New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - Poster Hall D-F
H51F. Multihypothesis Modeling and the Role of Process Representations in Prediction of Ecological and Hydrological Systems II Posters
Friday, December 15 Poster