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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Estuarine hurricane wind can intensify surge-dominated extreme water level in shallow and converging coastal systems ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Deb, Mithun Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Anthropogenic heat from buildings in Los Angeles County: A simulation framework and assessment MSD Journal Article Xu, Yujie Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Hector V3.2.0: functionality and performance of a reduced-complexity climate model MSD Journal Article Dorheim , Kalyn Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Characterizing the multisectoral impacts of future global hydrologic variability MSD Journal Article Birnbaum, Abigail Nora Tufts University
Harmonized Database of Western U.S. Water Rights (HarDWR) v.1 MSD Journal Article Lisk, Matthew D. Pennsylvania State University
naturf: a package for generating urban parameters fornumerical weather modeling MSD Journal Article Sweet-Breu, Levi T. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Uncertain Pathways to a Future Safe Climate RGMA MSD Journal Article Sherwood, S. C. Climate Change Research Centre - Australia
How Could Future Climate Conditions Reshape a Devastating Lake‐Effect Snow Storm? ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Kayastha, Miraj B. Michigan Technological University
Dual Impacts of Space Heating Electrification and Climate Change Increase Uncertainties in Peak Load Behavior and Grid Capacity Requirements in Texas MSD Journal Article Ssembatya, Henry North Carolina State University
Non-linear relationships between daily temperature extremes and US agricultural yields uncovered by global gridded meteorological datasets MSD Journal Article Hogan, Dylan Columbia University
Multisectoral analysis of drought impacts and management responses to the 2008–2015 record drought in the Colorado Basin, Texas MSD Journal Article Ferencz, Stephen B. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Tethys: A Spatiotemporal Downscaling Model for GlobalWater Demand MSD Journal Article Thompson, Isaac Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Urban Effect on Precipitation and Deep Convective Systems Over Dallas‐Fort Worth RGMA MSD Journal Article Zhou, Xin Cornell University
Global projections of heat exposure of older adults MSD Journal Article Falchetta, Giacomo Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
A consistent dataset for the net income distribution for 190 countries and aggregated to 32 geographical regions from 1958 to 2015 MSD Journal Article Narayan, Kanishka B. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
STITCHES: a Python package to amalgamate existing Earthsystem model output into new scenario realizations MSD Journal Article Snyder, Abigail C. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Object-oriented analysis as a foundation for building climate storylines of compounding short-term drought and crop heat stress RGMA MSD Journal Article Fisel, B. J. Iowa State University
Matilda v1.0: An R package for probabilistic climate projections using a reduced complexity climate model MSD Journal Article Brown, Joseph K. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
What drives uncertainty surrounding riverine flood risks? MSD Journal Article Hosseini-Shakib, Iman The Pennsylvania State University
A Framework for Multisector Scenarios of Outcomes for Well‐Being and Resilience MSD Journal Article O’Neill, Brian C. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Using Financial Contracts to Facilitate Informal Leases Within a Western United States Water Market Based on Prior Appropriation MSD Journal Article Zeff, Harrison University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
statemodify: a Python framework to facilitate accessible exploratory modeling for discovering drought vulnerabilities MSD Journal Article Gupta, Rohini S. Cornell University
Global peak water limit of future groundwater withdrawals MSD Journal Article Niazi, Hassan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
gcamfaostat: An R package to prepare, process, andsynthesize FAOSTAT data for global agroeconomic and multisector dynamicmodeling MSD Journal Article Zhao, Xin Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Enhancing Extreme Precipitation Predictions With Dynamical Downscaling: A Convection‐Permitting Modeling Study in Texas and Oklahoma RGMA MSD Journal Article Chang, Hsin‐I. University of Arizona
How Might the May 2015 Flood in the U.S. Southern Great Plains Induced by Clustered MCSs Unfold in the Future? RGMA MSD Journal Article Feng , Zhe Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Persistent urban heat MSD Journal Article Li, Dan Boston University
Machine Learning Analysis of Impact of Western US Fires on Central US Hailstorms RGMA MSD Journal Article Fan, Jiwen Argonne National Laboratory
Wind shadows impact planning of large offshore wind farms RGMA MSD Journal Article Pryor, Sara C. Cornell University
Limited increases in Arctic offshore oil and gas production with climate change and the implications for energy markets MSD Journal Article Zhang, Ying Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Showing 31 - 60 of 544