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Title Date
Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States (Invited) RGMA
Coaxing Explicit Marine Stratocumulus into an "Ultraparameterized" CESM ESMD
Classification and Localization of Extreme Weather Patterns with Deep Learning RGMA
A CPT for Improving Turbulence and Cloud Processes in the NCEP Global Models ESMD
Global Sediment Modeling from an Integrated Earth-Human System Perspective ESMD
Trans-pacific Dust during Atmospheric River Landfall in the Western U.S. RGMA
A Scale-Adaptive Turbulent Kinetic Energy Closure for the Dry Convective Boundary Layer ESMD
Evaluating the Potential Usefulness of the C20C+ Detection and Attribution Archive RGMA
Unsupervised Discovery of Coherent Structures in Spatiotemporal Systems RGMA
Utilization of Short-Simulations for Tuning High-Resolution Climate Model ESMD
Large Scale EOF Analysis of Climate Data RGMA
Quantifying the Impacts of Parametric Uncertainty at FLUXNET Sites in the ACME Land Model ESMD
Uncertainty in extreme precipitation representation in numerical simulations and hydrological datasets. RGMA
Understanding the Representativeness of FLUXNET for Upscaling Carbon Flux from Eddy Covariance Measurements RGMA
Contributions from Synoptic and Convective Motions to Changes in Tropical Precipitation Extremes RGMA
Reducing the Spread in Modeled Aerosol Radiative Forcing with a Global, Scattering Line-by-Line Model as Part of RFMIP RGMA
Death of Darkness: Artificial Sky Brightness in the Anthropocene ESMD
Characterizing precipitation changes during twenty-first century over western United States using variable-resolution CESM ESMD
Closing Remarks and Charge/Homework ESMD
SE & CPL Group Recap ESMD
Performance Group Recap ESMD Presentation
Workflow Group Recap ESMD Presentation
Coupled Group Recap ESMD Presentation
Ocean/Ice Group Recap ESMD
Land Group Recap ESMD Presentation
Workflow Group ESMD
Atmosphere Group Recap ESMD Presentation
Atmosphere Group ESMD
A-W: Atmosphere - Workflow Groups ESMD

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