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Title Date
Impacts of Future Changes in Weather Condition on U.S. Transportation RGMA
Non-Robust Numerical Implementations Impact Global Carbon and Water Cycle Simulations: A demonstration with two ESM land models ESMD RGMA
Spatial and Seasonal Variability in Soluble Iron Deposition and Contribution to Sea-surface Iron Distributions ESMD
Validation of Sea Ice Models Using an Uncertainty-Based Distance Metric for Multiple Quantities of Interest RGMA
What Governs the Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Precipitation? A case for varying proportions of isotopically
Information Criterion Comparison of Two Deep Convection Ensembles in the ACME Climate Model ESMD
UQ Analysis of the Double ITCZ Problem ESMD
A case for missing cloud physics in climate models RGMA
Identifying Climate Model Teleconnection Mechanisms Between Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Mid-Latitude Winter Storms RGMA
Evaluating the Need for Integrated Land Use and Land Cover Analysis for Robust Assessment of Carbon-Related Climate Adaptation ESMD MSD
Half a Degree Additional Warming; Prognosis and Projected Impacts (HAPPI): Experimental design and initial results RGMA
Modeling the Atmospheric Iron Processing of Mineral Dust and Combustion Aerosols RGMA
Improving Emission Estimates With The Community Emissions Data System (CEDS) ESMD
The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) Contribution to CMIP6: Rationale and Experimental Design ESMD RGMA
The Future of the North American Carbon Cycle Projections and Associated Climate Change ESMD RGMA
The Development of the Non-hydrostatic Unified Model of the Ocean (NUMO), Validation and a Roadmap to High-Resolution ESMD
Scalable Algorithms for Clustering Large Geospatiotemporal Data Sets on Manycore Architectures ESMD RGMA
Impacts of ENSO, Global Warming and Vegetation on Future Droughts ESMD RGMA Oral -
Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 850-2100 ESMD
Permafrost in Earth System Models: Recent Progress and Future Challenges MSD
A Three-dimensional, Implicit, Thermo-mechanical Computational Model for Polythermal Ice
Investigating Thresholds in the Retreat and Regrowth of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
LIVVkit 2: An extensible land ice verification and validation toolkit for comparing observations and models? ESMD
Atmospheric Response to an Open-Ocean Polynya in a High-Resolution Climate Model RGMA Poster
Using NASA Remote Sensing Data to Reduce Uncertainty of Land-use Transitions in Global Carbon-Climate Models ESMD
A Data-Driven Approach to Integrate Crop Rotation Agronomic Practices in a Global Gridded Landuse Forcing Dataset ESMD
Geomorphological Significance and Predictions of At-Many-Stations Hydraulic Geometry ESMD
Changes in belowground C that accompany ecosystem shifts: an approach to constraining depth, timing, and magnitudes of soil MSD
High resolution climate model simulations of stabilized 1.5 and 2 degree warming scenarios RGMA
Understanding the resolution dependence of precipitation statistical fidelity in hindcast simulations RGMA

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