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Probabilistic Detection of Extreme Weather Using Deep Learning Methods RGMA
Dynamics of and precursors to California megafloods, present and future RGMA
Representation of the Madden-Julian oscillation in Model E2.1 : role of the mean state and air-sea interaction RGMA
Historical depiction and future projection of weakly forced yet high-impact convective storms in central U.S. RGMA
Arctic Amplification Is Caused By Sea-Ice Loss Under Increasing CO2 RGMA
Sudden Recent Antarctic Sea Ice Retreat, Connections to the Tropics, and Upper Ocean Regime Change Around Antarctica RGMA
A stochastic transition matrix approach to modeling of the population dynamics of clouds RGMA
Exascale Deep Learning for Climate Science RGMA
Sensitivity of Regional Climate Models to GCM Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity RGMA
Modeling storm tide and inundation in the Greater New York City during Hurricane Sandy (2012) ESMD
How strong is the relationship between the large-scale environment and tropical cyclone climatology in climate models? RGMA
Unifying land carbon cycle models RGMA
Ecosystem memory alters the carbon cycle response to interannual climate variations RGMA
Factors contributing to bias and variability of stratiform precipitation properties with various cloud microphysics schemes for an MC3E Squall Line Case
Efficient Surrogate Modeling Methods to Advance Model-Data Integration ESMD
Stationary Wave Mediated Remote Control of Amazonian Rainfall by Andean Latent Heating: Implications for Chronic Zonal Dipole Rainfall Biases in CMIP5 Simulations over South America RGMA
ClimateNet: bringing the power of Deep Learning to the climate community via open datasets and architectures RGMA
Remote sensing and regression analysis of impacts from Hurricane Maria on forest of Puerto Rico RGMA
Tree mortality and Extreme Rainfall in the Amazon RGMA
Contribution of Tropical Forests to the Changes of Global Land Carbon Sink RGMA
A unified snow and sea ice radiative transfer algorithm in Earth System Models ESMD
Challenges and Recent Progress in Understanding High Latitude Climate Change RGMA
Comparisons of different AMO indexes and their global impacts RGMA
Heterogeneity in warm-season land-atmosphere coupling over the U.S. Southern Great Plains ESMD
Impacts of spectrally resolved emissivity on the surface energy balance and state of Arctic sea ice ESMD
Assessing Climate Information in Use Context RGMA
Spatial Discrepancies in Cloud Radiative Effects Between Large-scale Datasets and In-situ Measurements over Greenland ESMD
Joint modeling of flood volume, duration and peak across the United States: Role of hydrogeomorphological drivers
Observational constraints on wet and dry deposition of black carbon
Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO2 hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment ESMD

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