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Impacts of Marine Ecodynamics on the Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) Production RGMA
Constraints on Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity using a Reduced-Order Climate Model RGMA -
How Much Does Sea Spray Aerosol Organic Matter Impact Clouds and Radiation? Sensitivity Studies in the Community Atmosphere Model ESMD RGMA -
Constraining Processes Involved with Aerosol Effects on Cloud Radiative Forcing RGMA Oral, Invited
Influence of the Freshwater Forcing Patway on the AMOC during 8.2K Event RGMA -
Increasing Rainfall in Central U.S. Driven by Changes in Mesoscale Convective Systems RGMA
Ocean Mediation of Tropospheric Response to Reflecting and Absorbing Aerosols RGMA -
Mapping Vegetation Canopy Structure and Distribution for Great Smoky Mountains National Park Using LiDAR RGMA -
Comparing Global Soil Models to Soil Carbon Profile Databases RGMA -
The Joint Statistics of California Temperature and Precipitation as a Function of the Large-scale State of the Climate RGMA
Scalable Algorithms for Unsupervised Classification and Anomaly Detection in Large Geospatiotemporal Data Sets RGMA -
Using Nudged Simulations to Investigate Parameter Sensitivities in CAM5 RGMA -
CAM5 Climate Model Calibration Across Multiple Spatial Resolutions RGMA -
UQ-Guided Selection of Physical Parameterizations in Climate Models RGMA -
A Simplified, Data-Constrained Approach to Estimate the Permafrost Carbon-Climate Feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach RGMA -
Modeling the Soil Moisture Response to Permafrost Thaw and Implications for the Permafrost-Carbon Feedback RGMA -
Diagnosing Possible Anthropogenic Contributions to Colorado Floods in September 2013 RGMA -
Can Large Scale Sea Ice Cover Changes Affect Precipitation Patterns over California? ESMD RGMA -
Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Climate and Air Quality in the CESM RGMA -
Changes in Extreme Warm and Cold Temperatures Associated with 20th Century Global Warming RGMA -
CAUSES: Clouds Above the United States and Errors at the Surface RGMA -
Has the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Hydrological Cycle Responded to Twentieth Century Aerosol Forcing? RGMA -
On the Relationship between Column Water Vapor and Deep Convection during GOAmazon 2014-2015: A Comparison to the Tropical Western Pacific RGMA -
Observational Constraints on Mixed-Phase Clouds Imply Higher Climate Sensitivity RGMA -
Attribution of the Recent Winter Arctic warming and Sea-Ice Decline with Observation-based Data and Coupled Climate Model Simulations RGMA -
The Effects of Aerosols on the Summer Precipitation Over the Tibet Plateau RGMA
Mixed-Phase Cloud Physics and Southern Ocean Cloud Feedback in Climate Models RGMA -
Arctic Marine Biogeochemistry in a Global Ice-Ocean Ecosystem Model: A Look at Seasonal Features and Spatial Patterns RGMA -
Modelling Sea Ice and Surface Wave Interactions in Polar Regions RGMA -
Modeling the Seasonal Ice Zone from the Air: use of repeat aerial hydrographic surveys to constrain a regional ice-ocean model in an area of rapidly evolving ice cover RGMA -

Showing 1741 - 1770 of 1972