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Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the second phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) RGMA
Probabilistic Detection of Atmospheric Rivers Across Climate Datasets and Resolutions with Neural Networks RGMA
Local and Global Drivers of Irrigation Water Demand in California: Interacting Implications of Climate Change and Adaptation MSD
Impacts of Urbanization on Convective Storms through Urban Land and Aerosol effects
Projections of climate change impacts on crop yields are strongly sensitive to agro-hydrologic model parameterization MSD
Striking the right balance between holistic performance metrics and process-oriented diagnostics RGMA
Quantifying and Diagnosing Biases in Mesoscale Convective Systems in High Resolution Climate Simulations ESMD RGMA
Comparison between multiple physical-based hydrologic models in modeling groundwater-surface water interactions in a coastal watershed RGMA
A ClimateNet-trained Deep Learning Model for Atmospheric River Detection RGMA
Uncertainties in Atmospheric River Life Cycles by Detection Algorithms: Climatology and Variability RGMA
An evaluation of global climate model-simulated tropical cyclone rainfall structures in the HighResMIP simulations against the satellite observations RGMA
From parameter calibration to parameter learning: Revolutionizing large-scale geoscientific modeling with big data RGMA
Uncertainty in Current and Projected Atmospheric Rivers: A Call for Process-Oriented Constraints on AR Detection RGMA
The role of atmospheric rivers on groundwater RGMA
Sources of Subseasonal-to-seasonal Predictability of Atmospheric Rivers and Precipitation in the Western United States RGMA
Connecting Hydrologic and Meteorological variables and pre-conditions to flood probability
Soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks mitigate projected surface water availability declines in drylands RGMA
Pathways Linking Deep Convection, Circulation and Low Cloud Feedback RGMA
The Role of Radiative Interactions in Tropical Cyclone Development under Realistic Boundary Conditions ESMD
Exacerbated drought impacts on global ecosystems due to structural overshoot RGMA
The role of the mean state on MJO simulation in CESM2 ensemble simulation RGMA
Deep Engagement with Southern California Water Managers: Simulating Future Storms to Stress Test Systems RGMA
Typologies of Actionable Climate Information and its Use MSD
Summer Mean and Extreme Precipitation over the Mid-Atlantic Region: Climatological Characteristics and Contributions from Different Precipitation Types RGMA
Soil moisture-precipitation feedbacks: interactions between MCS and non-MCS rainfall through the soil moisture pathway RGMA
Seasonal extreme precipitation over the United States in CMIP6: Present-day evaluation and projected changes RGMA -
Land Model Testbed: Accelerating Development, Benchmarking and Analysis of Land Surface Models RGMA
Revisiting AMOC Transport Estimates from Models and Observations RGMA
Investigating Changes in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Aquaplanet Simulations Under Idealized Warming RGMA
Projected Effects of Climate Change on Simultaneous North American Megafires Based on NA-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations RGMA

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