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A Partial Coupling Approach to Isolate the Roles of the Atmosphere and Ocean in Coupled Climate Interactions RGMA
Where Should We Paint the Roof White? MSD
Assessing the effects of land surface heterogeneity on planetary boundary layer characteristics in E3SM ESMD
Urban environmental changes and its implications in the coupled human-nature system MSD
Using PPE simulations and parametric sensitivity analysis to better understand model physics and parameterization in E3SM atmosphere model over different cloud regimes ESMD
Aerosol Indirect Effects on Ice and Mixed-phase Clouds based on Eight NSF Flight Campaigns and Climate Model Simulations ESMD
Sea Ice Climate of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model, Version 2 ESMD
Source Attribution of Arctic Black Carbon and Sulfate Aerosols and Associated Arctic Surface Warming During 1980–2018 RGMA
Melt extent and melt volume attributed to distinct causal mechanisms ESMD
Drivers and Impacts of Southern Ocean Polynyas in High-Resolution Earth System Models RGMA Oral, Oral
The Historic Effect of CO2 on Global Photosynthesis RGMA
Midwest US croplands determine model divergence in North American carbon fluxes RGMA
Impacts of including global vegetation demography and dynamic plant competition in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model ESMD
Contrasting changes in the seasonal ITCZs between recent observations and future projection RGMA
The carbon cost of maintaining ecosystem carbon sinks and its climate and soil dependence RGMA
Influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole on the large-scale circulation in South America RGMA
Impacts of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Co-limitation on Global Carbon Cycling ESMD RGMA -
Modeling Future Flooding Extremes to Explore Unidentified Risks in the Arctic RGMA
Quantifying the carbon budget of the U.S. Midwestern agroecosystems through model-data fusion RGMA
Towards a multiscale crop modelling framework for climate change adaptation assessment RGMA
Are 100 ensemble members enough to capture the remote atmospheric response to +2°C Arctic sea ice loss ? RGMA
The CO2 effect on evapotranspiration trends as inferred by eddy covariance observations RGMA
The Globally Coherent Pattern of Autumn Monsoon Precipitation RGMA
Evaluating the impact of demand-driven spatial droughts on crop yield anomalies
What We can Learn about Monsoon Rainfall from the Energy Flow?---Energetic Constraint for the Leading Neutral Mode of Monsoon Rainfall Variability and its Future Projection RGMA
Opening Up: The Benefits of Adopting Open Science Principles in a Large Multi-Institutional Modeling Project MSD
Spatial-Temporal Trends of Extreme Winds in The United States
Impacts of end of century climate extremes on California hydrology RGMA
The Shifting Scales of Western US Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers Under Climate Change RGMA MSD
Understanding the Patterns and Drivers of Arctic Tundra Plant Communities RGMA

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