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Assessing the ability of climate models to simulate unprecedented extreme events like the 2021 Western North American heat wave RGMA
Chapter 11: Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate RGMA
Population Downscaling Using High-Resolution, Temporally-Rich U.S. Property Data MSD
Assessing Current, Compounding, and Co-Evolving Risks Across Multiple Systems and Sectors: A Triage-based Visualization Platform MSD -
Improving Urban Form Predictions to Improve Urban Microclimate Models. MSD
Anthropogenic Heating of the Urban Environment under Extreme Heat Conditions MSD
Antecedent Hydrometeorological Conditions of Wildfire Occurrence in the Western U.S. RGMA MSD
From storylines to anthologies – Systematically examining the implications of climate change on known weather extremes and their multisectoral impacts MSD
Short-Lived Climate Forcers RGMA
Can property level flood losses be reliably predicted? MSD
Exploring Surface-Groundwater Interactions and their Implications for Water Scarcity MSD -
The Competition between Cloud Radiative Heating and Latent Heating for Zonal Wind Variability and Forced Response RGMA
Joint CO2 Mole Fraction and Flux Analysis Confirms Missing Processes in CASA Terrestrial Carbon Uptake over North America ESMD
Global Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles and Feedbacks RGMA
A perspective on the role of ocean in Arctic Amplification RGMA
A unified functional relationship between catchment water balance and vegetation productivity ESMD
Understanding the Cold Season Arctic Surface Warming Trend in Recent Decades RGMA
Adaptation of Shipping Patterns in the Arctic: Modeling the Choice of Routing through a Changing Arctic Coastal Environments MSD
Machine Learning-Based Feature Detection to Associate Precipitation Extremes with Synoptic Weather Events RGMA
Comparing the influence of Barents-Kara sea ice loss and Ural blocking events on the winter climate variability RGMA
Examining Connections between Winter Mid-tropospheric Arctic Warming and the Siberian High in newly available Large Ensembles RGMA
Poleward heat transport from sea ice loss and tropical warming in the earth system model hierarchy RGMA
Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system RGMA
CO2 fertilization effect on photosynthesis inferred from observations using optimization theories RGMA
Characterizing Uncertainties in the Crop Switching Decision Problem for U.S. Agriculture MSD
Characterizing Deep Uncertainties is Crucial to Improving Climate Risk Management MSD
Detection and Attribution of Regional Precipitation Change with Granger Causality: Overcoming Limited Observations, Modeling Uncertainty, and Large Internal Variability RGMA
Coevolution of future water, energy and land systems across the United States in response to national and global socioeconomic, climate, and energy policy drivers. MSD
Flavors of Antarctic atmospheric rivers and the modes of variability that matter RGMA
Human and Physical Systems Interactions in the Arctic: Early Results from the Interdisciplinary Research for Arctic Coastal Environments MSD

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