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Title Date
Process-oriented diagnosis of tropical cyclones based on the moist static energy variance budget in reanalyses and high-resolution climate models RGMA
How Does an Improved Representation of Convection Affect Future Air Quality in the Community Earth System Model? RGMA
Climatological occurrences of hail and tornado associated with mesoscale convective systems in the United States
Real-time attribution of anthropogenically-driven coastal flooding RGMA
Integrating Redox and Soil Geochemical Interactions with Carbon Cycling in a Land Surface Model ESMD
The Influence of Ocean Coupling on Simulated and Projected Tropical Cyclone Precipitation in the HighResMIP–PRIMAVERA Simulations RGMA
A Storm-Resolving Data Set for Analysis of Precipitation at its Native Scale, Diagnosis of Cloud-Resolving Models, and Development of Next-Generation Parameterizations RGMA
Improving Lake Representations in Earth System Modeling ESMD
Relationship Between Socioeconomic Factors and the Built Environment of a City: A Case Study of Las Vegas, Nevada MSD
Wind power production from the U.S. east coast offshore lease areas RGMA MSD
Pooling Data Improves Multimodel IDF Estimates over Median-Based IDF Estimates: Analysis over the Susquehanna and Florida RGMA MSD
Deep Learning Experiments for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts MSD
Impact of tropical cyclones on hydrological extremes in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States: 1950‒2019 ESMD
Evaluation and Parametric Sensitivity of the Nutrient Enabled Ecosystem Model FATES-ELM at a Tropical Testbed ESMD
Evaluation of Offshore Wave Climates along the Alaskan North Slope using K-means Clustering RGMA
On the Correspondence between Atmosphere-Only and Coupled Simulations for Radiative Feedbacks and Forcing from CO2 RGMA
Inferring water scarcity vulnerabilities: do converging model representations of water systems lead to convergent insights? MSD -
Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) Across Resolutions ESMD
Linkage between tropical deep convection and low cloud feedback in GFDL perturbed physics experiments RGMA
The Evolution Dynamical Processes of Ural Blocking Through the Lens of Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity Budget Analysis RGMA
The Role of Terrestrial Phosphorus Limitation in Carbon Cycle-Climate Feedbacks RGMA
A global land data system to provide variable high-resolution spatial products MSD
Spatial distribution of C3 and C4 vegetation from 2000 to 2019 in the contiguous U.S. RGMA
Philosophy and Progress of the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model ESMD
Open Source and Performant Hydrological Modeling in Python: mosartwmpy, a Case Study MSD
An Underestimated Negative Cloud Feedback from Cloud Lifetime Changes RGMA
Impact of coastal marsh eco-geomorphologic change on the prediction of saltwater intrusion under future sea level rise
Adaptation to Human Heat Stress: The Role of Labor Migration, Economic Responses, and Land Use Changes MSD
Infrared “Iris Effect” Leads to Strong Positive Low Cloud Feedback RGMA
Credibility Evaluation of a Convolutional Neural Net for Downscaling GCM Output over the Southern Great Plains RGMA

Showing 1321 - 1350 of 3551