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Sensitivity of sub-daily extreme winter precipitation to model resolution RGMA MSD
Assessing prior emergent constraints on surface albedo feedback in CMIP6 RGMA
Fast Climate Responses to Aerosol Emission Reductions During the COVID-19 Pandemic ESMD RGMA
Island Rainfall Enhancement in the Maritime Continent RGMA
A Vertically Resolved Moist Static Energy Framework Highlights the Role of the Boundary Layer in Convective Self-Aggregation RGMA
Upscaling FLUXNET-CH4: Data-driven model performance, predictors, and regional to global methane emission estimates for freshwater wetlands RGMA
Greater tropical ascent area reduction linked to higher equilibrium climate sensitivity in CMIP6 RGMA
Collaboration to better understand Arctic change ESMD RGMA MSD
Cloud feedbacks cause higher climate sensitivity in CMIP6. What do observations say? RGMA
Benchmarking Simulated Precipitation in Earth System Models RGMA
Global evaluation of ELM v1 and the role of the phosphorus cycle and non-structural carbon in the historical terrestrial carbon balance ESMD RGMA
How does optimal photosynthetic acclimation affect future carbon and nutrient cycling? RGMA
Do carbon cycle models of the terrestrial biosphere need a Revelle factor when simulating carbon storage rates from increasing levels of gross primary production? RGMA
Using CESM-RESFire to Understand Climate-Fire-Ecosystem Interactions and the Implications for Decadal Climate Variability RGMA
Evaluating hydrologic sensitivity in CMIP6: internal variability versus anthropogenic forcing RGMA
Quantifying the drivers and predictability of seasonal changes in African fire ESMD RGMA
Are newer climate models better in simulating extratropical modes of variability than older ones?: A comparison between CMIP3, 5, and 6 models RGMA
Representation of Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in CMIP6 Models ESMD RGMA
Antecedent Hydrometeorological Controls on Wildfire Occurrence in the Western U.S. RGMA MSD
Building a Climatology of Extratropical Cyclones and Fronts and Their Associated Precipitation RGMA
Country-level carbon sequestration potential by the middle of the 21 century RGMA
Have Land Surface and Carbon Cycle Processes in Earth System Models Improved Over Time? RGMA
Detection and Attribution of Climate-Driven Extremes in Net Biome Productivity from 1850 through 2100 RGMA
The Community Land Model (CLM5) Parameter Perturbation Ensemble Project: Towards Comprehensive Understanding of Parametric Uncertainty on the Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle RGMA
Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers: Reduced Model with Functional Groups RGMA
Characterizing the Distribution of Lakes on Arctic Deltas RGMA
Quantitative Precipitation Estimation of Extremes over the Continental United States with Radar Data RGMA
Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool to Evaluate the Performance of Dynamically Downscaled Regional Climate Models RGMA MSD -
Disentangling contributions of climate change and land use to global flood change RGMA
Deforestation Strengthens Dust Transport from North Africa to the Amazon RGMA

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