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A Multi-model Analysis of Aerosol Effects on Clouds Simulated by Global Climate Models ESMD Presentation
A Lagrangian View of Midlatitude Air-sea Interaction Associated with Mesoscale Oceanic Eddies ESMD
RACORO: Evaluation of the SCAM5 Shallow Cumulus Parameterization ESMD
RACORO: An Observationally-based LES Study of Continental Boundary Layer Cumulus ESMD
RACORO: Case Study Generation for Continental Boundary Layer Clouds ESMD Poster
Fusion of Alternative Climate Models by Synchronization: Results with Realistic Models ESMD Poster
Bridging Scales in Global Ocean Modeling with MPAS-O ESMD
Application and Refinement of a Method to Achieve Uniform Convective Response on Variable-Resolution Meshes ESMD Poster
Analysis of the Impact of Simulated Channel Density on Hydrologic Responses with a Physically-based Hydrologic Model (PAWS+CLM) ESMD Poster
The Impact of Methane Clathrate Emissions on the Earth System ESMD
Variable C:N:P Stoichiometry of Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling in the Community Earth System Model ESMD
Understanding Changes in Cloud Simulations from E3SM Version 1 to Version 2 ESMD
The past and future change of river sediment in the U.S. mid-Atlantic ESMD
Development of High-Resolution Configuration (v3.HR) for E3SMv3: Enhancing Climate System Representation and Simulation Fidelity ESMD
Parametric Sensitivities of a Wind-driven Baroclinic Ocean using Neural Surrogates and Automatic Differentiation ESMD
Polaris: a testing framework for the next-generation ocean model OMEGA ESMD
Decision-Relevant Understanding of Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes and Their Impacts ESMD RGMA
Improving the representation of clouds and rain in Earth system models with a single liquid category microphysics scheme ESMD
MOSART-DOC: a new large-scale riverine dissolved organic carbon model and its application over the United States ESMD
Investigating the drivers of pan-Arctic water storage change with multi-source remote sensing data ESMD RGMA
Relationship between mid-latitude temperature distributions and meridional wind variability ESMD MSD
The E3SM BGCv2 land-atmosphere coupled simulation campaign ESMD
Large ensemble scenario discovery on global hydropower expansion and human well-being ESMD
Towards configuring E3SMv3 with alternative ECS values ESMD
Automated calibration of uncertain E3SM atmosphere parameters: finding low- and high-ECS alternative parameter sets ESMD
Results of idealized test cases from a Deep-atmosphere variant of the HOMME dynamical core ESMD
Enhancing Numerical Accuracy and Physical Realism in Process Coupling for Complex High-Resolution Simulations ESMD
Overview of the lower-resolution configuration of E3SMv3 ESMD
Integrated fluvial-pluvial-coastal flood modeling in coastal urban regions ESMD RGMA MSD

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