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Global Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles and Feedbacks RGMA
A perspective on the role of ocean in Arctic Amplification RGMA
Understanding the Cold Season Arctic Surface Warming Trend in Recent Decades RGMA
Machine Learning-Based Feature Detection to Associate Precipitation Extremes with Synoptic Weather Events RGMA
Comparing the influence of Barents-Kara sea ice loss and Ural blocking events on the winter climate variability RGMA
Examining Connections between Winter Mid-tropospheric Arctic Warming and the Siberian High in newly available Large Ensembles RGMA
Poleward heat transport from sea ice loss and tropical warming in the earth system model hierarchy RGMA
Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system RGMA
CO2 fertilization effect on photosynthesis inferred from observations using optimization theories RGMA
Detection and Attribution of Regional Precipitation Change with Granger Causality: Overcoming Limited Observations, Modeling Uncertainty, and Large Internal Variability RGMA
Flavors of Antarctic atmospheric rivers and the modes of variability that matter RGMA
Are SST Anomaly Spatial Patterns or Extrema More Important for MJO Propagation in Coupled Simulations? RGMA
A Risk Analysis Framework for Tropical Cyclones (RAFT) ESMD RGMA MSD
The Influence of Background Divergent Moisture Flux on the Frequency and Spatial Distribution of North Pacific Atmospheric Rivers RGMA
A Process-Oriented Evaluation of Tropical Cyclones in the DOE E3SMv1 Simulations RGMA
Propagation and Maintenance of MJO Convection over the Southern Maritime Continent in Boreal Winter and Spring RGMA
The Role of the Latent Heat Flux Feedback on the MJO’s Seasonal Cycle RGMA
Roles of Shallow, Deep, and Organized Convection in the Indian Summer Monsoon Overturning RGMA
Meteorological Environments Associated with California Wildfires and Their Potential Roles in Wildfire Changes during 1984–2017 RGMA
Improving Analyses and Predictions of a Tropical Squall Line Using Upper-Tropospheric Infrared Satellite Observations RGMA
Opposite responses of the dry and moist eddy heat transport into the Arctic in the PAMIP experiments RGMA
How does the atmospheric response to Arctic sea-ice decline compare to the full effect of the Arctic Amplification? RGMA
Tropical forest vulnerability to ENSO induced extremes in a changing climate RGMA
Integrated Terrestrial-Coastal Modeling System: DHSVM-FVCOM-RIFT ESMD RGMA MSD
Correcting the Double-ITCZ Bias Dials down Future Precipitation over Mediterranean Climate Regions in North Hemisphere RGMA MSD
A Partial Coupling Approach to Isolate the Roles of the Atmosphere and Ocean in Coupled Climate Interactions RGMA
Source Attribution of Arctic Black Carbon and Sulfate Aerosols and Associated Arctic Surface Warming During 1980–2018 RGMA
Drivers and Impacts of Southern Ocean Polynyas in High-Resolution Earth System Models RGMA Oral, Oral
The Historic Effect of CO2 on Global Photosynthesis RGMA
Midwest US croplands determine model divergence in North American carbon fluxes RGMA

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