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Strategy for Testing Candidate Convection Schemes at High Resolution ESMD Poster
Higher Vertical Resolution ESMD Poster
Reconciling Different Aerosol Effects in GCMs and Satellite Observations using Simulators ESMD Poster
Parallel Ensemble Simulations for ACME Performance and Verification ESMD Poster
ACME v2 Science Driver Experiments ESMD Presentation -
ACME v1.0-beta Tuning ESMD Presentation -
ACME v1.0-alpha Testing ESMD Presentation -
Reconcile Experiment Plans against ACME v1.0-alpha Code - BGC Experiment Plan ESMD Presentation -
Reconcile Experiment Plans against ACME v1.0-alpha Code - Cryosphere Experiment Plan ESMD Presentation -
Plenary Introduction - Bader ESMD Presentation -
Plenary Introduction - Koch ESMD Presentation -
ACME Fall Meeting Agenda ESMD Agenda -
Unified Treatment of Hydrologic Processes in the Unsaturated-Saturated Zone within ACME Land Model (ALM) ESMD Poster
Atmospheric Chemistry in ACME ESMD Presentation, Presentation
Spanning the Hydrostatic Limit with the CAM-SE Atmospheric Dynamical-Core ESMD
Subgrid Treatment of Surface Wind Speeds and Wind-driven Aerosol Emissions in CAM5 ESMD Poster
Single-column Simulations of Stratocumulus, Shallow Cumulus, and Deep Cumulus Clouds using a Unified Parameterization ESMD Poster
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Precipitation at Global and Local Scales in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 ESMD Poster
Uncertainty Quantification in the Community Land Model ESMD
Sufficient Resolution for Global Climate Models for Representing Changes in Extreme Weather Statistics ESMD
Improving Land-Surface Modeling of Evapotranspiration Processes in Tropical Forests ESMD Poster
Development of an Isotope-Enabled CESM for Testing Abrupt Climate Changes ESMD Presentation, Presentation
Scalability of Grid- and Subbasin-based Land Surface Modeling Frameworks for Hydrologic Simulations ESMD Poster
Climate Workflow Automation and Optimization on DOE Resources ESMD
Parameterizing CAM's Deep Convection with the Stochastic Parcel Model ESMD
Using Direct Numerical Simulations for Understanding and Parameterizing Cloud-Related Processes in High-Resolution Climate Models ESMD Poster
Using Idealized Tests to Diagnose the Impact of Physical Parameterizations on Atmospheric Simulations ESMD Poster
Using Simplified Configurations to Diagnose Numerical Issues in CAM Cloud Physics ESMD
Using the CAM5 Physics in WRF to Better Understand Physics Behavior Across Scales ESMD Poster
Diagnosing and Improving the Characteristics of Atmospheric Model Dynamical Cores via Idealized Test Cases ESMD Presentation

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