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Title Date
Coupled C, N, and P biogeochemistry in the ALMv1: Development, testing against observations, and implications for C-climate feedbacks ESMD Poster
Issues with the hydrologic cycle in the ACME v0.3 model ESMD Poster
Biophysics development for the ACME Land Model Version 2 ESMD Poster
Carbon-climate-human interactions in a high climate change world ESMD Poster
Climate impacts of marine organic aerosols ESMD Poster
Unified modeling framework for ACME ESMD Poster
Opportunities in NERSC exascale science application program ESMD Poster
Coupling ice shelf cavities into ACME ESMD Poster
Evaluating the ACME Land Model (ALM) with ILAMBv2 ESMD Poster
Ensemble simulation workflow for UQ ESMD Poster
High-dimensional big data exploration for model tuning and evaluation ESMD Poster
Hydrologic metrics for Earth system modeling ESMD Poster
Tele-connections of precipitation extremes: ACME v0 ne30 and ne120 FAMIP simulations ESMD Poster
Ice cloud representation in ACME v1 and its sensitivity to uncertain parameters ESMD Poster
Spatial distributions and radiative forcing of aerosols in ACME v1 ESMD Poster
In situ eddy analysis in MPAS-Ocean ESMD Poster
Irrigation effects on land surface-subsurface water and energy fluxes simulated by the ACME Land Model ESMD Poster
Establishing use of extended land-use dataset and a fully consistent carbon cycle for ACME ESMD Poster
Lightweight threading and vectorization with OpenMP in ACME ESMD Poster
Modeling river flow and inundation in the Amazon Basin: Uncertainties in topography, channel geometry, and flow representation ESMD Poster
New method to trigger plant date for crops in ALM ESMD Poster
The ACME "Classic Viewer" ESMD Poster
Parametric sensitivity in ACME-v1 atmospheric model revealed by short Perturbed Parameters Ensemble (PPE) simulations ESMD Poster
Perturbed convection parameter experiments: Sensitivity to ACME and CESM vertical resolution ESMD Poster
Simulating marine ice sheet dynamics in MPAS land ice ESMD Poster
Strategy for tuning high-resolution ACME v1 model ESMD Poster
Surface wind stress biases in the Southern Ocean ESMD Poster
Hypsometric analysis improves topography-based subgrid structures for the ACME Land Model ESMD Poster
Tuning the NE30_L72 ACME v1 Atmosphere Model ESMD Poster
Using satellite- and ground-based simulators to evaluate the ACME simulated clouds ESMD Poster

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