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COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols ESMD
Development of a Cloud Resolving Model for Heterogeneous Supercomputers ESMD
Emergence of nutrient limitation in tropical dry forests: hypotheses from simulation models ESMD RGMA
Black Carbon and Sulfate Aerosols in the Arctic: Long-term Trends, Radiative Impacts, and Source Attributions ESMD RGMA
Consequences of hydraulic trait coordination and their associated uncertainties for tropical forest function ESMD
Reducing the biases in simulated polar climate by incorporating realistic surface spectral emissivity into the global climate model ESMD
Bit-Grooming: Shave Your Bits with Razor-sharp Precision ESMD
The Role of Water Governance and Irrigation Technologies in Regional-Scale Water Use and Consumption in the US West ESMD
Spatial and temporal variations of evapotranspiration, groundwater and precipitation in Amazonia ESMD
Implementation of A Quasi-3d Multiscale Modeling Framework in ACME ESMD Poster
Sea-Ice Biogeochemistry in ACME ESMD Poster
Dust Aerosols in ACME and Sensitivity to Model Resolution ESMD Poster
Development and Testing of ALMv1-ECA-CNP ESMD Poster
Vertically Resolved Biophysics in ALM for the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum ESMD Poster
ACME Priority Metrics Package: A-PRIME ESMD Presentation
New Methods to Combine, Regrid, and Split Climos ESMD Presentation
CMIP6 Data Archive, ESGF, CMOR ESMD Presentation
DECK: CMIP6 Output Request ESMD Presentation
Science Plan for V2 and V3 ESMD Presentation
Diagnosing Coupled Model ESMD Presentation
12-Month Roadmap and V2/V3 New Capabilities for ACME-atmos ESMD Presentation
Hierarchical Scaling of Soil Biogeochemistry in ALM ESMD Poster
Plant N & P Uptake is De-Coupled from Demand: Implications for the BGC Inter-Comparison ESMD Poster
Exponential Time Differencing and Parallel Implementation ESMD Poster
Fully Coupled High-Resolution ACME v0.1 Approximate Present Day Transients ESMD Poster
Spatiotemporally Dynamic Drivers of Global Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) in the Past Century ESMD Presentation
Parametric Sensitivity and Tuning in ACME-V1 Atmosphere Model Based on Short Perturbed Parameters Ensemble (PPE) Simulations: Method, Application and Limitations ESMD Poster
Evaluating CMIP5 and CMIP6 Land Use Forcings for ACME V1 ESMD Poster
Migrating PFLOTRAN from NGEE-Arctic into ACME through A Generic Biogeochemistry Interface ESMD Poster
Automated Post Processing ESMD Poster

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