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Uncertainty Propagation for Integrated Assessment: A Review MSD
Analysis of Climatic Impacts to Connected Infrastructure Dynamics: Technology Insertion MSD
A Systematic Deficiency of Climate Models that Compromises Regional Climate Projections and Integrated Assessments MSD
A River Temperature Model for Assessing Climate Impacts on the U.S. Energy System MSD
Optimizing Transmission Expansion: The Benefits of Cooperative Planning in the Face of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events MSD
Matilda V1.0: Integrating parameter uncertainty and ensemble weighting with Hector for probabilistic climate projections MSD
The influence of climate change on the recent southwest US megadrought through the lens of the Thermodynamic Global Warming simulations RGMA MSD
Assessing weather impacts on crop yield variability: a ML-based transfer learning approach MSD
Using the MSD-LIVE Open Science Platform to Teach New Researchers to Use MSD Models MSD
River Routing and Water Management with mosartwmpy MSD
Economic Impact on Residents from Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPSs) MSD
Discovering Human and Earth System Drivers of Future Global Peak Groundwater Withdrawals MSD
US western physical wildfire risk variability and projections in statistically downscaled and bias-corrected climate model ensembles MSD
UNSAFE: An UNcertain Structure And Fragility Ensemble framework for property-level flood risk estimation MSD
Prediction of Extreme Precipitation Occurrence with Machine Learning: Insights from Multiple Reanalysis Data MSD
The modeling of critical mineral demand and supply in energy system evolution MSD
Windstorms in the U.S. Northeast RGMA MSD
Wind Energy Contributions to Net Zero RGMA MSD
Managing Water Supply- and Financial-Risk in the Colorado River Basin MSD
Relationship between mid-latitude temperature distributions and meridional wind variability ESMD MSD
How will climate change and a global transition to non-fossil fuel energy affect energy security across Arctic Alaska? MSD
Low-likelihood high impact snowmelt events: rain-on-snow and snow-eater heatwaves RGMA MSD
Analyzing storylines of extreme precipitation associated with Hurricane Ida RGMA MSD
Modeling the Impact of Energy, Water, and Land System Transitions on Power Plant Landscape Evolution MSD
Groundwater and Society Workshop: Transdisciplinary collaborations for sustainable management of an “Invisible Resource”. MSD
Designing Resilience for Multi-System Dynamics of Future Transportation MSD
Integrated fluvial-pluvial-coastal flood modeling in coastal urban regions ESMD RGMA MSD
Testing the conditional skill of a hydro-economics model system for food, land, and water sustainability research MSD
Exploring the Role of Future Reservoir Storage Expansion on the Evolution of Multi-Sector Systems Globally MSD
How will Future Climate Reshape Devastating Lake-Effect Snow Storms? ESMD RGMA MSD

Showing 511 - 540 of 551