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Investigating the Role of Sea Ice in the Polar Carbon Cycle ESMD
Bayesian Framework for Structural Uncertainty Estimation of Land Models ESMD
Representing reservoir effects on riverine sediment processes ESMD
On the errors in calculating solar radiation in Earth system models ESMD
Macrophysical and microphysical processes of ice clouds and their interactions with aerosols in EAMv1 ESMD
Top-down estimates of N2O emissions over the past two decades ESMD
The DOE E3SM Coupled Model Version 1: Overview and Evaluation at Standard Resolution ESMD
The MJO Across Future Time Periods and Scenarios in CESM1: When are Changes Detectable? ESMD RGMA
A method to predict, rather than prescribe, soil heterotrophic respiration responses to soil moisture ESMD
Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH ESMD
Neo-tropical forest response to a drier future: a synthesis of measurements and modeling of soil carbon stocks and turnover ESMD
Preliminary Results from a High Resolution Coupled Simulation using E3SM ESMD
Assessing the urban ozone production sensitivity trends in Korea using the measurements from nation-wide air-monitoring stations from 2001 to 2017 ESMD
Understanding Monsoon Changes Using a Normalized Gross Moist Stability Framework ESMD
Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change ESMD RGMA
The impact of the representation of Antarctic freshwater fluxes on the Southern Ocean in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) ESMD
Constraints on elemental composition of fine and coarse aerosols ESMD
Soil erosion causes substantial loss of terrestrial organic carbon and nutrients in the conterminous United States ESMD
Impacts on water-mass transformation from ice shelf melting over the Southern Ocean ESMD
Process based simulation of global agricultural ammonia emissions in an earth system model ESMD
Forced changes in temperature and precipitation and their influences on global changes in vegetation distributions or aridity ESMD RGMA
Improving representation of deforestation effects on evapotranspiration in the global E3SM land model ESMD RGMA
Comparison between Three Downscaled Land Use and Land Cover Products under Different Shared Socio-Economic Pathways ESMD
Land use and land cover distribution is a primary determinant of global carbon cycle projections and regional temperature projections ESMD
Low-cloud feedback in CAM5-CLUBB: physical mechanisms and parameter sensitivity analysis ESMD
Causes of the anomalous heat flux onto the Greenland continental shelf ESMD
A Framework for Testing Plant Allocation and Reactive Transport Hypotheses ESMD
Antarctic ice shelf-ocean interactions in high-resolution, global simulations using the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) ESMD
The simulation of marine subtropical stratocumulus decks in E3SMv1 as compared to other U.S. models ESMD
Evaluation of EAMv1-Simulated Clouds with Satellite and Ground-based Simulators ESMD

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