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Integrated assessment of water-power grid systems under changing climate MSD
Making Energy-Water Nexus Scenarios more Fit-for-Purpose through Better Characterization of Extremes MSD
Energy-Water Modeling and Impacts at Urban and Infrastructure Scales MSD
Biospheric feedback effects in a synchronously coupled model of human and Earth systems ESMD MSD
Novel Methods to Explore Building Energy Sensitivity to Climate and Heat Waves Using PNNL's BEND Model ESMD MSD
Choices Matter, but How Do We Model Them? MSD
Energy-Water Nexus Knowledge Discovery Framework (Invited) MSD
Sensitivity Analysis as a Tool to assess Energy-Water Nexus in India MSD
Calculating water consumption and withdrawal from power plants globally using machine learning, remote sensing and power plant data from the Power Watch platform MSD
Spatio-Temporal Variability of Urban Heat Island and Urban Mobility MSD
Quantifying the Sensitivity of the Production of Environmental Externalities to Market-Based Interventions in the Power Sector MSD
Relation Decomposing between Urbanization and Consumption of Water-Energy Sources MSD
Energy Portfolio Assessment Tool (EPAT): Sustainable Energy Planning Using the WEF Nexus Approach - Texas Case Study MSD
Investigating the Potential Impacts of Energy Production in the Marcellus Shale Region Using the Shale Network Database and CUAHSI-Supported Data Tools MSD
Dryland Agrivoltaics: A novel approach to collocating food production and solar renewable energy to maximize food production, water savings, and energy generation MSD
A Gap-Filling Procedure for Hydrologic Data Based on Kalman Filtering and Expectation Maximization: Application to Data from the Wireless Sensor Networks of the Sierra Nevada MSD
Estimation of Potential Shale Gas Yield Amount and Land Degradation in China by Landcover Distribution regarding Water-Food-Energy and Forest MSD
The 21st Century Challenges and the Food-Energy-Water-Security (FEWS) Nexus in the Middle East Region MSD
Using Dynamic Time Warping and Data Forensics to Examine Tradeoffs among Land-Energy-Water Networks Across the Conterminous United States MSD
A New Data Acquisition Portal for the Sacramento River Settlement Contractors MSD
Development of a Suite of Analytical Tools for Energy and Water Infrastructure Knowledge Discovery MSD
System Architecture Development for Energy and Water Infrastructure Data Management and Geovisual Analytics MSD
Economic implications of climate-driven trends in global hydropower generation MSD
Scientist-Practitioner Engagement to Inform Regional Hydroclimate Model Evaluation (Invited) RGMA MSD
Open Source Tools for Assessment of Global Water Availability, Demands, and Scarcity MSD
Multi-scale, multi-model assessment of projected land allocation MSD
Will building new reservoirs always help increase the water supply reliability? MSD
Understanding Water-Energy-Ecology Nexus from an Integrated Earth-Human System Perspective (Invited) ESMD MSD
Agricultural response functions to changes in carbon, temperature, and water based on the C3MP data set MSD
Tracing the source of numerical climate model uncertainties in precipitation simulations using a feature-oriented statistical model RGMA MSD

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