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Understanding the Importance of Scale in an Integrated Assessment Model: Insights from Multi-Scale Agricultural Simulations with GCAM MSD Poster
Uncertainty Propagation for Integrated Assessment: A Review MSD
Evaluation of GCAM Agricultural Land Use Modeling: A Hindcasting Experiment Comparing Model Behavior to History Poster
Software Engineering for Broad Scientific Communities around the Community Land Model
An Object-Oriented, Open-Source Model for Scientific and Policy Analyses of the Global Carbon Cycle - Hector Presentation
Analysis of Climatic Impacts to Connected Infrastructure Dynamics: Technology Insertion MSD
Addressing Interdependency in a Multi-Model Ensemble
A Systematic Deficiency of Climate Models that Compromises Regional Climate Projections and Integrated Assessments MSD
A River Temperature Model for Assessing Climate Impacts on the U.S. Energy System MSD
A New High-Resolution Global Climate Simulation Using Community Atmosphere Model Version 5 and an Eddy-Resolving Ocean Model
A Community Emissions Data System: Historical Emissions for CMIP6 and Beyond Presentation
3-D Radiative Transfer Impact on Surface Hydrology Over Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains in WRF and CCSM4
Assessing Skill in a Low-Resolution CESM Ensemble Poster
Application of POD Mapping Method in Land Surface Models Poster
The Atlantic is Unusually Warm: Its Rarity and Origin RGMA
Understanding Changes in Cloud Simulations from E3SM Version 1 to Version 2 ESMD
The momentum budget of extreme westerly wind bursts affecting major El Nino events RGMA
The past and future change of river sediment in the U.S. mid-Atlantic ESMD
Using Deep Learning to Identify Initial Error Sensitivity for Interpretable ENSO Forecasts RGMA
Optimizing Transmission Expansion: The Benefits of Cooperative Planning in the Face of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events MSD
Matilda V1.0: Integrating parameter uncertainty and ensemble weighting with Hector for probabilistic climate projections MSD
The influence of climate change on the recent southwest US megadrought through the lens of the Thermodynamic Global Warming simulations RGMA MSD
Assessing weather impacts on crop yield variability: a ML-based transfer learning approach MSD
Addressing the modeling challenge of Climate Sensitivity RGMA
Suspended sediment transport and storage in Arctic deltas RGMA
Causal Discovery in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems using Koopman Operators RGMA
Impacts of Large-Scale Urbanization and Irrigation on Summer Convective Precipitation and Heat Stress RGMA
Using the MSD-LIVE Open Science Platform to Teach New Researchers to Use MSD Models MSD
Development of High-Resolution Configuration (v3.HR) for E3SMv3: Enhancing Climate System Representation and Simulation Fidelity ESMD
Parametric Sensitivities of a Wind-driven Baroclinic Ocean using Neural Surrogates and Automatic Differentiation ESMD

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