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Short Simulations for Efficient Model Evaluation, Tuning and Calibration Part I: Strategy and Framework Poster
Short Simulations for Efficient Model Evaluation, Tuning and Calibration Part II: Early Results Poster
Testing an Alternative Initialization Strategy for Present-Day Transient Climate Simulations Poster
The Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System Poster
Time-Slice Runs with Bias-Corrected SSTs: An Alternative Approach to Assess High-Resolution and Regional Climate Impacts Poster
Traits and Trait Filtering from the Soil to the Canopy Poster
Unified Treatment of Hydrologic Processes in the Unsaturated-Saturated Zone within ACME Land Model (ALM) ESMD Poster
Use of the Regionally-Refined CAM-SE for Simulations of North American Precipitation Poster
Application of Satellite and ARM Simulators to ACME Model Evaluation: Progress, Problems, and Plan Poster
Atmospheric Chemistry in ACME ESMD Presentation, Presentation
Bundling Runs to Improve Throughput on Mira
Choosing a Convection Scheme for ACME: Preliminary Results Poster
Computational Benefits of an Ensemble-Based Approach to Climate Modeling and Testing at Scale Poster
Coordinating Natural Aerosol Simulations: A Unique ACME Capability Poster
Deep Convection Modifications for Gustiness, Timescale, and Entrainment Poster
Deriving Subgrid Units for the ACME Atmospheric Model from High Resolution Surface Elevation Data Poster
Development of Infrastructure for Testing Candidate Convection Schemes
Development of Microbe-Enabled SOM Decomposition & Methane Modules through ALM-PFLOTRAN Interface Poster
Diagnosing the Global Water Cycle in the ACME Model Poster
Evaluating Vegetation Demography, Carbon Dynamics and Climate Sensitivity in ALM(ED) with and Emphasis on Tropical Forests
Evaluation of the ACME Coupled System: First Application to High-Resolution V0 Simulation Poster
Explore the Vertical Resolution Sensitivity of the ACME Model Poster
Fidelity of Precipitation Extremes in High Resolution Global Climate Model Simulations Poster
Functional Testing and Software Refactoring for ACME Land Model
High-Dimensional Surrogate Models and Global Sensitivity Analysis Poster
Hydrologic Signatures from Human Activities in ESM: Insights from One-Way Coupled Experiments Poster
Improved Performance of Offline ALM Simulations for Testing and UQ
Improving Representations of Human-Earth System Interactions
Improving Water and Nitrogen Limitations on Vegetation Dynamics for Earth System Models
Integration of Prognostic Phosphorus Cycle Dynamics into ACME Poster

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