CMIP7 the next phase: ongoing status and planning
Planning is underway for the next CMIP phase, CMIP7, with the first data anticipated in late 2025. Following CMIP6's success, broad community engagement facilitated next-step planning, with a comprehensive review of what worked well and what could be improved.
In response to feedback, the CMIP DECK (Diagnostic, Evaluation, and Characterization of Klima) is augmented to include the historical experiment and three radiation-targeted piClim-* CMIP6 RFMIP experiments. Additionally, full Earth System Model (ESM) variants of the piControl and historical (esm-piControl and esm-historical) experiments are being prioritized to elucidate carbon cycle uncertainties over the historical record. A CMIP Forcings Task Team (TT) is leading the development of next-generation model forcing datasets, which are expected to address issues identified in the CMIP6 forcings. These prototype forcing datasets will be made available through the ESGF, as coordinated by the PCMDI-led input4MIPs project. For the first time, the early data release will enable feedback and dataset iteration in preparation for CMIP7. The new forcing collection is expected to extend to the near-present to drive historical simulations that can be assessed against the latest observations.
To further address CMIP7-era science opportunities and make the most of the growing model output archive, several other TTs have been established to expand community engagement and foster collaboration, including: the Data Request TT, leading thematic model output requests ensuring that science needs are met by model output; the Model Benchmarking TT, leveraging existing model evaluation packages and pipelines to provide rapid analysis of CMIP7 simulations, relying in part on the observational data being delivered through obs4MIPs; the Model Documentation TT, building on CMIP6 progress to capture key model configuration information that is required to interpret model output accurately; and the Data Citation TT, aiming to facilitate reproducible science by ensuring CMIP7 datasets can be accurately identified by DOIs, improving provenance, and facilitating model evaluation documentation.
The presentation will highlight ongoing activities, summarize the current working timeline, and outline resources available for further engagement.