Funding Opportunity Announced for Scientific Computation Application Partnerships in Earth System Science
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) and Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) Scientific Development through the Advanced Computing (SciDAC) partnership are seeking pre-applications for proposals to advance computational climate modeling. The BER-ASCR SciDAC4 offers two opportunities. The first (LAB17-1681) must be led by DOE Laboratories and has 3 specific topics to develop:
- Advanced methods for improving high-resolution model initialization
- New methods to simulate and address uncertainties in sea-level change
- Next-generation treatment of climate code coupling
- LAB 17-1681: Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing: Scientific Computation Application Partnerships in Earth System Science I – Coupled System Projects
The second opportunity (companion announcements LAB17-1682 and FOA17-0001682) invites pilot projects to develop innovative next-generation climate components. These proposals may be led by either DOE-Laboratories or Universities.
- LAB 17-1682: Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing: Scientific Computation Application Partnerships in Earth System Science II – Pilot Projects
- FOA17-0001682: Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing: Scientific Computation Application Partnerships in Earth System Science II – Pilot Projects
All three opportunities will contribute to the advancement of DOE’s Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME) and further its progress toward design of climate codes for leadership class computers and in support of energy science and mission requirements.
Pre-applications are required and must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, January 17, 2017. All laboratory-led submissions and inquiries about this funding opportunity announcement should reference LAB 17-1681 or LAB 17-1682. All University-led submissions should reference FOA17-0001682.
General inquiries about these funding announcements should be directed to Dorothy Koch, Earth System Modeling Program Manager, or Randall Laviolette, Advanced Scientific Computing Research Program Manager.