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Publication Date
14 March 2024

E3SM at AGU and AMS


The 2023 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting and 2024 American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting were big successes in regards to the E3SM-related sessions. As in the past years, E3SM was very well represented in those meetings.

The AGU meeting, held in San Francisco, CA, included an E3SM Town Hall and more than 100 E3SM-related presentations and session. E3SM was also very well represented at the AMS meeting, held in Baltimore, MD, with over 40 related sessions.

The AGU E3SM Town Hall titled “E3SM: A Decade of Earth System Modeling Effort at the Department of Energy” provided an overview of the status and major advances of the E3SM supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and brought a good crowd despite the late hour session. The DOE Office of Science Director, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, presented the DOE perspective on the role of E3SM for the DOE mission and science, and the DOE Earth And Environmental Systems Sciences Division (EESSD) Director, Gary Geerneart, talked about Earth System Modeling Priorities at the DOE and the Interagency Landscape. DOE Earth System Model Development (ESMD) Program Manager, Xujing Davis, gave a talk on the ESMD Program Overview, followed by the talks from the E3SM Executive Committee. Dave Bader presented on the overview of the E3SM project, Ruby Leung on E3SM science, Mark Taylor on E3SM exascale readiness, and Renata McCoy on E3SM as an Open Science Model Development Project. Unfortunately, due to AGU time limitations, the last talk had to be recorded, but can be viewed on the E3SM YouTube channel. More details about the E3SM Town Hall can be found in the presentation E3SM_A_Decade_of_Earth_System_Modeling_Effort_at_the_DOE_9-compressed.pdf or by watching the AGU session recording, if you are an AGU member. 

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This article is a part of the E3SM “Floating Points” NewsletterRead the full February 2024 edition.

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