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Publication Date
8 September 2023

2023 E3SM All-Hands Meeting


After three years of not meeting in person, the E3SM team was overjoyed to meet in June of 2023 in Denver, CO, for the annual All-Hands Meeting. This was a hybrid meeting which allowed virtual participation as well. The E3SM project had recently (Jan ‘23) started a new funding phase (phase 3), and with that, there was realignment and reorganization with a new group structure. Hence the meeting was focused on E3SM members’ collaboration, the groups’ re-connection, and the discussions around the project’s roadmap towards the E3SM model version 3 (planned for the end of the year), with a simultaneous sharp focus on the planning for the future exascale version 4.

The meeting’s Agenda included phase 3 updates from Leadership and Executive teams on the project’s status, vision, and mission, as well as each group’s timeline, and planned deliverables.

There were reports on the current status and next steps from the Working Groups on Aerosol and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) established to address specific model biases as well as detailed plans for the E3SM version 3, and version 4 and beyond.

The team reminded everyone that all software developed in the project is open source and presented a talk on all available E3SM software toolsdevelopment best practicesregionally refined model (RRM) Grids, and other grids and meshes and presented Code Review experience.

There was also ample time to connect within each group in breakout, parallel sessions. The meetings were focused on the pressing science questions and technical challenges each group is facing. Well attended by many ecosystem projects, the meeting provided time for the ecosystem project connection, with many invited talks given by university PIs. As part of the E3SM all-hands meeting traditions, the Deep-Dive Band gave a spellbinding performance.

All presentations are available from the Agenda page and the videos are being posted on the E3SM’s YouTube Channel

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