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103rd AMS Annual Meeting

Event Date
Sunday, January 8, 2023 at 8:00am - Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 5:00pm
Funding Program Area(s)

The 2023 AMS Annual Meeting is to be held 8–12 January 2023 in Denver, Colorado at the Colorado Convention Center.

The theme for this 103rd Annual Meeting is "Data: Driving Science. Informing Decisions. Enriching Humanity". The motivation for this theme:

Environmental Earth and space system data has one of the largest digital footprints and is a central component of scientific inquiry, but we have not yet collectively solved the problem of data access, discovery, and service. This theme will be the catalyst for a year-long inclusive and collaborative discourse on the challenges posed by the data deluge with a focus on how to stage environmental data to make it efficiently useful and accessible for the plethora of applications important to driving science, informing decisions, and enriching humanity within our community and beyond.

Go to the 2023 AMS Meeting Abstract Lookup page to showcase EESM-related presentations.


Monday, January 9

A Review of Subseasonal Convective Variability: Progress, Challenges, and Paths Forward
Monday, January 9 Oral 1.1. A Review of Recent Progress In Understanding Mechanisms And Trends Of Monsoon Depressions (Invited Presentation) William R. Boos ; D. L. Suhas ; S. Vishnu ; Michael Diaz 8:30am - 9:00am; Colorado Convention Center - 503
AI in Weather and Climate Modeling: Bridging the Gap between Theoretical Advances and Production Use
Monday, January 9 Oral 1B.1. Using Randomly Wired Neural Networks to Emulate Aerosol Optics Andrew V. Geiss ; Po-Lun Ma ; Balwinder Singh ; Joseph Hardin ; Rahul A. Zaveri 8:30am - 8:45am; Colorado Convention Center - 104/106
Frontiers in Earth System Modeling: Bridging the Gap between Weather, Climate, and Impacts
Monday, January 9 Oral 1B.1. Global Storm-Resolving modeling in E3SM (Invited Presentation) Peter M. Caldwell 8:30am - 8:45am; Colorado Convention Center - 210/212
High-Performance Computing Support for Earth Prediction Innovations and Research in a Community Modeling Framework
Monday, January 9 Oral JointJ1.3. In-Situ Analysis of Physical Pathways Activated By Aerosol Injection in E3SM Andrew Jacob Steyer 9:00am - 9:15am; Colorado Convention Center - 610/612
Fifth National Climate Assessment: Updates and Opportunities for the AMS Community
Monday, January 9 Oral 2B.3. Climate Trends and Earth System Processes L. Ruby Leung ; Kate Marvel ; Adam Terando ; Wenying Su 11:15am - 11:30am; Colorado Convention Center - 501
Aerosol-Climate Interactions from Regional to Global Scale.
Monday, January 9 Oral 2A.4. Assessing the Effects of Giant Aerosols on Cloud and Precipitation Characteristics in E3SM Yu Yao ; Po-Lun Ma ; Balwinder Singh 11:30am - 11:45am; Colorado Convention Center - 203
Data-Driven Methods for Hydrological Modeling, Prediction, and Uncertainty Estimation I
Monday, January 9 Oral 3B.1. Differentiable Modeling in Geosciences – Breaking Down the Imaginary Barrier between Machine Learning and Process-Based Modeling (Invited) Chaopeng Shen ; Hoshin Gupta ; Pierre Gentine ; Toshiyuki Bandai ; Daniel Kifer ; Alexandre Tartakovsky ; Praveen Kumar ; Marvin Höge ; Marco Baity-Jesi ; Hylke Beck ; Alison Appling ; Li Li ; Yi Zheng 1:30pm - 1:45pm; Colorado Convention Center - 405
Air-Surface Exchange, Atmospheric Deposition, and Ecosystem Impact III
Monday, January 9 Oral 3A.4. Contrasting the Biophysical and Radiative Effects of Rising CO2 Concentrations on Ozone Dry Deposition Fluxes Sam James Silva ; Susannah M. Burrows ; Katherine Calvin ; Philip Cameron-Smith ; Xiaoying Shi ; Tian Zhou 2:15pm - 2:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - 103/105
Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science Posters I
Monday, January 9 Poster 135. Machine Learning of Key Factors Impacting Extreme Precipitation in Various Regions of the Contiguous United States Jiwen Fan ; Xinming Lin ; Zhangshuan Hou ; Jingyu Wang 5:00pm - 6:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - Hall A
21st Symposium on the Coastal Environment Posters
Monday, January 9 Poster 159. Global Warming Amplifies Heatwaves over Land and Lake Differently Jiali Wang ; TC Chakraborty ; Zhao Yang ; Yun Qian 5:00pm - 6:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - Hall A
11th Symposium on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Sub-Seasonal Monsoon Variability Posters
Monday, January 9 Poster 257. Understanding Tropical Subseasonal Convection in E3SM Version 2 Using Process-Oriented Diagnostics James J. Benedict ; Brandon Wolding ; Charlotte A. DeMott ; Walter Hannah 5:00pm - 6:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - Hall A
Monday, January 9 Poster 258. MJO and Related Mode of Tropical Convection Simulated By the Doe Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) with Improved Cloud and Convection Parameterizations Shaocheng Xie ; Christopher R. Terai 5:00pm - 6:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - Hall A
HPC Poster Session
Monday, January 9 Poster 282. Assessing the Use of a Global Climate Model with a Regionally-Refined Mesh (RRM) As a Cost-Effective Tool to Simulate Extreme Precipitation Chi-Jui Chen 5:00pm - 6:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - Hall A

Tuesday, January 10

Coupled Modeling and Observations across the Air-Sea Transition Zone
Tuesday, January 10 Oral 5.1. How Well do We Understand Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling? (Invited Presentation) Charlotte A. DeMott 8:30am - 9:00am; Colorado Convention Center - 403
Upper Tropospheric and Stratospheric Processes IV
Tuesday, January 10 Oral JointJ5C.4. Pre-industrial Control and Historical Simulations for CLDERA-E3SMv2: an Earth System Model with Prognostic Volcanic Aerosol Benjamin M Wagman ; Hunter Brown ; Kara Peterson ; Xiaohong Liu ; Diana Bull 9:15am - 9:30am; Colorado Convention Center - 108/110
Aerosol-Climate Interactions from Regional to Global Scale II
Tuesday, January 10 Oral 5A.5. Application of the Eulerian-Lagrangian Point-Mass-Particle (ELPMP) Discretization to Bridge Regional to Global Impacts of Aerosols Everett A. Wenzel ; Brent C Houchens 9:30am - 9:45am; Colorado Convention Center - 203
Core Science Keynote and Extreme Precipitation II
Tuesday, January 10 Oral 6A.1. Connecting Mesoscale Convective Systems to Hydrologic Variability and Change (Core Science Keynote) L. Ruby Leung 10:45am - 11:15am; Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 1EF
Using Big Data Repositories: Open Data Feeding Open Science
Tuesday, January 10 Oral JointJ6B.5. ESGF2: Building the Next Generation Earth System Grid Federation Forrest M. Hoffman ; Ian Foster ; Sasha Ames ; Rachana Ananthakrishnan ; Nathan Collier ; Scott M. Collis ; Carlos Downie ; Maxwell Grover ; Robert Jacob ; Michael Kelleher ; Jitendra Kumar ; Giri Prakash ; Sarat Sreepathi ; Min Xu ; Justin Hnilo 11:45am - 12:00pm; Colorado Convention Center - 304
Beyond the Textbook ABL: Unsteadiness, Advection, Baroclinicity and Other Often Ignore Physical Processes II
Tuesday, January 10 Oral 7A.1. Turbulence Decay During the Evening Transition Over the Southern Great Plains Larry K. Berg ; Heng Xiao ; Johannes Mulmenstadt ; Po-Lun Ma ; Rob Newsom ; David D. Turner 1:30pm - 1:45pm; Colorado Convention Center - 502
Other Topics on Special Symposium on Urban Environment I
Tuesday, January 10 Oral 7.3. Urbanization Enhances Tornado Potential: A Case Study Jiwen Fan ; Jingyu Wang ; James Marquis ; Yun Lin ; Cameron R. Homeyer 2:00pm - 2:15pm; Colorado Convention Center - 111
37Hydro Virtual Posters
Tuesday, January 10 Poster V127. Coupled Water and Heat Transport Impacts Carbon Emissions from a Hillslope Thermokarst bog Jing Tao ; Qing Zhu ; William Riley ; Joel Eklof ; Rebecca Neumann 6:00pm - 7:00pm; Virtual

Wednesday, January 11

Security and Resilience Applications with Global Earth System Models
Wednesday, January 11 Oral J9C.1. Climate Impacts of Wildfire Smoke in the Stratosphere: Pyrocumulonimbus Events over British Columbia in 2017 Hsiang-He Lee ; Katherine Lundquist ; Qi Tang 8:30am - 8:45am; Colorado Convention Center - 210/212
Wednesday, January 11 Oral J9C.5. Tropical Cyclone Weather Extremes and Flooding Impacts in a Global Climate Model Large Ensemble Partnered with a High-Resolution Hydrology Model James J. Benedict ; Ning Sun ; Donatella Pasqualini ; Mithun Deb 9:30am - 9:45am; Colorado Convention Center - 210/212
Wednesday, January 11 Oral J9C.6. Using Earth System Models in a hierarchy of models to more effectively address climate and environmental security applications Luke P. Van Roekel ; Stephen F. Price ; Travis R. Pitts 9:45am - 10:00am; Colorado Convention Center - 210/212
Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Data Assimilation, and Forecasting (III)
Wednesday, January 11 Oral 9.4. Subseasonal Tropical Cyclone Prediction and Modulations by MJO and ENSO in CESM2 Hui Li ; Jadwiga H. Richter ; Chia-Ying Lee ; Hyemi Kim 9:15am - 9:30am; Colorado Convention Center - 503
Mesoscale Cloud Organization: The Role of Meteorology and Aerosols I
Wednesday, January 11 Oral 10B.1. Radiative Feedbacks on Convective Organization and Tropical Cyclone Development (Invited Presentation) Brian J. Soden ; Shun-Nan Wu ; Bosong Zhang ; David S. Nolan ; Gabriel A. Vecchi ; Wenchang Yang 10:45am - 11:15am; Colorado Convention Center - 207
New Python Tools in the Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences I
Wednesday, January 11 Oral 11.2. Project Raijin: Community Geoscience Analysis Tools for Unstructured Grids Orhan Eroglu ; John Clyne ; Brian Medeiros ; Colin M. Zarzycki ; Cecile Hannay 1:45pm - 2:00pm; Colorado Convention Center - 407
Wednesday, January 11 Oral 11.3. Xarray Climate Data Analysis Tools (xCDAT): A Python Package for Simple and Robust Analysis of Climate Data Tom Vo ; Stephen Po-Chedley ; Jason Boutte ; Chengzhu Zhang ; Jiwoo Lee ; Peter Gleckler ; Paul Durack ; Karl Taylor ; Jean-Christophe Golaz 2:00pm - 2:15pm; Colorado Convention Center - 407
Wednesday, January 11 Oral 11.5. E3SM Diags: A Python Package for Earth System Model Evaluation Chengzhu Zhang ; Jean-Christophe Golaz ; Ryan Forsyth ; Tom Vo 2:30pm - 2:45pm; Colorado Convention Center - 407
Core Science Keynote
Wednesday, January 11 Oral 11.3. How Do Aerosols Impact Deep Convective Clouds and Severe Weather? (Core Science Keynote) Jiwen Fan 2:10pm - 2:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - 207
Multiyear to Decadal Climate Variability: Mechanisms, Predictability and Prediction V
Wednesday, January 11 Oral 12A.4. A New Method for Evaluating Skill in Predicting the IPO in Initialized Decadal Climate Prediction Hindcasts in CESM1 and E3SMv1 Using a Small Set of Start Years Gerald Allen Meehl ; Ben Kirtman ; Jadwiga H. Richter ; Anne Glanville ; Nan Rosenbloom ; Stephen G. Yeager 4:30pm - 4:45pm; Colorado Convention Center - 210/212
Security and Resilience Applications with Global Earth System Models Posters
Wednesday, January 11 Poster 802. Merging Convection-Permitting Resolution and Interactive Chemistry and Aerosols: Initial Results from a New Global Multiscale Wildfire Simulation Framework Qi Tang ; Wuyin Lin ; Ziming Ke 5:00pm - 6:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - Hall A
Tropical cyclones (Poster II)
Wednesday, January 11 Poster 930. Future Changes in Active and Inactive Atlantic Hurricane Seasons in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Ana Cláudia Thomé Sena ; Christina M. Patricola ; Burlen Loring 5:00pm - 6:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - Hall A

Thursday, January 12

Climate Change, Extreme Events, and Renewable Energy
Thursday, January 12 Oral 13.2. Climate Model Simulations of Wind and Solar Droughts: Impact of Model Resolution and Bias Xue LIU ; R. Saravanan 8:45am - 9:00am; Colorado Convention Center - 404
Aerosol-Cloud-Interactions in Warm Clouds III
Thursday, January 12 Oral 14B.2. Evaluation of Marine Aerosol-Liquid Cloud Interactions in E3SM Via Joint Distributions of Surface- and Satellite-Based Retrievals Adam Varble ; Po-Lun Ma ; Matthew Christensen ; Johannes Mulmenstadt ; Shuaiqi Tang ; Charlotte Beall ; Peng Wu ; Jerome Fast 11:00am - 11:15am; Colorado Convention Center - 207
Clouds, Radiation, and Climate Sensitivity II
Thursday, January 12 Oral 14C.4. An Overall Assessment of the Ice-Cloud Longwave Scattering Effects on the Simulated Global Climate Chongxing Fan ; Yi-Hsuan Chen ; Xianwen Jing ; Xiuhong Chen ; Wuyin Lin ; Xianglei Huang ; Ping Yang 11:30am - 11:45am; Colorado Convention Center - 210/212
FAIR and Open Data and Software within the Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences to Support Transparent, Reusable and Efficient Research and Operations III
Thursday, January 12 Oral JointJ15.2. Tool for Collective Evaluation of Earth System Models: Recent Updates in PCMDI Metrics Package (PMP) Jiwoo Lee ; Peter Gleckler ; Min-Seop Ahn ; Ana Ordóñez ; Paul Ullrich 1:45pm - 2:00pm; Colorado Convention Center - 302
Clouds, Radiation, and Climate Sensitivity Posters
Thursday, January 12 Poster 951. Comparisons of CMIP5 and CMIP6 simulations over different Climate Regimes using ARM Data-oriented Metrics and Diagnostics package Version 3 Xiaojian Zheng ; Cheng Tao ; Chengzhu Zhang ; Shaocheng Xie ; Yuying Zhang ; Baike Xi ; Xiquan Dong 5:00pm - 6:30pm; Colorado Convention Center - Hall A