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AGU Fall Meeting 2018

Event Date
Monday, December 10, 2018 at 10:00am - Friday, December 14, 2018 at 10:00am
Funding Program Area(s)

The AGU Fall Meeting 2018 will mark another dynamic year of discovery in Earth and space science, serve as the advent of AGU’s Centennial year, and provide a special opportunity to share our science with world leaders in Washington, D.C. As the largest Earth and space science gathering in the world, the AGU Fall Meeting places you in the center of a global community of scientists drawn from myriad fields of study whose work protects the health and welfare of people worldwide, spurs innovation, and informs decisions that are critical to the sustainability of the Earth.

You will connect with leading thinkers, learn about pioneering research and emerging trends, and use your voice to help drive science’s positive impact on the world.

This year the AGU Fall Meeting brings you to Washington, D.C., an international center of science and policy. You can highlight the wonder, value and immediacy of Earth and space science research and show that science is strong, global and essential. Connect with the D.C. area’s many scientific institutions and witness the ways that your colleagues are helping to inform solutions to the challenges faced by this region. Recharge by exploring the city’s bustling restaurant and music scene and enjoy the beauty and richness of its national monuments and museums.


View a list of AGU sessions led by EESM Investigators and Participants.

EESM Town Halls

Monday, December 10

A11H. Aerosol Influence on Ice-Containing Clouds Through Various Modes of Ice Nucleation I Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster A11H-2321. Modifying an ice nucleation parameterization to include feldspar dust in E3SM Lauren Wheeler ; Erika Roesler ; Yan Feng ; Konrad Thuermer 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A11O. Progresses in Understanding Atmospheric Convection II Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster A11O-2482. Effects of Shallow Convective Mixing on Convective Organization and Heavy Precipitation Statistics Benjamin Fildier ; William Drew Collins 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H11V. Hydrometeorological Simulation and Forecasting of Atmospheric Rivers and Their Impacts: Processes, Simulations, and Observations Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster H11V-1763. Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on the Seasonal Surface Water Balance and Water Resources of Western U.S. Watersheds Xiaodong Chen ; L Ruby Leung ; Yang Gao ; Ying Liu ; Mark Wigmosta ; Marshall Richmond 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
IN11A. Convergence in Space Physics and Earth Science: Discovery Through Machine Learning I
Monday, December 10 Oral, Invited IN11A-01. Towards Exascale Deep Learning for Climate Science Mr Prabhat ; Thorsten Kurth ; Sean Treichler ; Josh Romero ; Mayur Mudigonda ; Massimialo Fatica ; Michael Houston ; Ankur Mahesh ; Karthik Kashinath ; Mike Matheson ; Mallikarjun Shankar ; Travis O'Brien ; Michael Wehner ; William Drew Collins 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 209A-C
H11B. Advances in Understanding Land–Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Environment I
Monday, December 10 Oral H11B-07. Improving the Representation of Subgrid Topographic Effects in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Teklu Tesfa ; L Ruby Leung ; Peter Thornton ; Michael Brunke ; Steven Ghan ; Xubin Zeng 9:30am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 146C
A11E. Process-Oriented Analysis of Cloud and Precipitation Physics I
Monday, December 10 Oral A11E-08. Processes Regulating Low-Cloud Response to Aerosol and Temperature Perturbations in a Global Climate Model Po-Lun Ma 9:45am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 151A
H12B. Advances in Understanding Land–Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Environment II
Monday, December 10 Oral H12B-02. Elucidating Observed Land Surface Feedbacks across Sub-Saharan Africa Michael Notaro ; Fuyao Wang ; Yan Yu 10:35am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 146C
GC12B. Climate Extremes: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Attribution II
Monday, December 10 Oral, Invited GC12B-03. Causality and extreme event attribution. Or, was my house flooded because of climate change? Michael Wehner ; Christina Patricola ; Mark Risser 10:51am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon B
Monday, December 10 Oral GC12B-05. Spatially-resolved trends in observed extreme precipitation over the United States Mark Risser ; Christopher J Paciorek ; Michael Wehner ; Travis O'Brien 11:35am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon B
Monday, December 10 Oral GC12B-07. Trends in Warm Season Extreme Precipitation over the Central United States in an Ensemble of Regional Climate Simulations Raymond W Arritt ; Melissa S Bukovsky ; Alexandra Caruthers ; Daryl Herzmann ; William J Gutowski ; Linda Mearns ; Seth McGinnis 12:05pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon B
PA12B. Integrating Socioeconomics and Governance into Studies of Food and Water Systems I
Monday, December 10 Oral PA12B-07. Modeling reservoir operators as autonomous agents: balancing flood control with water supply Kendra Elena Kaiser ; Alejandro N Flores ; Vicken Hills 11:50am; Marriott Marquis Marquis 1-2
A12C. Cloud–Aerosol–Radiation–Climate Interactions in the Southeastern Atlantic I
Monday, December 10 Oral A12C-08. Vertical Variability of Biomass Burning Aerosols over Southeast Atlantic and Radiative Impact Yan Feng ; Paytsar Muradyan ; Dr Harshvardhan ; Veerabhadra Rao Kotamarthi ; Connor Joseph Flynn ; Arthur J Sedlacek ; Paquita Zuidema 12:05pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152A
A13L. Process-Oriented Analysis of Cloud and Precipitation Physics III Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster A13L-2623. Low-cloud feedback in CAM5-CLUBB: physical mechanisms and parameter sensitivity analysis Haipeng Zhang ; Minghuai Wang ; Zhun Guo ; Zhou Chen ; Tianjun Zhou ; Yun Qian ; Vincent Larson ; Steven Ghan ; Mikhail Ovchinnikob ; Peter Bogenschutz ; Andrew Gettelman 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A13O. Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement I Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster A13O-2681. Evaluation and Investigation of E3SMv1 Simulations of Clouds and Radiation Over the Southern Polar Region Wuyin Lin ; Shaocheng Xie ; Jean-Christophe Golaz ; Andrew Vogelmann ; Qi Tang ; Yuying Zhang ; Damao Zhang ; Hsi-Yen Ma 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Monday, December 10 Poster A13O-2682. Evaluation of EAMv1-Simulated Clouds with Satellite and Ground-based Simulators Yuying Zhang ; Shaocheng Xie ; Wuyin Lin ; Po-Lun Ma ; Stephen Klein ; Phil Rasch ; Mark Zelinka ; Qi Tang 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Monday, December 10 Poster A13O-2684. Impact of land surface properties on the surface air temperature simulations over the central United States Hsi-Yen Ma ; Stephen Klein ; Ian N Williams 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Monday, December 10 Poster A13O-2685. Improved Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in the E3SM Atmosphere Model Version 1 (EAMv1) with a Modified Convective Triggering Mechanism Shaocheng Xie ; Yi-Chi Wang ; Wuyin Lin ; Hsi-Yen Ma ; Xue Zheng 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Monday, December 10 Poster A13O-2692. Subgrid Variations of the Cloud Water and Droplet Number Concentration Over Tropical Ocean: Satellite Observations and Implications for Warm Rain Simulation in Climate Models Zhibo Zhang ; Hua Song ; Po-Lun Ma ; Vincent Larson ; Minghuai Wang 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Monday, December 10 Poster A13O-2697. The simulation of marine subtropical stratocumulus decks in E3SMv1 as compared to other U.S. models Michael Brunke ; James Edward Jack Eyre ; Phil Rasch ; Armin Sorooshian ; Xubin Zeng 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
B13I. Vegetation Canopies: Physiology, Structure, Function I Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster B13I-2241. A Framework for Testing Plant Allocation and Reactive Transport Hypotheses Ryan Knox ; Charles Koven ; William Riley ; Gautam Bisht ; Jeffrey Q Chambers ; Bradley O Christoffersen ; Jennifer Holm ; Rosie Fisher ; Lara M Kueppers ; David Medvigy ; Jacquelyn K Shuman ; Anthony Walker ; Liang Wei ; Chonggang Xu 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC13D. Quantifying and Decreasing Uncertainty in Projections of Future Sea Level Change Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster GC13D-1044. Irreducible Uncertainties and Persistence in Sea Level Variations Mikhail Karpytchev ; Melanie Becker ; Aixue Hu ; Clara Deser 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
IN13C. Convergence in Space Physics and Earth Science: Discovery Through Machine Learning Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster IN13C-0682. Using deep learning for probabilistic detection of extreme weather Ankur Mahesh ; Travis O'Brien ; William Drew Collins ; Michael Wehner ; Mr Prabhat ; Karthik Kashinath ; Mayur Mudigonda 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Ctr - Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Monday, December 10 Poster IN13C-0684. A Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Multi-Aerosol Mixing State Metrics at a Global Scale in Earth System Models Zhonghua Zheng ; Sajal Dash ; Drew Schmidt ; Nicole Riemer ; Matthew West ; Valentine G Anantharaj 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Ctr - Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
OS13D. General Topics in Oceanography Presented in Poster Form Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster OS13D-1507. The global ocean warming from top to bottom Paul James Durack ; Peter J Gleckler ; Sarah Purkey ; Gregory Johnson 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
OS13F. High-Resolution Ocean Modeling for Ocean–Ice Interaction Around the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Posters
Monday, December 10 Poster OS13F-1548. Causes of the anomalous heat flux onto the Greenland continental shelf Theresa Morrison ; Dmitry S Fukhovskoy ; Julie McClean ; Sarah T Gille ; Eric Chassignet 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Monday, December 10 Poster OS13F-1550. Antarctic ice shelf-ocean interactions in high-resolution, global simulations using the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Mark R Petersen ; Xylar Asay-Davis ; Darin Comeau ; Matthew J Hoffman ; Stephen Price ; Todd Ringler ; Luke Van Roekel ; Adrian Turner 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC13C. Climate Extremes: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Attribution III
Monday, December 10 Oral GC13C-02. Detecting climate change impacts on North Atlantic hurricane precipitation and size in a high-resolution climate model Kevin Reed ; Alyssa M Stansfield ; Colin Zarzycki ; Michael Wehner ; Paul Ullrich 1:55pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon B
GC13A. Advances in Understanding Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change Using Earth System Models and Data Records I
Monday, December 10 Oral GC13A-03. Land use and land cover distribution is a primary determinant of global carbon cycle projections and regional temperature projections Alan V Di Vittorio ; Xiaoying Shi ; Ben P Bond-Lamberty ; Katherine V Calvin ; Andrew Jones 2:10pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150A
Monday, December 10 Oral GC13A-07. Comparison between Three Downscaled Land Use and Land Cover Products under Different Shared Socio-Economic Pathways Atul K Jain ; Xiaoming Xu ; Katherine V Calvin ; Min Chen ; Chris Vernon ; Maoyi Huang 3:10pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150A
GC13B. Carbon Cycle Climate Variability: Observation, Modeling, and Data Assimilation in the Modern Data-Rich Era I
Monday, December 10 Oral GC13B-07. Oceanic drivers for tropical terrestrial carbon cycle and extreme Min Xu ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Salil Mahajan ; Jiafu Mao ; Paul Alexander Levine 2:52pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon A
GC14C. From Hazard to Risk: Indicators of Climate and Weather Extremes for Impacts I
Monday, December 10 Oral, Invited GC14C-01. Decision-relevant metrics for regional hydroclimate phenomena Andrew Jones ; Kripa Jagannathan ; Alan Rhoades ; Abhishekh Srivastava ; Richard Grotjahn ; Paul Ullrich 4:00pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon B
Monday, December 10 Oral GC14C-08. Weather Extremes that Impact Various Agricultural Commodities: A Search for Better Metrics Richard Grotjahn 5:45pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon B
H14C. Big Data and Machine Learning in Hydrology and Subsurface Flow and Transport II
Monday, December 10 Oral H14C-02. Separating Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainties of Time Series Deep Learning Models for Soil Moisture Predictions Kuai Fang ; Chaopeng Shen ; Daniel Kifer 4:15pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 146A
H14D. Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Variability of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes Across Scales I
Monday, December 10 Oral H14D-02. Landscape structure and heterogeneity controls on ecohydrological processes in Arctic tundra ecosystem Jitendra Kumar ; Forrest M Hoffman 4:15pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 146B
A14C. Aerosol Influence on Ice-Containing Clouds Through Various Modes of Ice Nucleation II
Monday, December 10 Oral A14C-03. Long range vs marine sources of aerosols and their effects upon landfalling atmospheric rivers in California Gavin Cornwell ; Louise Kristensen ; Kara Kilpatrick Voss ; Leah S Campbell ; Hashim Al-Mashat ; Thomas Christopher James Hill ; Ezra JT Levin ; Kevin Barry ; Kaitlyn J Suski ; L Ruby Leung ; Andrew Martin ; Paul J DeMott ; Kimberly A Prather 4:30pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152A
U14B. Student Engagement to Enhance Development: Outstanding Student Presentation Award Winners from 2017 Fall Meeting I eLightning
Monday, December 10 Oral, Invited U14B-12. Probabilistic detection of extreme weather using deep learning methods Ankur Mahesh ; Travis O'Brien ; William Drew Collins ; Michael Wehner ; Mr Prabhat ; Karthik Kashinath ; Mayur Mudigonda 4:34pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center eLightning Theater I
GC14B. Advances in Understanding Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change Using Earth System Models and Data Records II
Monday, December 10 Oral GC14B-04. Improving representation of deforestation effects on evapotranspiration in the global E3SM land model Xitian Cai ; William Riley ; Qing Zhu ; Jinyun Tang ; Zhenzhong Zeng ; Gautam Bisht 4:45pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150A
IN14A. Deep Learning for Geoscience I
Monday, December 10 Oral, Invited IN14A-07. Deep Learning recognizes weather and climate patterns Karthik Kashinath ; Mr Prabhat ; Mayur Mudigonda ; Ankur Mahesh ; Soo Kyung Kim ; Yunjie Liu ; Samira Kahou ; Benjamin A Toms ; Evan Racah ; Christopher Beckham ; Chris Pal ; Tegan Maharaj ; Jim Biard ; Kenneth Kunkel ; Dean Williams ; Travis O'Brien ; Michael Wehner ; William Drew Collins 5:30pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 209A-C
PP14A. Mechanisms and Drivers of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Structure and Variability in Past Climate Change and Their Impact on Climate and Biogeochemistry II
Monday, December 10 Oral PP14A-08. Can the Salt Advection Feedback Be Detected in Internal Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation? Wilbert Weijer ; Wei Cheng ; Who M Kim ; Gokhan Danabasoglu ; Stephen Yeager ; Peter R Gent ; Dongxiao Zhang ; John Chiang ; Jiaxu Zhang 5:45pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon G

Tuesday, December 11

A21I. Dust in a Changing Climate: From Small‐Scale Insights to Large‐Scale Understanding III Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A21I-2815. Constraints on elemental composition of fine and coarse aerosols Natalie Mahowald ; David S Connelly ; Douglas Stephen Hamilton ; Yan Feng ; Jenny L Hand ; Robert O Green ; Heikki Lihavainen ; Ron L Miller ; Carlos Perez Garcia-Pando ; Rachel Scanza ; Christine Wiedinmyer 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A21J. Extreme Wildfires and Smoke Plumes: Past, Present, and Future III Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A21J-2848. Wildfire impact on environment thermodynamics and severe convective storms Yuwei Zhang ; Jiwen Fan ; Timothy Logan 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A21K. Processes of (Sub)Cloud Scales: Modeling, Observation, and Parameterization for Larger-Scale Models I Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A21K-2863. The Importance of Considering Sub-grid Cloud Variability When Using Satellite Observations to Evaluate the Cloud and Precipitation Simulations in Climate Models Hua Song ; Zhibo Zhang ; Po-Lun Ma ; Minghuai Wang 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A21L. Regional Climate Modeling III Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A21L-2875. Comparing Dynamically Downscaled Regional Climate Models Using a Low-Level Jet Metric Alexandra Caruthers ; Raymond W Arritt ; Melissa S Bukovsky 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
B21L. Centennial Challenge: The Bioatmospheric N Cycle—N Emissions, Transformations, Deposition, and Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts IV Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster B21L-2499. Process based simulation of global agricultural ammonia emissions in an earth system model Julius Vira ; Jeff Melkonian ; William R Wieder ; Peter Hess 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
C21C. Advances in Ice Sheet–Ocean Interactions: From Measurements to Climate Impacts Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster C21C-1344. Impacts on water-mass transformation from ice shelf melting over the Southern Ocean Hyein Jeong ; Xylar Asay-Davis ; Adrian Turner ; Darin Comeau ; Stephen Price ; Mark R Petersen ; Ryan P Abernathey 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster C21C-1356. The impact of the representation of Antarctic freshwater fluxes on the Southern Ocean in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Darin Comeau ; Matthew J Hoffman ; Xylar Asay-Davis ; Mark R Petersen ; Stephen Price ; Adrian Turner ; Luke Van Roekel ; Jonathan Wolfe 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster C21C-1357. Toward full ice sheet-ocean coupling in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Xylar Asay-Davis ; Darin Comeau ; Matthew J Hoffman ; Mark R Petersen ; Jonathan Wolfe ; Phillip Wolfram 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
C21D. Sea Ice–Ocean–Atmosphere Interactions in the “New” Arctic and Southern Oceans Posters
Tuesday, December 11 C21D-1367. Examining the role of atmosphere-ocean interactions and ocean circulation changes in the Arctic sea ice response to CO2 forcing Oluwayemi Garuba ; Hansi Singh ; Philip Rasch 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC21E. Climate Extremes: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Attribution Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster GC21E-1136. Chance Rather than Trends in the Unusual 2017 California Wet Season Travis O'Brien ; Mark Risser ; John Patrick O'Brien ; Christina Patricola ; William Drew Collins 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster GC21E-1143. Extreme Sub-daily Winter Precipitation vs. Model Resolution in the Upper Mississippi River Valley Jacob R Spender ; William J Gutowski ; Raymond W Arritt ; Melissa S Bukovsky 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster GC21E-1145. Forced changes in temperature and precipitation and their influences on global changes in vegetation distributions or aridity Celine Bonfils ; Benjamin Santer ; Thomas Phillips 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC21G. Advances in Understanding Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change Using Earth System Models and Data Records Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster GC21G-1191. Soil erosion causes substantial loss of terrestrial organic carbon and nutrients in the conterminous United States Zeli Tan ; L Ruby Leung ; Hong-Yi Li ; Teklu Tesfa ; Qing Zhu ; Maoyi Huang 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster GC21G-1193. Surface temperature variation induced by the LAI change in Arctic Tundra Yeonjoo Kim ; Zhan Wang ; Hocheol Seo ; Jiafu Mao 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H21J. Big Data and Machine Learning in Hydrology and Subsurface Flow and Transport III Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster H21J-1794. Validating machine learning hypothesis about soil thickness impacts on hydrologic fluxes using a process-based surface-subsurface model Wen-Ping Tsai ; Chaopeng Shen ; Kuai Fang 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
IN21C. Artificial Intelligence Applications in the Geosciences: Promises and Challenges for the Future II Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster IN21C-0723. Towards Generative Deep Learning Emulators for Fast Hydroclimate Simulations Adrian Toni Albert ; Alan Rhoades ; Sangram Ganguly ; Daniel Feldman ; Andrew Jones ; Mr Prabhat 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A21C. Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in Asia and Their Interactions with the World I
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A21C-03. Impacts of domestic and foreign emissions on decadal variations of aerosols and radiative forcing in China and US Yang Yang ; Hailong Wang ; Steven Smith ; Sijia Lou ; Philip Rasch 8:24am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 144A-C
A21B. Advances in Radar Remote Sensing of Clouds and Precipitation: Microphysical Retrievals, Estimation, and Hydrometeorological Applications I
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A21B-05. Identifying mixed-phase conditions in cloud radar Doppler spectra: Progress towards an automated algorithm Laura Riihimaki ; Nitin Bharadwaj ; Brenda Dolan ; Joseph Hardin ; Edward P Luke ; Alyssa Matthews 9:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 151B
GC21A. Coupled Human–Natural Systems and Global Environmental Change: Innovative Interdisciplinary Approaches I
Tuesday, December 11 Oral GC21A-05. Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change Forrest M Hoffman ; Brian Beckage ; Louis J Gross ; Katherine Lacasse ; Eric Carr ; Sara S Metcalf ; Jonathan Winter ; Peter D Howe ; Nina H Fefferman ; Travis Franck ; Asim Zia ; Ann Kinzig 9:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon A
A21F. Monsoons: Observations, Subseasonal, Seasonal, and Interannual to Decadal Variability, Forecast, Climate Change, and Extremes III
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A21F-08. Understanding Monsoon Changes Using a Normalized Gross Moist Stability Framework Bryce Harrop ; Po-Lun Ma ; Philip Rasch ; Yun Qian ; Guangxing Lin ; Hui Wan 9:45am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 101
GC22A. Coupled Human–Natural Systems and Global Environmental Change: Innovative Interdisciplinary Approaches II
Tuesday, December 11 Oral, Invited GC22A-01. Impacts on Maize and Wheat Crops of Alternative Warming Scenarios Claudia Tebaldi ; David Lobell 10:20am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon A
A23H. Bridging the Gap from Climate to Extreme Weather: Theory, Modeling, and Observations I Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23H-2952. Multivariate Metrics to Quantify Co-occurring Extremes Resulting from the Dipole Circulation Pattern John Patrick O'Brien ; Travis O'Brien ; Christina Patricola ; Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23H-2962. Using Self-Organizing Maps to Identify Coherent Precipitation Regions: Application to Extreme Precipitation Mechanisms Leif M Swenson ; Richard Grotjahn 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A23J. High-Resolution Weather and Climate Modeling on Large Supercomputers I Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23J-3006. Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH Christopher Vogl ; Daniel R Reynolds ; Carol Woodward ; Paul Ullrich ; Andrew Steyer 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23J-3009. Extreme Events in High Resolution and Convection Permitting Simulations L Ruby Leung ; Koichi Sakaguchi ; Zhe Feng ; Yun Qian 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23J-3018. Preliminary Results from a High Resolution Coupled Simulation using E3SM Mathew Maltrud ; Peter Caldwell ; Luke Van Roekel ; Wuyin Lin ; Qi Tang ; Jonathan Wolfe ; Azamat Mametjanov ; Noel Keen 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23J-3021. Single Column Modeling of Shallow Clouds for the Development of the Adaptive Vertical Grid in E3SM-FIVE Yaosheng Chen ; Takanobu Yamaguchi ; Peter Bogenschutz ; Graham Feingold 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23J-3025. Tropical Cyclones in High-Resolution Community Atmosphere Model version 5: Evaluation for Western North Pacific Xiaoning Wu ; Kevin Reed ; Michael Wehner ; Julio T Bacmeister ; Patrick Callaghan 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A23L. Mesoscale and Severe Convective Storms: Understanding, and Model Development and Evaluation I Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23L-3044. Comprehensive Evaluations of Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated in Convection-permitting WRF Model during the MC3E Field Experiment Jingjing Tian ; Zhe Feng ; Jiwen Fan ; William I Gustafson ; Dié WANG ; Scott Giangrande ; Nitin Bharadwaj ; Joseph Hardin ; Laura Riihimaki 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23L-3046. Evaluation of GPM Ku-band Radar Reflectivity Observation and E3SM Simulation Using NEXRAD Network over the Continental US in warm seasons Jingyu Wang ; Robert Houze ; Jiwen Fan ; Stella R Brodzik ; Zhe Feng 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A23M. Urban and Regional Air Quality: Emissions, Land Surface Forcing, and Meteorological Impacts IV Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23M-3065. Assessing the urban ozone production sensitivity trends in Korea using the measurements from nation-wide air-monitoring stations from 2001 to 2017 Soojin Lee ; Kyung-Eun Min 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center - Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A23N. Weather and Climate Modeling Across Scales: From Global to Convection-Permitting I Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23N-3104. Cloud and precipitation in a multi-scale modeling framework (MMF) with the P3 microphysics Guangxing Lin ; Jiwen Fan ; Zhe Feng ; Marco Paukert ; Kai Zhang ; Mikhail Ovchinnikov 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23N-3105. Microphysical Sensitivity of Superparameterized Precipitation Extremes in the Continental US Due to Feedbacks on Large-scale Circulation Alexander Charn ; William Drew Collins ; Hossein Parishani ; Mark Risser ; Travis O'Brien 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23N-3107. Development of a Global Quasi-3-D Multiscale Modeling Framework Joonhee Jung ; Celal S Konor ; David Randall ; Peter Lauritzen ; Steve Goldhaber 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23N-3108. Comparative Simulations Across Scales with Several Nonhydrostatic Dynamical Cores Celal S Konor ; Joonhee Jung ; David Randall ; Ross P Heikes 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23N-3110. Variable-resolution Aquaplanet Simulations with the Grell-Freitas Deep Convection Scheme Implemented in CAM-MPAS Jihyeon Jang ; Sang-hun Park ; Colin Zarzycki ; William Skamarock ; L Ruby Leung 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23N-3111. Influences of Pacific Ocean domain extent on the western US hydroclimatology in variable-resolution CESM Alan Rhoades ; Andrew Jones ; Travis O'Brien ; Paul Ullrich ; Colin Zarzycki 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23N-3112. Precipitation Characteristics in the Community Atmosphere Model and Their Dependence on Model Resolution Dl Chen ; Aiguo Dai 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23N-3113. Quantifying the Upscale Effects of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Implications to Model Biases in Large-Scale Circulation Koichi Sakaguchi ; Zhe Feng ; Jian Lu ; L Ruby Leung ; Jihyeon Jang ; Colin Zarzycki ; Robert Houze 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster A23N-3121. Anthropogenic Influences on the Intensity and Rainfall of Major Tropical Cyclone Events Christina Patricola ; Michael Wehner 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
B23G. Soil Carbon Change and Persistence in the Anthropocene Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster B23G-2577. Respired Radiocarbon: Insights into decadal soil carbon cycling Alison Hoyt ; Jeffrey Beem-Miller ; Carlos A Sierra ; Shane Stoner ; Bernhard Ahrens ; Qing Zhu ; William Riley ; Corey R Lawrence ; Grey Monroe ; Susan Trumbore 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Tuesday, December 11 Poster B23G-2600. Neo-tropical forest response to a drier future: a synthesis of measurements and modeling of soil carbon stocks and turnover Kari M Finstad ; Ni Zhang ; Ashley Campbell ; Jennifer Pett-Ridge ; Charles Koven ; Gretchen R Miller ; Jennifer S Powers ; Oliver van Straaten ; Benjamin L Turner ; Edzo Veldkamp ; Enrico A Yepez ; Qing Zhu ; Karis J McFarlane 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H23J. Groundwater Sustainability Studies: Integrating Monitoring, Modeling, and Policy IV Posters
Tuesday, December 11 Poster H23J-2030. Model simulated spatial distribution and the variation of ground water level in Sacramento Watershed, California from 1985 to 2017 Lele Shu ; Paul Ullrich 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
B23A. Advances in Soil Respiration Research II
Tuesday, December 11 Oral, Invited B23A-02. Soil Respiration and Carbon Dynamics as Controlled by Microbial Extracellular Enzyme Activities: Meta-analysis Results and Implications for Earth System Modeling Yiqi Luo ; Ji Chen 1:55pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150B
Tuesday, December 11 Oral B23A-04. A method to predict, rather than prescribe, soil heterotrophic respiration responses to soil moisture Jinyun Tang ; William Riley 2:25pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150B
H23F. Water and Society: The Future of Coupled Water–Energy Systems Confronting Global Change II
Tuesday, December 11 Oral, Invited H23F-02. Planning for long-term climate effects on the water-energy infrastructure of the Western US Nathalie Voisin ; Sean William Donald Turner ; Tian Zhou 1:55pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 146B
A23F. The Madden-Julian Oscillation and Its Global Impacts: Observations, Modeling, and Prediction I
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A23F-08. The MJO Across Future Time Periods and Scenarios in CESM1: When are Changes Detectable? Richard Neale ; Aneesh C Subramanian 3:25pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 143A-C
A24J. Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement II
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A24J-01. The DOE E3SM Coupled Model Version 1: Overview and Evaluation at Standard Resolution Jean-Christophe Golaz ; Peter Martin Caldwell ; Luke Van Roekel 4:00pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A24J-04. Observation-based metrics for evaluating typical precipitation across generations of CMIP Angeline Pendergrass ; Peter J Gleckler 4:45pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A24J-06. A Hindcast Approach to Understanding the Equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue Bias in CESM1 Angela Cheska Siongco ; Hsi-Yen Ma ; Stephen Klein ; Shaocheng Xie ; Alicia R Karspeck ; Kevin Raeder ; Jeffrey L Anderson 5:15pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A24J-07. Cloud diurnal variation in CMIP5 models Wei-Chyung Wang ; Guoxing Chen 5:30pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A24J-08. On the errors in calculating solar radiation in Earth system models Michael Prather ; Juno Hsu 5:45pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
B24C. Global and Regional Nitrous Oxide Budget: Data, Models, and Uncertainty II
Tuesday, December 11 Oral B24C-01. Top-down estimates of N2O emissions over the past two decades Rona Thompson ; Kelley C Wells ; Chris J Wilson ; Alicia Gressent ; Ernest Koffi ; Peter Bergamaschi ; Dylan B Millet ; Prabir Kumar Patra ; Michael Prather ; Hanqin Tian ; Parvadha Suntharalingam ; Josep Gili Canadell 4:00pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 154AB
U24A. Highlights from the Fourth National Climate Assessment: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States
Tuesday, December 11 Oral, Invited U24A-01. Climate Science in the Fourth US National Climate Assessment Katharine Hayhoe ; David R Easterling ; David W Fahey ; Sarah J Doherty ; James Kossin ; William Sweet ; Russell S Vose ; Michael Wehner ; Donald Wuebbles ; Robert E Kopp ; Kenneth Kunkel ; John W Nielsen-Gammon 4:10pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 202A
A24I. Regional Climate Modeling I
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A24I-05. Comparison of Univariate and Multivariate Bias-Correction of Daily NA-CORDEX Data Seth McGinnis ; Melissa S Bukovsky ; Rachel Rose McCrary ; Linda Mearns 5:00pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 146C
A24G. Microphysical and Macrophysical Properties and Processes of Ice and Mixed-Phase Clouds: Linking in Situ, Remote Sensing Observations and Multiscale Models II
Tuesday, December 11 Oral A24G-06. Macrophysical and microphysical processes of ice clouds and their interactions with aerosols in EAMv1 Kai Zhang ; Hui Wan ; Hailong Wang ; Po-Lun Ma ; Xiaohong Liu ; Philip Rasch 5:15pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152A
GC24B. Multisectoral Modeling and Management of Climate Change Impacts I
Tuesday, December 11 Oral GC24B-07. A deep reservoir in the 21st century: dynamics of water temperature and heat fluxes under climate change Fushan Wang ; William Riley ; Jinyun Tang ; Ting Sun ; Dejun Zhu ; Guangheng Ni 5:30pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon A
Tuesday, December 11 Oral GC24B-08. Representing reservoir effects on riverine sediment processes Hong-Yi Li ; Zeli Tan ; L Ruby Leung ; Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu ; Tian Zhou 5:45pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon A
A24C. Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks: Advances and New Paradigms II
Tuesday, December 11 Oral, Invited A24C-08. Should we Trust Emergent Constraints? Peter Martin Caldwell ; Mark Zelinka ; Stephen Klein 5:45pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 146B

Wednesday, December 12

A31I. Atmospheric Trace Species Profiles from Long-Term and Campaign Sampling: Observations from Ground, Balloons, and Aircraft I Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster A31I-2955. Cloud Impacts on Photochemistry: Statistical Analysis of Global Chemistry Models and Measurements from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission Samuel R Hall ; Kirk Ullmann ; Michael Prather ; Clare Flynn ; Lee T Murray ; Arlene M Fiore ; Gustavo J P Correa ; Sarah A Strode ; Stephen D Steenrod ; Lamarque Jean-Francois ; Jonathan Guth ; Beatrice Josse ; Johannes Flemming ; Vincent Huijnen ; N Luke Abraham ; Alexander T Archibald 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A31J. Boundary Layer Clouds and Atmosphere, Biosphere, Land, and Ocean Interactions I Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster A31J-3007. Examining Differences between Observed and Large-Eddy Simulations of Shallow Cumulus Cloud-Base Vertical Velocity Andrew Vogelmann ; Damao Zhang ; Satoshi Endo ; Pavlos Kollias ; Katia Lamer ; Fan Yang ; William I Gustafson ; Heng Xiao ; Mariko Oue ; David Romps 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Wednesday, December 12 Poster A31J-3009. The life cycle of a pocket of open cells and its response to biomass burning aerosol Jan Kazil ; Graham Feingold ; Takanobu Yamaguchi ; Matthew Christensen ; Steven Abel 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A31N. Extratropical Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Variability II Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster A31N-3137. Quantifying the Agreement Between Observed and Simulated Extratropical Modes of Interannual Variability Ji-Woo Lee ; Kenneth Sperber ; Peter J Gleckler ; Celine Bonfils ; Karl Taylor 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
B31E. Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change II Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster B31E-2498. Potential Decomposability of Permafrost Carbon Stocks in Ice-Wedge Polygons of the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain Julie D Jastrow ; Roser Matamala ; Chien-Lu Ping ; Timothy W Vugteveen ; Jeremy S Lederhouse ; Scott M Hofmann ; Gary Michaelson ; Umakant Mishra 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Wednesday, December 12 Poster B31E-2503. Spatial Heterogeneity and Environmental Controllers of Organic Carbon Stocks of Permafrost Affected Soils Umakant Mishra ; Roser Matamala ; Julie D Jastrow 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
C31D. Seasonal Sea Ice and Snow Under Change: Using in Situ Measurements, Remote Sensing, and Modeling to Understand Processes and Properties Across Scales Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster C31D-1572. Investigating the Role of Sea Ice in the Polar Carbon Cycle Nicole Jeffrey ; Mathew Maltrud ; Shanlin Wang ; Jon Wolfe ; Scott Elliott ; Adrian Turner 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
DI31B. Advances in Computational Geosciences III Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster DI31B-0013. Accuracy and performance tradeoffs for robust porous media discretization with non-orthogonal grids and tensor coefficients Reagan Alexis Cronin ; Jed Brown 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
EP31D. River Deltas: Sediment Accumulators and Biogeochemical Reactors Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster EP31D-2375. Changing Arctic River Deltas Anastasia Piliouras ; Joel Rowland 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center - Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Wednesday, December 12 Poster EP31D-2376. Effects of Ice and Permafrost on Delta Channel Dynamics and Morphology Rebecca Lauzon ; Anastasia Piliouras ; Joel Rowland 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC31D. Coupled Human–Natural Systems and Global Environmental Change: Innovative Interdisciplinary Approaches Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster GC31D-1285. Seasonality of irrigation water withdrawal simulated by fully coupled land surface, river, and water management models Tian Zhou ; L Ruby Leung ; Guoyong Leng ; Nathalie Voisin ; Hong-Yi Li 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Wednesday, December 12 Poster GC31D-1289. Investigating the Effects of CO2 Concentration and Human Intervention on the Water Cycle Using Integrated Earth System Model (iESM) Xiaoying Shi ; Jiafu Mao ; Andrew Jones ; Katherine V Calvin ; Binyan Yan ; Ben P Bond-Lamberty ; Peter Thornton ; Alan V Di Vittorio 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC31E. Multisectoral Modeling and Management of Climate Change Impacts Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster GC31E-1308. Reservoir Thermal Stratification Model Development and Validation Over the Continental US Wondmagegn Yigzaw ; Hong-Yi Li ; L Ruby Leung ; Xing Fang ; Nathalie Voisin ; Mohamad Issa Hejazi ; Yonas Demissie 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC31H. Evaluating the Feasibility and Consequences of Solar Geoengineering Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster GC31H-1350. Assessing Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering on Terrestrial Biogeochemical Feedbacks Cheng-En Yang ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Simone Tilmes ; Lili Xia ; Joshua S Fu ; Jadwiga Richter ; Michael Mills ; Ben Kravitz ; Douglas MacMartin 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H31G. Applications in Snow Hydrology: Linking Seasonal Snow to Natural Processes and Society II Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster H31G-1961. Assessing the impact of representing snow-albedo feedback on the response of hydrology to a warming climate Edwin P Maurer ; Daniel Walton ; Neil Berg ; David W Pierce ; Alexander D Hall ; Daniel R Cayan 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
PA31D. The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Highlighting Impacts, Risks, and Responses Across Sectors and Regions of the United States Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster PA31D-1151. Our Changing Climate: National Climate Assessment NCA4 Vol. 2, Chapter 2 Michael Wehner ; Katharine Hayhoe ; Donald Wuebbles ; David R Easterling ; David W Fahey ; Sarah J Doherty ; James P Kossin ; William Sweet ; Russell S Vose ; Kenneth Kunkel 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
S31E. Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in Geoscientific Inversion Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster S31E-0553. Bayesian Framework for Structural Uncertainty Estimation of Land Models Khachik Sargsyan ; Daniel Ricciuto ; Cosmin Safta 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A31D. Regional Climate Modeling II
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A31D-02. The Sensitivity of Regional Climate Models to Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Melissa S Bukovsky ; Tristan S Rendfrey ; Linda Mearns 8:15am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A31D-04. California's Drought of the Future: A Prospective Look at the 2012-2017 Drought Paul Ullrich ; Zexuan Xu ; Alan Rhoades ; Michael D Dettinger ; Jeff Mount ; Andrew Jones ; Pouya Vahmani 8:45am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
B31A. Advances in Uncertainty Assessment and Reduction for Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Diagnosis and Prediction I
Wednesday, December 12 Oral B31A-03. Designing observation networks using Earth System Models to reduce uncertainty in regional carbon fluxes Daniel Ricciuto ; Khachik Sargsyan ; Dan Lu ; Cosmin Safta 8:45am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150B
Wednesday, December 12 Oral B31A-06. Quantifying the Impact of Heterotrophic Respiration on Variability in the Global Carbon Dioxide Growth Rate. Samantha Basile ; William R Wieder ; Melannie Diane Hartman ; Gretchen Keppel-Aleks 9:30am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150B
B31B. Monitoring Forest Structure, Productivity, and Change at the Intersection of Forest Modeling, Remote Sensing, and Field Measurements I
Wednesday, December 12 Oral B31B-04. Demographic Modeling and Landsat Sensitivity to Forest Recovery Following Tropical Clear-Cuts and Boreal Heat-Driven Forest Mortality Events Jennifer Holm ; Robinson I Negron Juarez ; Ryan Knox ; Charles Koven ; Rosie Fisher ; William Riley ; Boris Faybishenko ; Jeffrey Q Chambers 8:45am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 147B
GC32C. Regional to Local Energy–Water Dynamics in a Changing and Uncertain Future I
Wednesday, December 12 Oral, Invited GC32C-01. Understanding critical cross-sectoral interactions under evolving natural and human system environments Ian Kraucunas 10:20am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon B
A32C. Mesoscale and Severe Convective Storms: Understanding, Model Development, and Evaluation II
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A32C-02. Accurate Reproduction of a Mesoscale Convective System Structure Using WRF with a New Spectral Bin Microphysics Alexander Khain ; Jiwen Fan ; Jeffrey Snyder ; Alexander Ryzhkov 10:35am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150B
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A32C-03. 3-D Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Their Large-Scale Environments East of the Rocky Mountains from 13 Years of Observations Zhe Feng ; L Ruby Leung ; Robert Houze ; Joseph Hardin ; Jingyu Wang ; Fengfei Song ; Cameron R Homeyer 10:50am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150B
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A32C-04. Radar wind profiler investigations into MCSs characteristics Dié WANG ; Scott Giangrande ; Kathleen Schiro ; Michael P Jensen 11:05am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150B
A32F. Weather and Climate Modeling Across Scales: From Global to Convection-Permitting II
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A32F-04. An Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) Framework for Future Weather and Climate Models Christiane Jablonowski ; Jared O Ferguson ; Hans Johansen ; Phil Colella 11:05am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
GC32B. Large Ensemble Climate Model Simulations: Exploring Natural Variability, Climate Change Signal, Extremes, and Compound Events at Various Spatiotemporal Scales I
Wednesday, December 12 Oral GC32B-07. Using the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble to investigate changes in frequency of major precipitation accumulations in a warming climate Jesse Norris ; Gang Chen ; J David Neelin 11:50am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon C
A33K. Improving the Science of Emissions Through Inventories, Observations, and Models III Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster A33K-3303. Global Mineralogy-based Combustion-Iron Emission Inventory Sagar Dilipbhai Rathod ; Tami C Bond ; Natalie Mahowald ; Douglas Stephen Hamilton 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
C33F. Integrating Observations and Models to Better Understand a Changing Arctic System Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster C33F-1644. Software for Ice Sheet Model Validation Using Recently Available and Extensible Datasets Katherine J Evans ; Joseph Kennedy ; Dan Lu ; Mary Michael Forrester ; Stephen Price ; Matthew J Hoffman 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC33J. Large Ensemble Climate Model Simulations: Exploring Natural Variability, Climate Change Signal, Extremes, and Compound Events at Various Spatiotemporal Scales Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster GC33J-1496. Traceability Analysis of Ensemble Modeling Results with A Unified Diagnostic System to Improve Land Carbon Cycle Predictions Yizhao Chen ; Cuijuan Liao ; Yuanyuan Huang ; Xingjie Lu ; Yishuang Liang ; Xiaomeng Huang ; Wei Xue ; Yiqi Luo 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H33K. Integrative Approaches Toward Large-Scale Water and Energy Cycle Investigations Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster H33K-2228. Observation and Modeling of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Their Large-scale Environment L Ruby Leung 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H33N. Modeling Hydrological Processes and Changes Under a Changing Environment III Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster H33N-2281. Seasonal patterns and controls of water composition in an Amazon floodplain lake Xinye Ji ; John Melack ; Shilong Wang ; Lance Lesack ; William Riley ; Chaopeng Shen 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H33S. Recent Advances in Large-Scale, High-Resolution Hydrologic and Flood Modeling for Intensified Extreme Events in a Changing Environment Posters
Wednesday, December 12 Poster H33S-2320. The Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Global Flood Inundation during 1993-2007 Yuna Mao ; Tian Zhou ; L Ruby Leung 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
IN33A. Big Data in the Geosciences: New Approaches to Storage, Sharing, and Analysis I
Wednesday, December 12 Oral IN33A-01. Deep learning on the Sphere: Convolutional Neural Network on Unstructured Mesh Chiyu Max Jiang ; Karthik Kashinath ; Mayur Mudigonda ; Ankur Mahesh ; Travis O'Brien ; Philip S Marcus ; Mr Prabhat 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 209A-C
Wednesday, December 12 Oral, Invited IN33A-04. EarthInsights: Parallel Clustering of Large Earth Science Datasets on the Summit Supercomputer Sarat Sreepathi ; Jitendra Kumar ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Richard T Mills ; Vamsi Sripathi ; William Walter Hargrove 2:25pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 209A-C
Wednesday, December 12 Oral IN33A-05. Synthesizing Earth System Model Behavior: From Petabytes to Kilobytes Peter J Gleckler ; Charles Doutriaux ; Jiwoo Lee ; Paul James Durack 2:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 209A-C
A33B. Bridging the Gap from Climate to Extreme Weather: Theory, Modeling, and Observations II
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A33B-02. How credible are model projections of changes to precipitation extremes? Naomi L Goldenson ; Chad William Thackeray ; Daniel Swain ; Alexander D Hall ; Neil Berg 1:55pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A33B-07. Lessons from the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Christine Shields ; Jonathan Rutz ; Ashley Elizabeth Payne 3:10pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
B33B. Soil Carbon Change and Persistence in the Anthropocene III
Wednesday, December 12 Oral B33B-03. Global carbon-14 observations constrain rates of soil organic matter decomposition in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Paul Alexander Levine ; James Tremper Randerson ; Qing Zhu ; William Riley ; Alison Hoyt ; Zheng Shi ; Steven D Allison ; Forrest M Hoffman 2:10pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 150A
C33A. Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets I
Wednesday, December 12 Oral C33A-03. Modeling Marine Ice Cliff Instability: Higher Resolution Leads to Lower Impact Daniel Martin ; Brent M Minchew ; Stephen Price ; Esmond Ng 2:10pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon H
A33D. High-Resolution Weather and Climate Modeling on Large Supercomputers II
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A33D-04. High-Resolution Modeling using E3SM Peter Martin Caldwell ; Wuyin Lin ; Luke Van Roekel ; Paul Ullrich 2:25pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152A
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A33D-08. Alleviating Low Cloud Problem in Climate and Weather Forecast Models by Adaptive Vertical Grid Enhancement Takanobu Yamaguchi ; Peter Bogenschutz ; Graham Feingold ; Daniel Martin ; Yaosheng Chen ; Peter Schwartz ; Ryuji Yoshida 3:25pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152A
A34D. Bridging the Gap from Climate to Extreme Weather: Theory, Modeling, and Observations III
Wednesday, December 12 Oral, Invited A34D-01. Oceanic and Atmospheric Controls on Tropical Cyclone Activity Christina Patricola ; Ping Chang ; Ramalingam Saravanan 4:00pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
Wednesday, December 12 Oral A34D-03. Empty nesting: Where do you need high resolution to accurately simulate Atlantic hurricane impacts in climate models? Colin Zarzycki 4:30pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152B
B34A. Integrated Understanding of Climate, Carbon, Nutrient Cycles, Human Activities, and Their Interactions in Terrestrial Ecosystems I
Wednesday, December 12 Oral B34A-03. Global phosphorus emission and deposition from wildfires Li Xu ; James T Randerson ; Yang Chen ; Natalie Mahowald ; William Riley ; Qing Zhu ; Katherine Mackey 4:30pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 149AB
A34F. Insights on Clouds, Convection, and Climate Sensitivity from Idealized Modeling Studies II
Wednesday, December 12 Oral, Invited A34F-08. Formation of tropical anvil clouds by slow evaporation Jacob Seeley ; Nadir Jeevanjee ; Wolfgang Langhans ; David Romps 5:45pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 152A

Thursday, December 13

B41I. Integrated Understanding of Climate, Carbon, Nutrient Cycles, Human Activities, and Their Interactions in Terrestrial Ecosystems II Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster B41I-2830. Impact of Changes in Anthropogenic Forcing on the Terrestrial Carbon Budget through the Year 2300 Bharat Sharma ; Forrest M Hoffman ; Jitendra Kumar ; Nathan Collier ; Auroop R Ganguly 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Thursday, December 13 Poster B41I-2834. Data assimilation strategy for E3SM land model carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus cycles Qing Zhu ; William Riley ; Jinyun Tang ; Gautam Bisht ; Xitian Cai ; Lei Zhao 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
B41J. Advances in Uncertainty Assessment and Reduction for Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Diagnosis and Prediction II Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster B41J-2845. Big-data-big-model Fusion to Improve Prediction of Global Soil Carbon Dynamics with Earth System Model Feng Tao ; Yiqi Luo ; Yuanyuan Huang ; Zhenghu Zhou ; Xingjie Lu 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC41G. Urban Areas and Global Change Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster GC41G-1542. Implications of cool roofs for future exposure to heat extremes in California Pouya Vahmani ; Andrew Jones 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H41L. Extreme Rainfall and Flooding: Monitoring, Forecasting, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Consequences III Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster H41L-2250. Global river responses to rising CO2: separating the effects of physiological and radiative changes on streamflow and flooding Megan Devlan Fowler ; Mike S Pritchard ; Gabriel Kooperman ; James Tremper Randerson 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
IN41D. Big Data in the Geosciences: New Approaches to Storage, Sharing, and Analysis II Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster IN41D-0871. Parallel K-means Clustering of Geospatiotemporal Data Sets Using Manycore CPU Architectures Richard T Mills ; Vamsi Sripathi ; Sarat Sreepathi ; Jitendra Kumar ; Forrest M Hoffman ; William Walter Hargrove 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
OS41F. Improvements in Synoptic, Subseasonal to Seasonal, and Decadal Projections Through Next-Generation Ocean Model Developments, Observations, and Coupled Data Assimilation Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster OS41F-2081. Variable-resolution ocean model improves physics at reduced computational cost Kevin L Rosa ; Mark R Petersen ; Luke Van Roekel ; Xylar Asay-Davis ; Divya Jaganathan 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
Thursday, December 13 Poster OS41F-2085. The DOE E3SM coupled model version 1: Ocean Mean State biases and Historical Transient Variability Luke Van Roekel ; Jean-Christophe Golaz ; Mathew Maltrud ; Adrian Turner ; Jonathan Wolfe ; Steven R Brus 8:00am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
GC41C. Interpreting Uncertainty in Climate Models, Observations, and Large Data Sets to Better Inform Scientific Understanding in Geoscience I
Thursday, December 13 Oral, Invited GC41C-02. Parametric sensitivity and uncertainty quantification in the version 1 of E3SM Atmosphere Model based on short Perturbed Parameters Ensemble simulations Yun Qian ; Hui Wan ; Ben Yang ; Jean-Christophe Golaz ; Bryce Harrop ; Zhangshuan Hou ; Vincent Larson ; L Ruby Leung ; Guangxing Lin ; Wuyin Lin ; Po-Lun Ma ; Hsi-Yen Ma ; Phillip Rasch ; Balwinder Singh ; Hailong Wang ; Shaocheng Xie ; Kai Zhang 8:15am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon A
C41A. Advances in Subglacial, Englacial, and Supraglacial Hydrology I
Thursday, December 13 Oral C41A-06. Impact of evolving subglacial hydrology on marine ice sheet dynamics Matthew J Hoffman ; Benjamin H Hills 9:15am; Walter E Washington Convention Center Salon H
A42D. The Dynamics of the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation in Present and Future Climates: Jet Streams, Storm Tracks, Stationary Waves, and Monsoons II
Thursday, December 13 Oral A42D-02. Nonlinearity of the ITCZ response to climate perturbations revealed by q-flux Green's function experiments Jian Lu ; Bryce Harrop ; Fukai Liu ; Oluwayemi Garuba ; Yi Huang ; L Ruby Leung 10:35am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 144A-C
Thursday, December 13 Oral A42D-06. Seasonally dependent responses of tropical rainfall and subtropical highs to global warming Fengfei Song ; L Ruby Leung ; Jian Lu ; Lu Dong 11:35am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 144A-C
H42H. Statistical Characterization and Probabilistic Modeling of Precipitation Variability and Extremes Across Multiple Scales I
Thursday, December 13 Oral H42H-07. Understanding the Spatial Organization of Precipitation Extremes Ariel Mazor ; Nasser Najibi ; Naresh Devineni 11:50am; Walter E Washington Convention Center 145B
A43O. Local Processes and Global Impact of the Indo-Pacific Maritime Continent II Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster A43O-3348. The disruption of MJO propagation across the Maritime Continent Samson M Hagos ; Casey D. Burleyson ; Chidong Zhang 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A43Q. Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability I Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster A43Q-3380. Using a statistical tropical cyclone genesis model for assessing differences in climate scenarios and geographic basins Arturo Fernandez ; Karthik Kashinath ; Jon McAuliffe ; Christina Patricola ; Mr Prabhat ; Philip B Stark ; Michael Wehner 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
B43G. Coastal Wetland Carbon: Recent Advances in Measurements, Modeling, and Syntheses III Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster B43G-2937. Considering Coasts: Adapting Terrestrial Models to Characterize Coastal Habitats Teri O'Meara ; Patrick Megonigal ; Peter Thornton 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
C43E. Advances in Observing and Modeling Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf Surface Mass Balance: Past, Present, and Future Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster C43E-1830. Regional Grid Refinement in an Earth System Model: Impacts on the Simulated Greenland Surface Mass Balance Leo van Kampenhout ; Jan Lenaerts ; Alan Rhoades ; Colin Zarzycki ; Adam R Herrington ; Bill Sacks ; Michiel van den Broeke 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H43D. Diagnostics, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Analysis of Earth and Environmental Models Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster H43D-2411. Exploiting Model Structure for Global Sensitivity Analysis in E3SM Land Model Cosmin Safta ; Khachik Sargsyan ; Daniel Ricciuto ; John Jakeman ; Alex Gorodetsky 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
H43H. Statistical Characterization and Probabilistic Modeling of Precipitation Variability and Extremes Across Multiple Scales II Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster H43H-2557. Assessment of Observational Uncertainties and Model Performance in Mean and Extreme Precipitation Characteristics Abishekh Kumar Srivastava ; Richard Grotjahn ; Paul Ullrich 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
OS43B. Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts and Flooding I
Thursday, December 13 Oral, Invited OS43B-01. Reexamining Linkages Between United States East Coast Sea-level and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Christopher M Little ; Aixue Hu ; Chris W Hughes ; Gerard D McCarthy ; Chistopher G Piecuch ; Rui M Ponte ; Matthew David Thomas 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center 102AB
OS43F. Biogeochemical Cycling in Estuaries, Coastal Waters, and Their Watersheds: Natural Variability, Response to Land Use and Climate Change, and Management Implications V Posters
Thursday, December 13 Poster OS43F-2145. Chlorophyll and Nutrient Dynamics In San Francisco Bay: A Model Study Zhengui Wang ; Fei Chai ; Richard C Dugdale ; Yinglong J Zhang ; Yi Chao 1:40pm; Walter E Washington Convention Center Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
A43G. Quantifying and Reducing the Uncertainties in the Global and Regional Aerosol Forcing of Climate I
Thursday, December 13 Oral A43G-07. Using Native Error Diagnostics to Identify Sources of Aerosol Radiative Forcing Error in GCMs and Understand Their Implications Daniel Feldman ;