Title | Contact | Institution | Date | |
Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Production in a Changing Climate | MSD | Ying Zhang (ying.zhang@pnnl.gov); Stephanie Waldhoff (stephanie.waldhoff@pnnl.gov) | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) - Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI) | |
New Universal Model for Multi-Scale Hydrologic Flow Routing | MSD | Chang Liao | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | |
Measuring the Impacts of Arctic Change on Transportation Systems | MSD | Stephanie Waldhoff | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | |
Quantifying the Importance of Cryosuction in Permafrost-Rich Soils | ESMD RGMA MSD | Ethan Coon | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | |
Changing Interests in Arctic Oil and Gas Development | MSD | Olivia Lee | University of Alaska Fairbanks |