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Project: A Framework for Improving Analysis and Modeling of Earth System and Intersectoral Dynamics at Regional Scales (HyperFACETS)
Title Contact Institution Date
An Overview of the Western United States Dynamically Downscaled Dataset (WUS-D3) ESMD RGMA Stefan Rahimi University of California Los Angeles
Recurving Eastern Pacific hurricanes reduce Southwest U.S. Wildfires ESMD RGMA Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The June 2012 North American Derecho: A Testbed for Regional and Cloud-System Resolving Models ESMD RGMA Paul A. Ullrich University of California - Davis
Reviewing Urban Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather ESMD RGMA MSD L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
A Review of SWAT Applications, Performance and Future Needs for Simulation of Hydro-Climatic Extremes ESMD Philip W. Gassman Iowa State University
PDO Remotely Forced by Atlantic Ocean ESMD RGMA Simon Wang Utah State University (USU)
Analysis of Alternative Climate Datasets and Evapotranspiration Methods for the Upper Mississippi River Basin Using SWAT Within HAWQS ESMD Philip W. Gassman Iowa State University
MJO Phases Precede Extreme California Heat Waves ESMD RGMA Richard Grotjahn University of California Davis (UC Davis)
Assessing Mountains as Natural Reservoirs with a Multi‐Metric Framework ESMD RGMA Andrew D. Jones Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Contiguous US Summer Maximum Temperature and Heat Stress Trends in CRU and NOAA Climate Division Data Plus Comparisons to Reanalyses ESMD RGMA MSD Richard Grotjahn University of California Davis (UC Davis)
Exploring a Variable-Resolution Approach for Simulating Regional Climate in the Rocky Mountain Region Using the VR-CESM ESMD RGMA MSD Xiaohong Liu University of Wyoming
The Changing Character of Twenty-First-Century Precipitation over the Western United States in the Variable-Resolution CESM ESMD RGMA MSD Paul Ullrich University of California

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