Title | Contact | Institution | Date | |
The Changing Character of Twenty-First-Century Precipitation over the Western United States in the Variable-Resolution CESM | ESMD RGMA MSD | Paul Ullrich | University of California | |
Seasonal Timing of Floods in the Eastern U.S. Has Become More Variable Since 1980 | RGMA MSD | L. Ruby Leung | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) | |
Understanding the Sensitivity of the Mean State of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) to Horizontal Resolution | RGMA MSD | Kevin A. Reed | Stony Brook University | |
California's Extreme Swing in Extreme Climate Events | RGMA MSD | Simon Wang | Utah State University (USU) | |
Arctic Tropospheric Warming Events are Increasing, With Impacts to Extreme Weather Events | RGMA MSD | Simon Wang | Utah State University (USU) |