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Title Contact Institution Date
A Global Data Analysis for Representing Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Yield in Earth System Models ESMD Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Precipitation Variability Increases in a Warmer Climate RGMA Angeline Pendergrass National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Asylum Applications to the European Union Respond to Weather Fluctuations in the Origin Country MSD Wolfram Schlenker Columbia University
How Will a Warming Climate Influence Global Energy Demand? MSD Ian Sue Wing Boston University
A New Way to Uncover Aerosol Radiative Forcing Errors RGMA Daniel Feldman Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Modeling the Contributions of Global Air Temperature, Synoptic-Scale Phenomena and Soil Moisture to Near-Surface Static Energy Variability Using Artificial Neural Networks RGMA MSD S.C. Pryor Cornell University
Cloud Characteristics, Thermodynamic Controls and Radiative Impacts During the Observations and Modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon2014/5) Experiment Scott E. Giangrande Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
Future Loss of Arctic Sea-Ice Cover Could Drive a Substantial Decrease in California’s Rainfall ESMD RGMA Ivana Cvijanovic Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Do Southern Ocean Cloud Feedbacks Matter for 21st-Century Warming? RGMA Angeline Pendergrass National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Prognostic Plant Traits ESMD Ethan Butler University of Minnesota
Will High-Resolution Global Ocean Models Benefit Coupled Predictions on Short-Range to Climate Timescales? RGMA Julie L McClean Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
Future Hydropower Generation and Consequences for Global Electricity Supply MSD Mohamad Hejazi Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Observed Positive Vegetation-Rainfall Feedbacks in the Sahel Dominated by a Moisture Recycling Mechanism RGMA Michael Notaro University of Wisconsin Madison
Assessing the Resolution Adaptability of the Zhang-McFarlane Cumulus Parameterization with Spatial and Temporal Averaging Yuxing Yun Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
A Global Food Demand Model for the Assessment of Complex Human-Earth Systems MSD James A. Edmonds Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Modeling Stochastic Phenology in Earth System Models ESMD RGMA Devin Goodsman Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Methanogenesis in Oxygenated Soils is Important for Wetland Methane Emissions: Implications for Earth System Models RGMA William J. Riley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Performance Analysis of Fully Explicit and Fully Implicit Solvers Within A Spectral Element Shallow-Water Atmosphere Model ESMD Katherine Evans Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) Runge-Kutta Methods for Non-Hydrostatic Atmospheric Models ESMD RGMA David J. Gardner Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
FAT or FiTT: Are Anvil Clouds or the Tropopause Temperature-Invariant? David Romps Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Using Central Pressure Deficit to Predict Hurricane Damage RGMA MSD Kevin A. Reed Stony Brook University
Changes in Tropical Cyclones Under Stabilized 1.5oC and 2.0oC Global Warming Scenarios as Simulated by the Community Atmospheric Model under the HAPPI Protocols RGMA William D. Collins Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Effects of Local Water Extraction and Reservoir Regulation on Drought in the United States MSD L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
When Bias Correction Goes Wrong RGMA MSD Daniel Walton University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Advancing a Model-Validated Statistical Method for Decomposing the Key Oceanic Drivers of Regional Climate: Focus on Northern and Tropical African Climate Variability RGMA Michael Notaro University of Wisconsin Madison
Decadal Variability of the Indian and Pacific Walker Cells Since the 1960s: Do They Co-vary on Decadal Timescale? RGMA Aixue Hu National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Evaluating Penalized Logistic Regression Models to Predict Heat-Related, Environmentally Induced Electric Grid Stress? MSD Ian Kraucunas Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Exploring a Variable-Resolution Approach for Simulating Regional Climate in the Rocky Mountain Region Using the VR-CESM ESMD RGMA MSD Xiaohong Liu University of Wyoming
Quantifying the Indirect Impacts of Climate on Agriculture: An Inter-Method Comparison MSD John Weyant Stanford University
New Dams Could Offset Future Flood Risk along Key River Corridor in South Asia RGMA L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

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