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Title Contact Institution Date
Understanding the Cascade: Removing GCM Biases Improves Dynamically Downscaled Climate Projections RGMA Stefan Rahimi University of California - Los Angeles
Object-Oriented Analysis Yields Compounding Short-Term Drought and Crop Heat-Stress Events RGMA MSD William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University
More Accurate Aerosol Emission Needed for High-Resolution Earth system models ESMD Po-Lun Ma Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Navigating Uncertainty in Climate Futures: Using New Matilda R Package to Explore Uncertainty in Climate Projections MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
What Drives Uncertainty Surrounding Riverine Flood Risks? MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden The Pennsylvania State University
Slab Ocean Model Shows Benefits Assessing Ocean Temperature Changes RGMA Hailong Wang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Multisector Scenarios of the Future of Human Well-Being MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Climate Change Will Increase Coastal Tropical Cyclone Intensification Rates Globally RGMA Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Innovative Water Leasing to Combat Western U.S. Drought Challenges MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
High-Resolution Land Surface Dataset Provides Earth System Modeling Details RGMA L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Cloud as Stumbling Block for the Propagation of the Southern Annular Mode RGMA Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Surface and Atmospheric Heating Responses to Spectrally Resolved Albedo of Frozen and Liquid Water Surfaces ESMD Juan P. Tolento University of California Irvine
Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on CMIP6 Decadal Predictions: A Multi-Model Analysis RGMA Stephen Yeager National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Python Framework Simplifies Drought Vulnerability Modeling in Colorado MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Implementing Cloud Radiative Effect Denial Experiments into E3SM RGMA Ruby Leung Contractor to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Simulating Coastal Wetland Processes in the E3SM Land Model ESMD Benjamin Sulman Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Groundwater Use May Peak Globally Over the 21st Century MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
New Tool Synthesizing Global Agroeconomic Data for Multisector Agricultural Economic Modeling MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Peat Soils and Snow Schemes Mutually Impact Permafrost Simulations RGMA Jing Tao Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Contributions from Cloud Regime Changes to the Observed Cloud Feedback RGMA Mark Zelinka Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Improving Extreme Precipitation Predictions Through Convection-Permitting Downscaling RGMA MSD Yoshimitsu Chikamoto ( Utah State University - Department of Plants, Soils and Climate
Atmospheric Rivers Increase Winter Heat Extremes in the High Arctic RGMA Hailong Wang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Climate Change May Triple the Intensity of Extreme Precipitation from Mesoscale Storms RGMA MSD Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Advancing Climate Predictions With Novel Land Data Assimilation System RGMA L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
'Miracle' Drought-Busters Becoming Rarer in a Warming Colorado River Basin RGMA Simon Wang Utah State University
Modes of Variability in E3SM and CESM Large Ensembles RGMA John Fasullo National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
The Influence of Climate Variability and Future Climate Change on Atlantic Hurricane Season Length RGMA Christina M. Patricola Iowa State University
Definitive Evidence that Atmospheric Rivers East of the Rockies are the Same as their West Coast Counterparts RGMA Travis A. O'Brien Indiana University
Persistent Urban Heat: Understanding Temperature Anomalies in Cities MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
From Fires out West to Hailstorms in the Central US: Unraveling the Link with Machine Learning RGMA Jiwen Fan Argonne National Laboratory

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