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Title Contact Institution Date
As monsoons Begin, Researchers Warn of Increased Dangers RGMA Simon Wang Utah State University (USU)
Analytical Framework and Machine Learning Techniques Used to Quantify and Predict Seasonal Variation in African Fire ESMD RGMA Jiafu Mao Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
PDO Remotely Forced by Atlantic Ocean ESMD RGMA Simon Wang Utah State University (USU)
Projected Changes in the Terrestrial and Oceanic Regulators of Climate Variability Across Sub-Saharan Africa RGMA Michael Notaro University of Wisconsin Madison
Decadal Predictability of North Atlantic Blocking and the NAO RGMA Young-Oh Kwon Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Separating Natural From Externally-Forced Contributions to Observed Cloud Cover Trends RGMA Mark Zelinka Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Analysis of Alternative Climate Datasets and Evapotranspiration Methods for the Upper Mississippi River Basin Using SWAT Within HAWQS ESMD Philip W. Gassman Iowa State University
Context for Interpreting Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity and Transient Climate Response from the CMIP6 Earth System Models RGMA Gerald Meehl National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Intraseasonal, Seasonal, and Interannual Characteristics of Regional Monsoon Simulations in CESM2 RGMA Gerald Meehl National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Substantial Increase in the Joint Occurrence and Human Exposure of Heatwave and High‐PM Hazards Over South Asia in the Mid‐21st Century RGMA Gerald Meehl National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Better Accuracy for Simulations of Noisy Phenomena Hui Wan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Wintertime Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation and Their Impacts on the Northern Hemisphere Climate in E3SM ESMD Doo Young Lee Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Come Hell or High-Water: Challenges for Adapting Pacific Northwest Water Law MSD John Weyant Stanford University
Rapid Viscoelastic Deformation Slows Marine Ice Sheet Instability at Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica Daniel Martin Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Hadley Circulation Changes Depend on Surface Temperature Anomaly Patterns RGMA Mark Zelinka Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
CMIP6 Models Predict Significant 21st Century Decline of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation RGMA Wilbert Weijer Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
A Demonstration That Linear Two-Pool Models are Insufficient to Infer Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Carbon Decomposition From Incubation Respiration Time Series Data RGMA William J. Riley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Revisiting Recent U.S. Heat Waves in a Warmer and More Humid Climate RGMA Flavio Lehner National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Confronting Arctic Troposphere, Clouds, and Surface Energy Budget Representations in Regional Climate Models with Observations RGMA Mark Seefeldt University of Colorado - Boulder
Principal Component Analysis for Extremes and Application to US Precipitation RGMA William D. Collins Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Seasonal Representation of Extreme Precipitation Indices Over the United States in CMIP6 Present-Day Simulations RGMA Akintomide Afolayan Akinsanola University of Georgia
The Lack of QBO‐MJO Connection in CMIP6 Models RGMA Jadwiga Richter National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Regional MJO Modulation of Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclones Driven by Multiple Transient Controls RGMA Mike Pritchard University of California Irvine (UC Irvine)
Does Aerosol Fuel or Extinguish a Super Cyclone? RGMA Simon Wang Utah State University (USU)
Forced Patterns of Sea Level Rise in the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble from 1920 to 2100 RGMA John Fasullo National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Selecting Climate Forcing to Compare Ice Sheet Models RGMA Alice Barthel Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Documenting CMIP6 Models and Simulations RGMA Paul J. Durack Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Environmental Factors Impact Large Hail Annual Variability Across the U.S. Southern Great Plains RGMA Jiwen Fan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Initial Land Use/Cover Distribution Substantially Affects Global Carbon and Local Temperature Projections in the Integrated Earth System Model ESMD Alan Di Vittorio Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
The Modulation of Gulf Stream Influence on the Troposphere by the Eddy-Driven Jet RGMA Young-Oh Kwon Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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