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Title Contact Institution Date
Comparing 16 Years of Cloud Fraction and Cloud Albedo from Surface-Based Shortwave Radiation Measurements ESMD Yu Xie
Parameterization of Basal Friction Near Grounding Lines in a One-Dimensional Ice Sheet Model ESMD
Bubble Chemistry at the Ocean-Atmosphere Boundary ESMD Scott M Elliott Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Marine Macromolecules: Planetary Scale 2D Chemistry ESMD RGMA Scott Elliott Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Impact of Large-Scale Climate Extremes on Biospheric Carbon Fluxes ESMD Jakob Zscheischler
Impurities in Snow and its Radiative Forcing over the Arctic and Northern China ESMD Yun Qian
Plugging Water's Effects in an Earth System Model ESMD Guoyong Leng Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Global Aerosol Microphysics Models Put to the Test ESMD G W Mann
Assessing the CAM5 Physics Suite in the WRF-Chem Model ESMD
Probable Causes of the Abnormal Ridge Accompanying the 2013-14 California Drought: ENSO Precursor and Anthropogenic Warming Footprint ESMD
Profiling Clouds' Inner Life: Subgrid modeling pinpoints cloud transformation to uncover true reflective power ESMD Heng Xiao
Scalability of Grid- and Subbasin-Based Land Surface Modeling Frameworks for Hydrologic Simulations ESMD RGMA Teklu K Tesfa
Researchers Find Common Ground for Water and Land Process Modeling ESMD RGMA MSD T K Tesfa Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Intercomparison of the Cloud Water Phase among Global Climate Models ESMD Muge Komurcu University of Wyoming
Mighty Monsoon Reacts to Deserts' Whims ESMD V Vinoj
Feedbacks Between Subglacial Drainage and Glacier Dynamics ESMD Matthew Hoffman Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
September 2007 Sea Ice Minimum Used as a Case Study Considering the Importance of Surface Forcing for Sea Ice Models ESMD RGMA Wei Li Pennsylvania State University
Volcanic contribution to decadal changes in tropospheric temperature ESMD RGMA Benjamin Santer Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in ESMs ESMD RGMA Forrest M. Hoffman Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Links Between Flood Frequency and Annual Water Balance Behaviors: A Basis for Similarity and Regionalization ESMD RGMA
Effect of Uncertainty in the Surface Mass Balance-Elevation Feedback on Projections of the Future Sea Level Rise from the Greenland Ice Sheet ESMD
Investigation of Aerosol Indirect Effects Using a Cumulus Microphysics Parameterization in a Regional Climate Model ESMD RGMA
Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance variability increases under anthropogenic climate change. ESMD RGMA Jeremy G Fyke Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
New implicit solver allows natural radiocarbon to be used as a tracer to assess deep circulation biases in the ocean component of CESM ESMD Ann Bardin University of California Irvine (UC Irvine)
Stochastic Newton MCMC for an Inverse Ice Sheet Model Problem ESMD Noemi Petra University of Texas at Austin
Evaluating Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice in CCSM ESMD RGMA Benjamin A Blazey Universität Bremen
Adding Varoom to a Community Land Model: New study finds accurate parameters rev up water and energy flux modeling ESMD Y Sun Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
North Atlantic Warming and the Retreat of Greenland’s Outlet Glaciers ESMD
Natural and Human Influences on Changing Zonal-Mean Precipitation ESMD Celine Bonfils
A Sensitivity Study of Radiative Fluxes at the Top of Atmosphere to Cloud-Microphysics and Aerosol Parameters in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 ESMD RGMA

Showing 421 - 450 of 495