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Title Contact Institution Date
Global Drivers of Local Water Stresses and Global Responses to Local Water Policies in the United States MSD John Weyant Stanford University
Arctic Ice-Ocean Interactions in an 8-to-2 Kilometer Resolution Global Model RGMA Julie McClean Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Sensitivity of the Pseudo-Global Warming Method Under Flood Conditions: A Case Study from the Northeastern U.S. ESMD RGMA Paul Ullrich University of California Davis (UC Davis)
A Multiyear Tropical Pacific Cooling Response to Recent Australian Wildfires in CESM2 RGMA John Fasullo National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Human Fingerprints in the Sky RGMA Stephen Po-Chedley Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Emulating Interactions Between Atmospheric Particles and Light with Machine Learning ESMD Po-Lun Ma Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
ENSO-Induced Teleconnection: Process-Oriented Diagnostics to Assess Rossby Wave Sources and Ambient Flow Properties in Climate Models RGMA Richard Neale National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Applying a Mathematical Diagnostic Tool to Detect Numerical Pathologies in Atmospheric Physics Parameterizations ESMD Hui Wan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Exploring Hydrologic Predictions and Uncertainty with CLM5 across the United States MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Emulation of Sub-Ice Shelf Melt Forcing Using High-Fidelity E3SM Simulations ESMD Stephen F. Price Los Alamos National Laboratory
Population Aging and Heat Exposure in the 21st Century: Which U.S. Regions Are at Greatest Risk and Why? MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Penn State University
Winter Windstorms in Pseudo-Global Warming Experiments RGMA MSD Sara C Pryor Cornell University
Captured QBO‐MJO Connection in a Subseasonal Prediction System RGMA Jadwiga Richter National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
What Controls the Fate of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide? MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Synoptic Drivers of Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation Near Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica RGMA Christine Shields National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Volcanic Forcing Degrades Multiyear-to-Decadal Prediction Skill in the Tropical Pacific RGMA Stephen Yeager National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Advancing Research on Compound Weather and Climate Events via Large Ensemble Model Simulations RGMA Flavio Lehner National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Navigating the Future of Global Water Use: A High-Resolution Analysis MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The Relationship Between African Easterly Waves and Tropical Cyclones in Historical and Future Climates in the HighResMIP-PRIMAVERA Simulations RGMA Emily Bercos-Hickey Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Heightened U.S. Coastal Hurricane Risk Under Global Warming RGMA MSD L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Improving Drought and Flooding Predictions from Land Surface Models MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Understanding AMOC Stability: The North Atlantic Hosing Model Intercomparison Project RGMA Aixue Hu National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Delta Shoreline Metrics Link Form to Process RGMA Joel Rowland Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Subseasonal Representation and Predictability of North American Weather Regimes RGMA Maria J. Molina University of Maryland - College Park
Climate Drivers for Summertime Air Quality Issues in the Intermountain West MSD Yoshimitsu Chikamoto Utah State University
Acclimation of Phytoplankton Fe:C Ratios Dampens the Biogeochemical Response to Varying Atmospheric Deposition of Soluble Iron ESMD Jefferson Keith Moore University of California Irvine (UC Irvine)
Faster Self-Attraction and Loading for Variable Resolution Ocean Models ESMD Darren Engwirda Argonne National Laboratory
The June 2012 North American Derecho: A Testbed for Regional and Cloud-System Resolving Models ESMD RGMA Paul A. Ullrich University of California - Davis
Regime-Oriented Causal Model Evaluation of Atlantic–Pacific Teleconnections in CMIP6 RGMA Gerald Meehl National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Non-Parametric Projections of National Income Distribution Consistent with the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Showing 361 - 390 of 2143